What Were Your Dirty Bomb Misconceptions?

(sound217) #61

I thought Sawbonez big medpack would heal you instantly, so I bought him thinking I was gonna dominate this game… :’(

(Wulie) #62

I thought Firesupport and Assault- Mercs would be better in Firefights than Medics and Engineers…

(GatoCommodore) #63

@Wulie said:
I thought Firesupport and Assault- Mercs would be better in Firefights than Medics and Engineers…

people with the skill to track enemies would be better in firefights in general

this is DB, where medics can dominate over assault and engineers able to out maneuver an assault with machinegun

(AlbinMatt) #64

I once thought that the inaccuracy and recoil in this game was punishing. Turns out I just don’t know how to aim.

Almost a year later, still don’t.

(Meerkats) #65

I thought Dirty Bomb would be a focused FPS experience emphasizing skill-based gunplay catered toward veteran players developed by a team inspired by a singular vision of greatness. I thought Dirty Bomb would have a strong identity, not influenced by memes and bullshit.

Then we got Phantom and Thunder. Turtle is one of the worst things to ever happen to this game, far worse than Javelin, and next we’re getting some Hanzo memetard piece of shit. While I like Guardian, I still think she’s out of place, and represents a dangerous shift toward MOBA mechanics.

I also thought by 2017, Dirty Bomb would be thriving, with a strong competitive scene and more… capable… playerbase.

Do it Splash Damage. Release Ganju. Your Hanju is going to be lonely without his cybernetic ninja brother. Then release a battle royale mode.

RIP FPS 199x - 2016. We had a good run. Oh, and fuck Overwatch and fuck Player Unknown.

(GatoCommodore) #66

@Meerkats said:
I thought Dirty Bomb would be a focused FPS experience catered toward veteran players emphasizing gunplay developed by a team inspired by a singular vision of greatness. I thought Dirty Bomb would have a strong identity, not influenced by memes and shinies.

Then we got Phantom and Thunder. Turtle is one of the worst things to ever happen to this game, far worse than Javelin, and next we’re getting some Hanzo memetard piece of @$!#. While I like Guardian, I still think she’s out of place, and represents a dangerous shift toward MOBA mechanics.

I also thought by 2017, Dirty Bomb would be thriving, with a strong competitive scene and more… capable… playerbase.

RIP FPS 199x - 2016. We had a good run. Oh, and @$!# Overwatch and Player Unknown.

fuck blizzard and battle royale games in general
their crappy toxic player base leaking to many other games and infecting them with their defeatist ideology

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #67

If I had a dollar for everytime someone said that the game seemed good but is actually complete garbage, I’d have enough money for a meal at Olive Garden (shit’s expensive).

(BrunoPuntzJones) #68

Because of its military theme, I thought it’d be another pos CoD/CS style game. It was a great revelation to find out it’s much closer to TF2.

But I do still feel like DB gets flak from both sides. People from Overwatch/TF2 mindsets may be turned off by the mercs and the “realistic” guns. Folks who like milsims or CoD may be turned off by the skill jumps, the team/objective based gameplay

(Xenithos) #69

I thought because it was by brink there was gonna be grappling and much more fun mid-air combat. Boy was I wrong.

(Your worst knifemare.) #70

I didn’t think I would hear Kawaii 90 times a match.

(Xenithos) #71

@Lord_Coctus said:
I didn’t think I would hear Kawaii 90 times a match.
I didn’t think Turtle would be that useful.

(Rokon2) #72

I thought that this game would have balance. Boy was I wrong.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #73

I thought I created this thread to share funny misconceptions, not rant about the game because it’s not the perfect little nugget of purity in the shooter genre.
But hey, I guess having a character with a bow and arrow means the game is turning into Overwatch.

(GatoCommodore) #74

@MuddyGrenade said:
I thought I created this thread to share funny misconceptions, not rant about the game because it’s not the perfect little nugget of purity in the shooter genre.
But hey, I guess having a character with a bow and arrow means the game is turning into Overwatch.

(Xenithos) #75

@GatoCommodore said:

@MuddyGrenade said:
I thought I created this thread to share funny misconceptions, not rant about the game because it’s not the perfect little nugget of purity in the shooter genre.
But hey, I guess having a character with a bow and arrow means the game is turning into Overwatch.

Just a few more spam flags and you’ll never want one again!

(Rokon2) #76

@MuddyGrenade said:
I thought I created this thread to share funny misconceptions, not rant about the game because it’s not the perfect little nugget of purity in the shooter genre.
But hey, I guess having a character with a bow and arrow means the game is turning into Overwatch.

That is a funny misconception.

(Your worst knifemare.) #77

I thought Sparps could only revive 1 teammate at a time. Glad I was wrong.

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #78

@Lord_Coctus said:
I thought Proxy would be cool.

I think you meant that she’d be the equivalent to the Engineer in TF2, in that she’s an overused abomination in pubs to the point that her mere presence is annoying.

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #79

@Lord_Coctus said:
I didn’t think I would hear Kawaii 90 times a match.

You thought wrong. Continues to spam v57 on Kira incessantly

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #80

@MuddyGrenade said:
I thought I created this thread to share funny misconceptions, not rant about the game because it’s not the perfect little nugget of purity in the shooter genre.
But hey, I guess having a character with a bow and arrow means the game is turning into Overwatch.

Oh boy… seems you forgot how quickly things get derailed here. Come let me show you the horrors of the Doge trinket and the DB Meme Post (It’s a wonderful but horrifying place).