What happened to our post counts?

(Herandar) #61

The worst is when you get the announcement that you met your 24 hour rep limit! You dirty dirty repper.

(light_sh4v0r) #62

As I understand it:
1 infraction active at this time. Maximum allowed is 2. You’ve had a total of 3 infractions in your history on this board.
Infractions ‘degrade’ with time, they run out after a month or so.

(murka) #63

Does rep from new users really give 0 points? I was just looking at my dash, noticed some ratings, but all with 0 points :frowning:

(kamikazee) #64

I don’t know if it works like that. The vBulletin manual on User Rating doesn’t mention it.

It all depends on how it got configured though.

(murka) #65

Yea, i thought it had some postcount/activity factor, but starting off with 0 points to give is weird.

(Nail) #66

I got a bunch of white stars, new members give zero points

(trigg3r) #67

well, that’s maybe to prevent ppl from creating multiple accounts just to rep themselves

(Bullveyr) #68

Hopefully you got more from me.

(kamikazee) #69

[QUOTE=Nail;316164]I got a bunch of white stars, new members give zero points[/QUOTE]That’s a pitty, as that means I didn’t actually hand out any rep points. Or is there a difference between “some rep points” and “no rep points”?

Oh well, at least some posts got approved.

(Dthy) #70

I don’t remember giving murka rep in the first place!

(eiM) #71

my reputation does not represent my awesomeness, this is just wrong :slight_smile:

(stealth6) #72

It represents your ACTUAL awesomeness, not your self-portrait awesomeness :stuck_out_tongue:

(DarkangelUK) #73

Nice to know :wink:

(stealth6) #74

hehe, ye I thought about that after I posted, but I though… “meh” :tongue:

(Pegazus) #75

7 Secrets of Being Popular

(tokamak) #76

Those are the 7 secrets to being a Mormon.

(shagileo) #77

DAUK is the chuck norris of these forums;
He doesn’t post on these boards, we write to him

(Apples) #78

Dang I have all except for the “Think of Others more than you think of your self” part, oh scheisse! Mean that I dont have the others neither! aaaaargh

(tokamak) #79

I have none of those seven properties and I am proud of it.

(Herandar) #80

You are proud that you are a humorless, self-centered greedy egotist who shamelessly self-promotes and yet pretends to not be any of the above in order to be popular?

Wow, your issues are deeper than I realized.