Two things on my ET:QW wish list;
Dynamic realtime lighting (like day gradually shifts through to night time ala Zelda OoT)
Destructable landscapes.
There’s more but I guess other people will want their say.
What’s on your ET:QW wishlist?
Two things on my ET:QW wish list;
Dynamic realtime lighting (like day gradually shifts through to night time ala Zelda OoT)
Destructable landscapes.
There’s more but I guess other people will want their say.
What’s on your ET:QW wishlist?
I want radiant to be like version 1.4 so its easy to map
and also want that lighting thing
Destructable landscapes would take a whole lot of power. A requisite for me to play this game is no “weapons of mass destruction”; that is, no rockets or grenades which can kill more than one opponent at one time. I’m tired of games being “noob-friendly”.
no long trips from the sapwn points to where the action is to die then have to make the trip again a la fueldump
Then you’re in luck cause ET:QW is already here for you. It’s called Doom3 DM and you can find it sucking ass at a server near you.
see above
Why are you people so scared of big maps with vehicles anyway.
I mean UT2K4 or BF1942 are prolly the best MP games I’ve ever played precisely
because of those features(well …after ET of course). Sounds like a case of cyber-agoraphobia to me.
dogs with saddles will also do.
As for me, I just wish they put in a sexy female Strogg covop who will try to steal my uniform by promising me some of that sweet sweet Strogg lovin. mmmm…
The XP system (or whatever it’ll be called in ET:QW) to have a simple ON/OFF switch for Pub/Comp mode. No messing, no arguments, just on or off, simple, and for SD to put as much effort into balancing the game with XP off as I’m sure they will with XP on.
Some form of stopwatch like gameplay. This will be even more important given that the humans and strogg will have different weapons etc.
Editor as a source available module like gamecode, instead of hardwired in the engine.
Good hit detection and netcode :moo:
Hitboxes that hug the character animations.
Cov ops who can pick locks, or hack into game objective ‘databases’ (reyalP has stolen the secret codes! mortis has scrammed the reactor!)
More dual objective maps
Med packs provide less healing to medics than for other classes
The ability to create / use / build radar jamming devices that scramble the command map
Inability to use high energy weapons in ionized environments (near a reactor, or an electrical substation, etc.) and a volume brush to delineate the ionized areas.
A tank armed with electromagnetic pulse weapons (EMP) to take down forcefields, or an EMPanzer or the like, that fries the enemy’s laser pistols and electronic communications in the blast radius for 60 seconds.
A team ‘robot’ that is deployable as an AI teammate.
I’m sure I could think of more…
something on similar theme, i read about the “persistent military promotions and medals.” Are these going to be actually giving the player some kind of persistent advantage (like a skill upgrade), or are they just some kind of token symbol?
The latter mgiht be interesting if servers can set rank requirements - e.g. min rank for those “skilled player only” servers, or set maximum rank for servers designed to be newbie friendly, give them a chance to experience and learn the game. I’d hope it to be an uncommon thing though, like maybe used on 20% of servers (half pr0 half newbie) and the other 80% be open to anyone.
Yeah,how dare they,allowing people who haven’t played the game before playing the game?What are they thinking? :???:
Weapons are available to all so it’s down to how they’re used that makes a difference in the end. Heavy weapons used intelligently makes strategya bigger element of gameplay imo.
The single biggest change to RtCW:ET gameplay prior to ROF has to have cooencided with the release of a mortar ‘How to’ (which has been viewed over 9000 times btw), it’s made a BIG difference to gameplay.
The Mortar has gone from being virtually unheard of, to a standard addition on almost any public server I play on. When a good strategy of Mortar and Arty fire are concentrated near your spawn it can have a devastating effect on the respawn cycle. I accept it tbh and understand it as a consequence of ignorance. Sniping is probably the biggest irritant and yet if there’s a good sniper on my team I won’t complain. Ah well.
I really like the idea of an enhanced role for Cov Ops is brilliant fwiw - I still think there are elements of Dues Ex that could really make a difference with that class.
Doesn’t it seem that there are two quite distinct types of RtCW:ET player? The pubbers and the clanners? Seems there are two predominant mods that cater for them, anyway.
My additional suggestion would be to have the gameplay of ET:QW take this into account by default (although it seemed to me anyway that vanilla ETmain had alot of the more enduring aspects of Shrubbed RtCW servers ‘embedded’).
Less scope for meddling on the cvar front would probably be good as well although I haven’t played Doom3 so I really don’t know if the new engine permits it.
Any news on that public beta demo? :nag:
fast action paced gameplay, bunny hopping, or trickjumps, some indoor maps with small outdoors, low ping good fps and …
and all other famous quake weapons, from shotgun over minigun to rocketlauncher, plasma, bfg … wtf, just put all in except the nailguns from quake1, those wont work in a large landsacape … and plz have the shotgun in there and some small passages to shoot a full shell into ur enemies head
You know in ‘House of the Dead 2’ there are multiple paths through the city towards your eventual date with the Magician, the path you take is dictated through your success or failure in the game. Maybe in ET:QW, the success or failure of a previous map might dictate the map sequence - that would be cool. If the Strogg team won a map, the next map would give them a natural tactical advantage
This has been suggested before (for WET, search for “scripted campaign”). But I hope that SD will implement some kind of real command map (like Close Combat 4 or 5) where you can choose (resp. vote for) the next map depending on the progress so far.