I take it you didn’t actually read that list and rather jumped at the opportunity to vent your frustration so thinly veiled behind all the passive aggression.
What happened to our post counts?
Be glad. My life has turned into an unreversable nightmare because of that list. Mainly because of the second secret.
It basically means you have to be a spineless whimp that doesn’t stand for anything let alone yourself. And sure enough, people like that kind of person, those serves are incredibly useful.
On the contrary, I was actively looking at the list while responding. I’m not sure we are reading the same list, though. And I’m not sure what you think I am frustrated or aggressive about. I am responding only to your posted statement. And please don’t read too much into the last sentence. I didn’t post a smiley, but I’m not taking it seriously.
Anyway, recap:
You are proud that you are a humorless (6. Humour), self-centered (2. Think of Others more than you think of your self.) greedy (4. Have a big Heart. Okay, this one wasn’t talking specifically about money…) egotist (5. Reduce Your Ego.) who shamelessly self-promotes (7. Follow Your ideals quietly.) and yet pretends to not be (3. Be Your self.) any of the above in order to be popular (1. Don’t Try to Be Popular.)?
So, Tok, please tell me how I wasn’t reading the list, when I specifically and explicitly referenced 6 of the 7 rules. Pretty please?
You’re applying (rather poor) opposites, lack of something doesn’t mean the opposite of something even Sesame-street could teach you that.
geez, if it’s taken you this long to figure out Tok is a pompous ass, maybe a Sesame Street refresher course is in order
What’s outside of an internet forum?
Too much Sesame Street, not enough Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.