What SD game would you want to see next?

(Nail) #161

I want to play Fuel Dump, Oasis and Goldrush with Brink’s characters on my Nokia X7

(edxot) #162

i voted for etqw. but if you choose w:et, more people will play because it demands less hardware.

ranked servers are good thing. to force people to play (instead of spectating) and to force servers to provide same game everywhere (if all people start to play diferent versions from start it wont be so funny). and also force slot number for each map (remember how it was to play goldrush with 64 slots or more ? :s)

suggestion1: try to split the rank (global) in rank per map/side(i.e. many ranks).

suggestion2: use some change in engine to make bot developers life suck. i dont care if people have to download code from somewhere everymonth. but make a game free of cheaters (as much as possible).

suggestion3: dont change anything else. game has still a lot to give. i can only talk from my own experience. i played the game lots of times and i still dont have experience in playing with engineer, field ops or cover ops yet.

(DarkangelUK) #163

A remake suggests it would be an updated version done on an up to date engine.

(.Chris.) #164


There are better alternatives than ranked servers that achieve exactly the same thing.

(Humate) #165

If theres stats involved, and there probably will be - you would think they go the ranked route.

(rookie1) #166

sure old remake one should be fun …but I think one new game new concept new fun to play would be more Welcome
SD Suprise me :slight_smile:

also : I think Dev shouldnt look in bringing passed games but look in New different games
Fps, fast action, not to complicated to learn,Team play involment,simple interface,SP,Coop available,New maps addition once a while ,Good master server(was a pain with Brink).
Lots of vehicules
May be a Franchise that would have a Story like Mass effect Had.
Can you find an environement that would be fun to watch and to participate that its not a carbon copy of others in the Market?
Im a sci-fi guy not a cowboy guy and wouldnt liked again a WW2 Themes game …
C&C Renegade Multiplayer is like no other games …would be a model for me if I had to do a new Pc game

(Pytox) #167

W:ET maps in future ( brink style :smiley: )

(SockDog) #168

Sure it’s been done before but WWII projected into the 80’s. Starring MJ Fox! Classic!

(Oko) #169

Re-Return to Castle Wolfenstein :wink: …still :tongue:
Wolf-MP-Community likes to see a worthier follower after the MP-fail back in 09.
Singleplayer is good though…

(edxot) #170

how about taking etqw and removing those horrible base mgs, and strogg equivalent ? because they kill poor spawnkillers, thats not fun.

(Humate) #171

You dont need to be in their base to spawn kill. :wink:


I choose Brink 2.

(Setlec) #173

just make a new et:qw with all fixes for etqw and please don’t incorporate nothing from brink the game wasn’t good as was w:et or ETQW smart botton of your made the game boring imo.

Though i would like to see it running with idtech 4 and a linux client would be nice!

(coldcookie) #174

Definetly ETQW 2! With all the changes Apples already mentioned. And, of course, new maps and bug/glitch fixes. And PB Support! :smiley:

(Mustang) #175

Voted for BRINK 2 because I didn’t really dig the necessity of vehicles in ETQW close quarters infantry is more my thing, although unbalanced sides was nice (e.g. supply crate vs stroyent), WW2 has been boring for a while and think parkour in FPS is great so needs to be explored some more.

(Gir) #176

Buy the Timesplitters franchise and make Timesplitters 4

(BrightIs) #177

wolf:et remake pls or similar

(Gir) #178

I don’t want SD to make Wolf ET 2, because it will never be the same as the original, and there is already community efforts on making it happen.

Splash damage should re-use Wolf ET Mechanics but with a different non-serious Universe

Here is a quick concept.

Tapirs Vs Penguins

Penguins and Tapirs are natural enemies, and Penguins are trying to take over the world, and its up to the Tapirs to stop them.

Two Teams Tapirs and Penguins

Class Based e.g. Tapir Engineer, Tapir Medic, Tapir Field Op e.c.t

6 Unique maps, Easy tools so make new maps

Simple Rank System, XP System, e.g. Level 1 Engineer, Level 1 Shotgun

Customization Characters

Rocket Jumping

Ragdoll physic and Gibs

True Single Player

(Dormamu) #179

Tapirs+Penguins = LOVE!!! :smiley:

(Pytox) #180

There should be a 3rd team with ponies :smiley: