What SD game would you want to see next?

(macbeth) #141

W:ET remake
10000 % :d

(dazman76) #142

I went for ET:QW 2, but it’s closely followed by Tapir Wars 1: War of the Tapirs.

(Oko) #143

the vote speaks for itself …

when was the relase date again for the true RtCW follower ? :smiley: :wink:

(Ecano) #144

ETQW2, no doubt.

But is not needed to invent nothing new, forget about freedom to choose thousands of cloths combinations, just focus in get it working 100% since the launch day, hit boxes included. You will have a big sucess.:cool:

(deems) #145

SD should spend 6 months and produce a sequel to… NETREK


Despite being over 20 years old, it is the one game that competes with ET and ETQW for being best team-based game ever.

Ugly graphics and awkward controls, but it gives you complete control. So much could be (re-)learned from this classic.

Don’t knock it until you’ve given it 2 hours of gameplay with 6 or more people per side.

Steep learning curve and strategic gameplay…WINNING!

(Rex) #146

Hard decision between ET and ETQW. Both are great games and I like them very much. But I voted for ETQW, because I started with esport there and I have played ETQW since its birth. :slight_smile:

(-iWi-) #147

definitely-absolutely; - ETQW 2 ; more futuristic - more apocalyptic ! ( in a short way-blending Crysis 2 , GofW3 with SD art’s touch;… why not to start, where Ravensoftware’s finished with Q4 ;… go for a massive multiplayer online game with deeper story, don’t serve us just "bad cooked cheese burger " ala "Boom,… Boom …b o o o o o m " and let’s sleep.
Reborn Matthew Kane and Makron = search for a real story ;even on line - PUSH THE QUAKE WARS more FAR WAY. Wake up - there’s lot’s of possibility - The Quake idea deserve to expend !!! :wink:

(Patriotqube) #148

Look at the current games SD is having forums for here

Brink --> Dead in the Water
ETQW --> Abandoned and almost dead
W:ET --> Falling Apart right now, looks like its beeing abandoned also
RTCW --> Abandoned and pressumed dead

So what should a new game bring us?, well if SD looked into the past, they would see lots of players loved WET and ETQW and they are still massively using this forum just for those games.

So thats what we want, We want a true PC Game with the movements and shooting possibilities we had in those games, we dont want another consoletransportedtopc game again like Brink, ad the SMART movements from brink to a mix of WET and ETQW and make sure it can be modified in any way as we could/can with WET and you will have a winner

Use a WW2 theme and vsays, and give us a linux server, and il have that game running for years to come on our servers.

(BR1GAND) #149

ETQW2. Taking the fight to Stroggos

Asymmetric teams - Yes
Quake style movement system - Yes
Vehicles - Yes
Deployables - Yes
SDK release - Yes
Linux client - Yes

Things to add
Single player game (rich story-line)
More game modes (tourney 1v1, TDM, & LMS)
Dynamic Campaign mode (as promised in ETQW 1):wink:

Make it free to LAN (requires 1 retail version to host).
Retail version required to play online and single player game.
Support the pub and mod community and allow for a vibrant non-ranked pub server base.

Create a pay for play online service for the hardcore and competition player. This could include: Clan rankings, premium individual stats and rankings. Exclusive content like special skins and models, pre-release access. High quality ETTV coverage and league support. Official Lan-based competitions. (not just at QCON) etc, etc…

(brbrbr) #150

ETQW sequel/upscale on new engine[not legacy c weakness, no [persistently exploitable]netprediction, no free pron] would be nice. p.s. “upscale” in many meanings/dimensions, like gameplay diversity, maps variety, types and classes of gaming sessions/campaigns/seasons.
generally global war would b nice part of it, like in Planetside, WiC, C&C3:KW and GA.

(sanDIOkan) #151

etqw, et, rtcw are id’s brands… so i guess u will never see a sequel , at least not from sd (for our luck)

(DarkangelUK) #152

sanDIOkan, go into your public profile and look at all the last posts you’ve made… all useless derogatory twaddle. Why are you here if you’re clearly unhappy?

(iwound) #153

WW2 multiplayer with xp and call it what you like.

(Runeforce) #154

Yes, damned be the free porn! :slight_smile:

I voted ETQW. In terms of gameplay and sci-fi theme.

(shirosae) #155

Voted: ETQW 2

What I really mean: ETQWpro ethos on an engine that sucks less, with an SDK from the very start and a less silly pure system. Make that core game work first. When that’s done, add whatever high concept silliness you like as long as it doesn’t interfere with that core game.

You know, I was thinking about this the other day, and I realised something (which might have been obvious to everyone other than me). All the games I love have an arseload of youtube videos showing the cool stuff people have been doing. That is, you have videos in which you can tell that the player is ludicrously skilled.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy1ZrerPE4M

Even more so, I’ve realised that these kinds of videos are the primary method by which new games gain hold in my mind.

I’m starting to wonder if trying to create an awesome game for the player to experience is actually thinking about the problem backwards, because it attempts to foist awesomeness on the player. Rather, it might be better to recognise that your players are awesome, and give them a playground in which their awesomeness is obvious, or in which they too can become awesome.

In those videos, the thing on display is the player, not the game. I’m thinking that the attractive thing about these high skill ceiling games is that the awesomeness on display is most certainly the result of the players. The game acts as a conduit of awesome, rather than a generator of it.

I think that’s what felt so wrong about Brink? It was all OMG YOU ARE TEH AWESOME when all I was doing was autosmart HOLD X TO TEAMWORK stuff, so when it rewarded me with for doing it it felt patronising rather than satisfying.


(light_sh4v0r) #156

Yes, that gets a +1 from me.

(Indloon) #157

According to the information going here on by SD,personally I don’t see ET series coming by SplashDamage,tough its up to Zenimax to decide if there will be ET series coming and by who.

Next game will probably be at Unreal Engine 3 and I hope the single-player will be,not multi-player,because Unreal Engine 3 is weak at connection side.

(Example: Danger Close used Frostbite 1.5 for multi-player of MoH and Unreal Engine 3 for single-player of MoH)

Probably the next game will be setted at some kind future/fantasy atmospheric. See the example of pictures for Art recruiting job and probably of next game by SD.

What I see is BRINK 2.

(MoonOnAStick) #158

Is that a giant toilet? Looks good to me, like something out of Jet Set Willy :tongue:

Wasn’t the multi-player component of MedalOfHonor made by DICE, with the single-player done by EA? Two different engines sounds incredibly wasteful if there’s only one studio involved (although I honestly have no idea how much effort is involved in transferring assets between engines).

(Shownie) #159

I would like to see a new Wolf:ET.
Not a sequel, just a new game which has it roots in Wolf:ET.

Highlights of the game should be:

[li]Class Based (wolf:et style)
[/li][li]Second World War theme (late phase 1945 and forward)
[/li][li]Subteams (Allies > Rangers, Airborne, Marines. Axis > SS (don’t know by hand all the different) etc)
[/li][li]More Weapons
[/li][li]New Game Types (TDM and FFA, keep Objective, Campaign, Last man and Stopwatch)
[/li][li]No Iron-sight
[/li][li]No Drivable Vehicles
[/li][li]Brink Style Textures
[/li][li]SDK (we love mods)
[/li][li]Balanced Engine (not to overpower, but still nice to the eyes)

Just some thoughts :slight_smile:

(Dormamu) #160
  • the first picture is a concept for a 20,000 triangle ‘dock’ environment section - i remember it from 2008 :smiley:
  • as for the second one, i’m quoting Laurens Corijn here: “Keep in mind the concept is so vague and undefined to force people to show how they creatively fill the gaps and come up with their own interesting interpretations…”
    If i had to bet on their next game i would rather put my money on Doom4 MP :smiley: