Vehicle Concerns

(|M|) #1

Taken from a clan board on the subject…was wondering if anyone elsed shared these sentiments:

You know i was thinking about this game (as usual) and i started to get worried when I tried to imagine how the vehicles are going to work.

If you’ve played the battlefield series you’ll know that they do provide a way to control vehicles with mouse and keyboard BUT that to truly OWN with the flying vehicles you need a flight joystick. So what ends up happening is some lucky little kid has a big desk and when he jumps into a helicopter he pulls up his joystick and starts flying…needless to say if you are using the mouse and keyboard you get fucked since you dont get analog throttle or precise turning control -its either ON or OFF with a button press.

Now ET quakewars not only has flying machines but apparently they are making the ground vehicles reward you if you are good at racing games etc.

so does that mean you might have to have a joystick and driving wheel on hand and ready to OWN at this game?

I’d hate to need those things and especially hate that I dont have them (or room for them on my desk) if you do need them

(B0rsuk) #2

Players on foot can move at 5 different speeds. (W:ET)
crawling(prone), crouched, walk, run, sprint.

I suppose the same is possible with flying vehicles, at least I see no technical reasons why it shouldn’t be. It may not be as precise as good joystick, but still.

(kamikazee) #3

The helicopter seems hooverish. If it it resembles the GTA helicopters in that aspect, they should still be pretty controllable.

(McAfee) #4

On BF2 I fly with a PS2-like gamepad. That is for both choppers and planes.
Eventhough I also set the gamepad for water and ground vehicles too,
I drive those with my keyboard.

The gamepad has the advantage that’s is small and takes less space on the desktop.
It has a lot of buttons, and It’s easier to grab and let go to.

These games are not really simulators, so it’s Not like you need a Flight Yoke with pedals, etc.

(RosOne) #5

Some got extremely powerful GPU’s, some got the latest CPU’s and others got a big desk… someone always has an advantage.


(|M|) #6

lol good point.

i was thinking it was more along the lines of wanting to keep the game more of a shooter than an arcade simulator.

(Hakuryu) #7

You know there is nothing stopping you from buying a decent joystick. I’ve had a MS flight stick for like 10 years now that still works and was like $29… you can get a decent saitek one for $20 I think.

I have my flight stick and a PS type controller for Tony Hawk/GTA series games, so I could use PS controller for a vehicle, but I find the arrow keys work better. I use the mouse to look around while I drive so I dont miss something… and using a wheel would not allow me to look around at the same time = wheel being worthless for this type of game.

(Schizma) #8

My only concern for air vehicles is that there will be air dominance like in BF2, which is ridiculous, Nothing can kill jets. If you know how to fly in Bf2 you can easily get 40:1 kill ratio. The Anti-Air doesnt even work.


(SCDS_reyalP) #9

Based on the information so far, ET:QW doesn’t have flyable jets (which really makes sense, given that even a few km isn’t nearly enough space for them). The jets you see in some of the screenshots are just part of the visual effect of an airstrike, not a flyable vehicle.

Also, the ET:QW soldier apparently gets a locking missile. Lack of decent man portable AA is part of what makes BF2 aircraft so overpowered. If the soldier could carry around a stinger/igla, it would be a whole different game even for the jetwhores.

(Rhoades) #10

I believe a dev said that the vehicles were easily controlled with a M and KB. Ill try to find the link.

EDIT: found it. here
I hope that answers your question. btw, the dev is Bongoboy.

(Apocalypse) #11

I think it was said that the vehicles in QW is easily operable by anyone. I guess most of them has auto hover. Kinda like the air vehicles in UT2004, anyone can fly but if you want to be an ace, you gotta really practice.

Which is untrue for BF2. Some (like me) really can’t fly. :frowning: I blame the lack of time and joystick.

(Hakuryu) #12

Aircraft dominance in BF2 is the #1 reason I dont play anymore.

From the videos, it looked like most players just disregarded the flyers, and they did seem to hover alot, making fine targets. Once people turn into aces in them, it might be a different story, but I dont think so from what Ive seen.

(Schizma) #13

Based on the information so far, ET:QW doesn’t have flyable jets (which really makes sense, given that even a few km isn’t nearly enough space for them). The jets you see in some of the screenshots are just part of the visual effect of an airstrike, not a flyable vehicle.

Also, the ET:QW soldier apparently gets a locking missile. Lack of decent man portable AA is part of what makes BF2 aircraft so overpowered. If the soldier could carry around a stinger/igla, it would be a whole different game even for the jetwhores.

Oh yeah, cant the soldier class or whatever choose a Anti-Armor launcher or a Anti-Air launcher? Hurray for no air dominance! Bf2 AA is laughable, when I used to play it, I was locked onto an enemy helicopter just hovering there fighting our helicopter, and when i shot a missile it went halfway to the enemy helo and zipped to the side and nailed my ally in the other helo. I got 2 tk’s and banned from the server, and I was laughing the entire time because of the stupidity.


(Svanire) #14

In bf2 was a good chopper pilot I used to spank people with joysticks all the time. I find the keyboard and mouse easier to pull moves off with and aim.

(carnage) #15

Aircraft dominance in BF2 is the #1 reason I dont play anymore.

jets are invincible but helicopters are very vunerable the main reason that they dont get shot down is because no1 tries using small arms fire against them. a group of 3 - 4 people can bring down a helicopter pretty quickly and the machine guns on jeeps an do it in a few seconds if your accurate. usuualy a helocopter will run when it gets to half health anyway

i mostly play helicopter in bf2 using MK and only have problems when you want to pull off a move that requires a lot of force like a barrel roll. and there is no need for throtle control since the chopers pretty much hover on there own if you level then out

in QW i gess the chopers will be easy to fly with a MK since its SD but perhaps to get the sickest moves you need a stick but like said above there not realy too expensive and you cna stil be a sucesful player when someone else is using the chopper

(taken) #16

The worlds best bf2 heli pilot uses keyboard and mouse. gg. Movie:

(The pilot of team9 and Codeseven (world tournament winner))

(fattakin) #17

Some got extremely powerful GPU’s, some got the latest CPU’s and others got a big desk… someone always has an advantage.

Indeed. Quit whining and buy a Joystick, COmputer Desk, new PC whatever it takes to make you l33t.

(Loffy) #18

Taken, I want to view that film but it requires registrations and I am too lazy. Any mirrors available?
//Loffy “Soon to be 1337 flying in ETQW”

(madness) #19

flying…heh. infantry ftw! ;D

(taken) #20

To download high res version you need to reg.

Low res version here: