What's on your ET:QW wishlist?

(Sick Boy) #61

This, unfortunately :)[/quote]
OMG a new officially released screenshot ! :eek3:

Looking good boys, bumpmapped and everything ! :moo:

(eRRoLfLyNN) #62

Exactly my type! :stuck_out_tongue:

(evilsock) #63

Hmmm, sexeh… :slight_smile:

(carnage) #64

maybe you should read it again yourself

:bored: beaten…

(pistol) #65

I just want a few maps WITHOUT vehicles!!!

(BR1GAND) #66

Things I would like to see….
A central Commander, like in Natural Selection ( Half Life mod) That the rest of the team can rely on to move players to way-points, provide Intelligence data via satellite, order ammo or evac drop/liftoff sites

Here, here! I’ve been calling for that for several years now… http://www.splashdamage.com/index.php?name=pnPHPbb2&file=viewtopic&p=94756#94756

(Mattyx) #67

I’m surprised no one’s made the relation to PlanetSide yet.

This sounds exactly like PlanetSide: DM lol, if the screeny is wot ur gonna see ingame then it’ll be like modern day PS, not an MMOG (although that might be cool), and bigger dropships lol.

(Striker D) #68

All I want is for this game to come out on xbox 360 & support up to 50 players.

Hey PC guys, you better make this game do well so splash damage & activision will be motivated to make it for xbox 360!

(Sick Boy) #69

A very cool feature-not-to-have is the sound the character makes when he jumps, that usually goes something like “huh” or “humpf”
You know, that disturbing sound you hear about 1 time per second on average when playing Quake 3.
We KNOW we pressed the jump key, we SEE our character jump, there REALLY is no need for an auditive reminder.

Thank you for your kind concern :moo:

(Salteh) #70

humpf humpf humpf humpf, humpf humpf

(Redqueen) #71

Everything that is featured in battlefield 2 and more.

(.Chris.) #72

well i thought that as vehicles are going to be used i think they should used primarily for getting ground troops beyond certain obsticles like tanks in ET do now, they could be used by only one class and used to blow open gates and barriers that can be repaired, but there weapons dont have such an impact if used on troops. Alos this class could also fly air craft that can drop airstikes if called for by an other class similar to ET’s f’ops but only at the point this other class calls for it, everywhere else he cant drop the airstrike, so if you want to call for air support youve got to rely on team mates rather than invisible planes in the sky as we do now. An artillery system could be set up like this also. I think that would be good as it doesnt give all these power weapons i see in the trailers too much freedom.

(Lemming) #73

I just want a decent game with a Linux client, then I’ll be happy :slight_smile:

(ouroboro) #74

Neener neener neener! :stuck_out_tongue:

(kkk) #75

yea ! strafejump and all trickjump for me

(Wils) #76


(Etnies) #77

haha n1 ouroboro

(evilsock) #78

Dunno if it’s too late for this suggestion, or even if it’s possible.

It would be really quite cool if it were possible to take a photo image of your face and have it used on your model character in ET:QW (obviously the GDF would look more or less ‘normal’, but perhaps if a player is on the other side the game engine could ‘stroggify’ the image?

Just an idea.

(criminal) #79

I don’t know if they would ever do something like this but i’m sure someone can throw together a cool flash script that could stroggify any image…sortof like those hairdoo programs that change your hair…that would be a sweet freakin program…

(evilsock) #80

I was sort of thinking along the lines of the thing bani had with ET where ET Pro would allow you to store a clan logo and have it hover above your lagometer.

I’m thinking you could have a file location where you would save a properly formatted image that ET:QW would check for first on loading. If the image is there and in the correct format then it replaces the default face skin, if not then the program uses the default.

I’m just trying to imagine what it would be like to play on a server full of David Hasselhoffs :open_mouth: