What Were Your Dirty Bomb Misconceptions?

(Tanker_Ray) #41

Now you are making me depressed. :frowning:

(Faraleth) #42

I thought loadouts were randomly generated when they were made… As opposed to the 9 pre-sets. Almost made me quit, but I held out and we were given a shop add-on that allowed you to buy any of the 9 available loadouts for any merc in bronze. It was at this moment I realised that there was only 9 - and now I don’t have to rely on RNG! :smiley:

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #43

old thread bump!
(this used to be mine, but I can’t login to my old account)

(boerhae) #44

When I first heard about the game, I thought it’d be a really serious post-apocalyptic game, but it’s more humorous than that. There was a trailer or something that I saw (not the scrub one) that looked pretty serious, but nah, this game is funny.


Stack repairing/planting not working probably took me a while to realize. That and my very first impression of the game was that it was going to be another awful Brink.

(Press E) #46

When I first joined, I thought aura actually had an infinite amount of med stations. Whenever my cooldown was up, I’d put down another one in a new spot and run away. I just assumed enemies kept destroying my old one.

Fortunately, I realized I was wrong after only a few matches, but definitely not my proudest moment, lol

(K1X455) #47

Nice necro.

In 2015… it was bearably fair
In 2016… it was seemingly fair
In 2017… you’ll delusional if you think it’s fair
In 2018…

(Esaka) #48

I thought it was a game about bombing dirty places. What I get was a hammy shooter with people yelling on top of their lungs for medical care that apparently doesn’t exist.

(FalC_16) #49

Although spent years with cs 1.6 i had the feeling that there is no difference between running speed with my primary versus knife.

(NK.NewNightmare) #50

I don’t know, whether anybody has already said that before, 'cause I didn’t read everything - but my biggest misconception with DB was: I’d say it was how revives work, because I always thought, that the amount of time you hold the defbrillator, hasn’t any other function or impact then just reviving the player, although I didn’t know that - the longer you hold the def. - the more health you give a player at revive.

(FalC_16) #51

@“NK.NewNightmare” said:
I don’t know, whether anybody has already said that before, 'cause I didn’t read everything - but my biggest misconception with DB was: I’d say it was how revives work, because I always thought, that the amount of time you hold the defbrillator, hasn’t any other function or impact then just reviving the player, although I didn’t know that - the longer you hold the def. - the more health you give a player at revive.

Agree many games like battlefield also did not have the charge defib mechanic back then. I think they first introducef that with BF4

(Begin2018) #52

I thought that Ranked was a competitive mode.

(Artyrim) #53

I though Skyhammer’s airstrike had random directions … until lvl 56 -_-’

(Nail) #54

I thought people would be smarter

(Dysfnal) #55

I thought Phantom would be good

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #56

@“Dys[fn]al” said:
I thought Phantom would be good

A different time, my friend, a different time…

(Your worst knifemare.) #57

For the longest time i thought Turtle was a nickname for Thunder

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #58

@Lord_Coctus said:
For the longest time i thought Turtle was a nickname for Thunder

Guess we have to call him like Tortoise or something now

(Nail) #59

more like Blunder

(Your worst knifemare.) #60

I thought Proxy would be cool.