What do you want to see in the next game?

(tokamak) #121

The option to have the entire map, score tab and limbo menu displayed on a second monitor.

(MoonOnAStick) #122

[QUOTE=tokamak;407106]The option to have the entire map, score tab and limbo menu displayed on a second monitor.[/QUOTE]Is there a significant performance penalty for rendering at a higher resolution?

Honestly, I expect more people have a tablet than a second monitor anyway. Host a local web server and access it through any device with a browser.
Or a more elaborate android/ios app, maybe integrate a mumble client with the map info. Is a tablet/phone comms+overview app something that Warchest are looking to do?

(.Chris.) #123

Port it to WiiU! Then you have touch options available and lower latency. Could make a possible commander role more interesting.

(tokamak) #124

I doubt that. We’re talking gamers here.

Oh and I don’t have a second monitor, I just think it would be a cool gimmick to gain more exposure with.

(YouAreGood) #125

[QUOTE=Patriotqube;406982]I <3 to read all the ideas :slight_smile:

Mine is pretty simple tbh

Wrap W:ET in a new and improved GFX Version.

Make sure We still have all the adminpower as we have now. make so the Community can make maps, mods or whatever they chooses as it is now.

Make it autoupdate if updates comes around.

No frigging DLC’s with maps, its ok with a few weapons or other gadgets but dont include maps.

DONT do a statssite like was done with ET:QW and BRINK, the W:ET style works perfect. no need for global stats

Thats my prefered Game - crossing my fingers here

keep it simple and if it aint broke dont fix it[/QUOTE]

ET feeling would be nice.

Easy customization = excellent idea.

I’ll add here this: high quality code, i mean both functionality that makes you feel that you payed for the game, not for some sort of “rather a game than alpha stage engine presentation”; and the bugs… prefere less bugs than in ET or ETQW.

Stats site: Agree, not needed at all, nor are the “ranks” or whatever similar pointlessness. This sort of things are neccessary when you want game like battlefield to stay fun for a while, as it is rather a poor simulator than a good game.

Keep it simple - agreed. But only in terms of controlling the game, and absolutely not in terms of its capabilities. I wish the new game to deliver astonishing freedom to the players. Freedom of tactics. Freedom on operational level. And maybe ever strategic, being able to choose what is the final goal on a given map. To the choosen goal you can pick tactical decisions of your own at each stage, and make things different than yesterday, so there’s no need for the routine, especially when the situation is a factor in determining which decisions are better than others, to some extent of course.

Thats it.

Have a good day!

(montheponies) #126

Things I’d like;

  1. Core gameplay being simple yet skilled- limit weapons of mass destruction
  2. Multiple game modes - attract dm and tdm players to obj hopefully
  3. Core game being team objective - designed with 6v6 comp in mind, but allowing for larger pub fests
  4. Support mods / custom maps -look at how relic managed this with Coh taking the best community stuff and putting into the standard build.
  5. Harden the game against cheats -feck knows how…

Stress keeping things simple and skilful. Make the latter clear, by giving good visual feedback.

(Dragonji) #127

One thing I do not want to see in SD’s next game: PunkBuster. Damn, it’s time to look for a real anticheat protection!

(BioSnark) #128

Like what? What’s a good anticheat program on Unreal Engine 3?

(Dragonji) #129

Even no AC protection is better than PunkBuster aka MD5 Scanner.

(acQu) #130
  • Character customization from Brink
  • ET classbased gameplay
  • many things from Borderlands 2 :stuck_out_tongue:

(tokamak) #131

I can’t say I would welcome Brink’s character customisation again. The lack of identifiable silhouettes necessitated having more interface graphics pointing out the classes to us. I think a shooter needs to rely on as little UI markers as possible. Ideally all information should be extracted from the 3D environment.

ETQW worked much better because all classes, even the GDF ones were recognisable.

I think that if you want customisation then it should be class-related. I’ll gladly take less options if that means we a limited selection to customise the look of our character for each class. That we get some customisation without losing the value of model recognition.

(BioSnark) #132

Give them identifiable headgear and the rest doesn’t matter. That’s how GDF worked.

Not as far as I’m concerned, no.

(.Chris.) #133

The rest does matter though. In Brink sometimes I’d hesitate when I saw someone that appeared red, was it the enemy indicating aura or was it their choice of clothing? In intense situations you can’t sit back and analyse everything, you end up getting dying a lot more, so after a while it was a case of shoot first ask later, plenty of tks and/or team damage ensued. This is bad.

Perhaps if they are so adamant on customisation it should be just be the faces and skin colour and a limited selection of alternative uniforms for each class that all have the same silhouette but different styles that fit that team.

(tokamak) #134

That aura was terrible anyway. Really cheap, one big console artefact. Indicators are for team mates and targets need to be free of anything.

Perhaps if they are so adamant on customisation it should be just be the faces and skin colour and a limited selection of alternative uniforms for each class that all have the same silhouette but different styles that fit that team.

That. Even the silhouettes may vary as long as the theme running through them is recognisable.

And if you´re ever going to play around with hues and stuff, then limit those to classes as well. The bright medic and dark covert ops were easily recognisable. The red technician and black aggressor and bright orange constructor same thing.

(Senethro) #135

Funnily enough I would often misidentify Technicians and Infiltrators with lacerators, but I could pick disguised players out of a crowd due to their wrong footsteps or lack of them combined with directional sound.

(tokamak) #136

Fair enough those two are the most similar models. Technicians could do with a large jug of stroyent on their back or something.

(tokamak) #137

(YouAreGood) #138

[QUOTE=BioSnark;407177]Give them identifiable headgear and the rest doesn’t matter. That’s how GDF worked.

Not as far as I’m concerned, no.[/QUOTE]

I think having ability to make player-model look strange is not that important to move the primary need of class and team recognition into the shadow.

And about PunkBuster… sad true is, it does not detect cheats very well… I remember when I wrote my first aimbot ever, with no protection/hiding against PB at all. It was titled “aimbot.exe”, it utilized the most common way of intercepting/hooking the windows input loop, as well as with other tasks it used well known microsoft libraries… Needless to say it worked fine along with punkBuster processes… What this piece of nothing does, is checking the ancient MD5’s… and kicking people for no-cheat related reasons in a form of mistake… You can also get it inactive, but I don’t know how to do that, anyway sometimes it just happen, that you’re on pb-“protected” server yet your PB is turned off… Of course no config-checking will happen in that situation, so you can use all the cheat-considered cvar values as well. The config checking shall be done in-game, as well as some mechanism that would require player to have no other software turned on at the game time(but white-listed, like Teamspeak, fraps…). It would make much more than PB does, even though it is still not very effective way… Still absolutely(par excellence) better, as non-detected will not be checked with pb model as well.

(BioSnark) #139

As far a cheating are concerned, UE3 is a very popular engine and the game is free-to-play. There will be lots of hacks and the utility of a ban will be limited. Better, however, to have some sort of anticheat software than simply walk away from that field.

The goal would not be for players to look strange but for the free-to-play model to have another commodity on which to function.

(H0RSE) #140

I’d like to see their new game follow a “less is more” approach. The game doesn’t need 100 maps and 1000 weapons, if the content it ships with is done well. Look at RTCW and W:ET - not a lot of maps, not a lot of weapons, but what it had, was done well.

I would like to see a class system that provides versatility and options to the player, but isn’t overwhelming. Brink sort of had the right approach, where classes are capable of doing lots of things, but you had to pick and choose. have the options there, but keep things streamlined - and remove unlocks! All weapons and class abilities should be available to everyone from the start. If you have to have unlockables, make them cosmetic.

I’d like to see a game that has character customization. I love these sort of things in games, and since such a feature doesn’t interfere with game balance, I don’t see why it couldn’t be incorporated. That being said, I wouldn’t want to see half-assed customization options, that look as though they were added just for the sake to add them.

I’d like to see a game that doesn’t play as though it was designed by and for the competitive community. I’m all for allowing a game to be competitive and become a regular in leagues, but not everyone plays to compete, and a game should acknowledge this. Game options, gamemodes, mods, etc. can all achieve that “hardcore competitiveness” that some of you crave, but what I don’t want to see, is a game that force feeds it down players throats.

I would like to see a game that continues to focus solely on class-based objective gameplay. Don’t give in to players demanding other modes, like Deathmatch and CTF. There are 1001 other games that offer those modes - go play them.

I am a stickler for symmetry, whether it be interior decorating or game design. That being said, I’d like to see a game that avoids asymmetrical classes. Classes should operate the same way on both teams.

I’d like to see a game that sticks with the same damage mechanics SD has been following. Don’t create a game where 3 shots anywhere on the body kills you, and a single headshot with any gun = death. Keep things skill-based, and allow for firefights to actually be interesting (or even occur in the first place) And also, remove any and all melee attacks! If it is a must, then limit them only to class-based skills (like backstab) You shouldn’t be bringing a knife to a gunfight.