i agree with the surgestion that having a player solely in command of a battle is realy quite a bad idea. in ETQW it has been mentioned that they were actuly playing with the idea of having a comander for each team but in reality with the basicaly infinite tatics and method to reach the goal in a map the comanders method and actuly player method on the ground are going to vary a lot and then i would expect that realy a majority of players would simply ignore commanders instructions if he were able to issue commands like attack/defend etc. from my experience in bf2 pub play the actuly chain of command is very rarely folowed
kicking a commader out is a bit of a poor substitute if he has already wated all your hard eared credits while the other team as built up a massive base and is bombarding you with choppers and tanks before your bearly of the ground. and often a lot of players just dont even look/care out the votes and even when the players wanting to play the tean rather than themselves can get rid of the commander because of the other players ignorance
imo a more stable and balanced system would be to get everyone involved in construction process by spliting the responsability and changing the building process for the importance of the structure and there number etc. for example
at the map start rather the comader chose a location for a base there could be an overlay map and have say 10-15 locations for a base (or fewer depending on map sizes) and players chose a location. the location with the most votes is the base starting location. if two lcations have the same number of votes then a re vote with only thoes two locations are avaidable for the other players to them make a decing vote (and other thing to to break ties etc etc)
when the primary base structure is in place the strutures can be split into two catagories team structures and player structures. like in C&C the structures are based on a tree spaning from the primary base structure where building this structure allows the construction of this structure.
from the primary struture there could be two paths of base structure where players could say chose to build a baracks or war factory (hyperthitical). the players in the team then vote on what path is taken since sertain paths with be more benefical to sertain maps ala C&C. the computer can be in chanrge of placing the strureture near the priamry base structure and could even be pre determained from the level designer to ensure that the maps remain focused from a FPS point of view and bases dont simple become too spead out
player then have there private build options for placing smaler structures like turrets/bunkers posibly power stations, radar stations to scan for enemies, AA turets etc some that would requre a sertain base structure to be built first to allow for the progresive base advancment in C&C
to limit the base building a money aspect like the C&C system could be implemted on a per place basis where a player is rewarded for sertain things like kills, team asists and damaging enemy units or defending there own, generaly being a good player thus linking the FPS aspects with rewards for the RTS aspets that in turn aid in better FPS situations for the player (having extra weapons/vehicales etc). places can them spend there money on there private structures, to fund the base structures players can be taxed persentage of there private funds to go the the team fund that pays for the base structures. so better teams will advance there bases more quickly
this idea i have basicaly tries to add a more advanced RTS elemts to a mod that would still stay true rather then split the game into two seperate parts and esentaily be playing two games at once that may not neseserily colabore together as well as planed and result in more random events and less fun/focused gameplay for ither the commander or player POV. i can see the idea of a commander becoming just a little bit more advanced commander then bf2 but i belive this implemtaton is more of an original idea or implemtation
would like some opinions and feedback as i expect you have flaw and pitfalls and doubt that i would like to discus since i think it would be useful to anyone considering a mod in a similar style