UBC = epic fail.

(INF3RN0) #41

Oh well back to the flaming, oh and ocb rocks, they have olive…[/QUOTE]

I swear I have seen that olive in a tree somewhere on sewer (inside joke) :wink:.

(lister-absurd) #42

Your telling them her hiding places. Now when she figures out how to get the armadillo up there that will be something…

Btw plasma mortar on sewer just feels so right, if your in a tree or not…

Thankfully people don’t banish the plasma mortarer for hacking. Not that anyone would ever think sucky me hacks. Oh wait i have been accused but only by retards. Back to drinking, I’m still awake.

(abercrab) #43


I guess I’m surprised at how much this has blown up and my intent here is to try to list some details that may hopefully deflate things some or at least allow both sides to agree to disagree. I have basically three different areas to talk about.

  1. ]UBC[ is an extremely liberal and laid back group(except for when it comes to server admin). There is basically no chance of any of us speaking out against each other or reversing the decisions of others. I don’t think either side here is ever going to agree on the timing of events, whether or not how things were handled were correct, nor the rightness or wrongness of things that were said and their intent. A lot of angry things are being directed at ]UBC[ here, none of which I’m taking to heart or holding a grudge against the author. There is a disagreement with two sides, and people are angry and say things. I would hope others would feel the same way but everyone has to decide for themselves how they are going to deal with things in the long run.

  2. In regards to ‘cheating’ our server is run using Type II / beta error so we run the risk of having false positives. In other words, if you are suspected of a hack, you are guilty until proven innocent. To prove that you are innocent is basically impossible because it seems to me the only way that is possible is to have someone watch you play in person. This is may be unfortunate for those who are truly playing at an extremely high level because your high skill may draw suspicion when playing with the general masses. We have had disagreements with others in the past regarding their skills versus hacks, but I do not feel it is such a regular occurrence that it outweighs the added insurance of keeping hacks off the server. For those truly playing at an exemplary level, there are ways to not be suspicious as discussed next.

  3. Seraph did not receive his final kick/ban because of an accusation of cheating although there was some suspicion. He was already under a ban/review based on previous events, and he was not following other rules/policies of the server that if followed would also have helped him not stick out as being suspicious. The major thing that led to his removal was he was playing as a Rambo, not promoting team play, and creating unbalance. Seraph was playing as a Technician and in the approximate 14 minutes of footage I’ve seen of his play up to when he was asked to leave, he revived a total of 1 teammate, created 1 spawn host for himself, and deployed no stroyent to anyone but himself. He did not have to play a class and in a style that would allow him to dominate so completely. I know there are those who agree with these policies and those who disagree but that is the way the server was decided to be run and historically these policies have been enforced as such.

One last closing comment is I think we all need to remember that this is just an online shooter game right? Where we all just want to have a good time playing. ]UBC[ has setup a server that allows us to play in a way that ensures a good time for ourselves and those like us.

(lister-absurd) #44

team play vs rambo

Most of the time when i medic/tech i raise guys and spawn host it up and give some stroy out, the stroy/hp giving is the lowest priority with me. BUT sometimes you have been on those teams where I am sorry the majority of your teammates aren’t worth raising(if your a tech) and the best chance of winning is the rambo, usually if they are that bad it doesn’t save the game but it may make it not so lopsided. But god help me i may get banned if i play on ubc ;’} which i wont mind ya so i’m safe but …

I think the majority of the ubc who have spoken have said we think he is a cheater so just stick with that story, anything else just dilutes your message. I have never seen apoc play so i got no input in that but the lets not offend shxt aint gonna fly that boat has sailed.

(Ads913) #45

Accuse,Ban, insult, then high 5s guys…nice!

The same old story hes a hacker but we did this…oops no, hes not a hacker but did that. You should be a politican because you didnt really answer anything but dance around the real issues.

UBC called serphic a hacker.thats clear in the forums,

UBC forums quote …Demos which appear to show you using hax and… we will send the demo we got of you to PB., to get you permanent banned from online gaming, where PB. is active.
You better play a LOT the next comming days (in a few weeks you will only have the momories left.)

Now i could spent all day with this poking holes but ive done with this subject.
You want to back each other up and chest bump and high 5 thats up to you.

You know tonight we had a classic game on the MCE server it turned out be a good game.BTW well done MCE and Queenie\Dave .My guys and Sgs guys wanted to play Against ubc sMcnite (to be honest ) Were he sniped me 4 times on the trot and others aswell(maybe youve got a Rambo there).Anyway MCE picked up on Lemmiewinks being banned a few years ago for hacking on their server.But when i explained he was a pro player( The best in the pro circuit) Dave took my word for it and let him carry on.

It was that easy and what a good campaign it was.

Serp is a well known player thats is why everyone is up in arms.
Hes played for UK national team had earned a great reputaion in eXT00 gaming.
Its obvious you ve got this wrong UBC If its just a online shooter then show some respect and gumption to a player you have completely misfired on.

(zman) #46

Anyway MCE picked up on Lemmiewinks being banned a few years ago for hacking on their server.But when i explained he was a pro player( The best in the pro circuit) Dave took my word for it and let him carry on.

This is the answer to the whole issue if someone is hacking or cheating just ask OCB


(AnthonyDa) #47

So if I cross you on the street someday, I’ll put you in jail for random reasons until you can prove me you’re innocent ? Where are you living, china ?

Also, you (the UBC clan) looks more and more like egotards, maybe it’s just one or two admins of the full clan but still, you seems to have illusion about the cheaters in etqw.
There is a good way to see if a player is cheating or not, and guess what, it’s serverside demo ! (which I’m sure it’s turned ON with your server, right ?) Also you can see the pb_screenshots if someone is using a wallhax for example.
Now I’m starting to think that you are kicking everyplayer better than the average so you can have “pro stats”, and don’t tell me I’m wrong, your guilty until you can prove the opposite :stroggbanana:

(Apoc) #48
  1. It is not something to boast about, to say your clan is so stuborn, and afraid of disagreement to the point that any decision, regardless of if it is right or wrong will not be reviewed

  2. If the process to prove someone innocent is impossibe, then i sudgest reviewing your admining aproach. Maybe it would be wiser to ban, when you have evidence.

  3. See i hate all these rambo rants. My side was winning easily and as you had said had held of the other team for 14 mins easily. All i did was push forward (as anyone with a brain should do, as it takes them further away from obj) yet recieved no backup or help from my team. What im saying is that if there had been players to revive (and i wouldnt have died reviving) then i would have. But no one gave me backup.
    Also the argument that it creates unbalance is completely flawed. Since your 2 points conflict. Firstly you state teamplay is a good thing and the team is stronger/more likely to win if playing as a team. Yet in the game i was in, we were winning, even with my aparent lack of teamplay. All im saying is that by your theory, if a team not playing as a team is winning then maybe it is the admins fault for not shuffling rather than a players for pushing out when it is the logical thing to do.
    P.s re-read your thread the ban was for hacking accusations, i was asked to leave by McNite (not banned) for this aparent “rambo” playstyle, but the ban was from when demos were reviewed.

[quote=zman;216373]This is the answer to the whole issue if someone is hacking or cheating just ask OCB


OCB can comment on players in their alliance/clan. As they have far far more information about that player than you do. Therefor having the ability to make an informed decision. I cant imagine you have a problem with this, since UBC seem like the type of clan that would defend their own members also. (even if it is after threats of arson)

(oxy) #49

Guys, these discussions pop up from time to time, just clan names are exchangeable

This discussion will yield no new insight…

There will always be clans/servers you don’t like because of their banning policy. And if this policy is crap or not is not relevant, since it’s their server, so their rules. If they want to have a low skill server and kick high skilled players it’s ok, it’s their server, they pay for it.

It’s just a little bit annoying to make up arguments like aimbot etc. Just be honest and say you kick/ban arbitrarily to get homogenous skilled players.

(Tanzverbot) #50

Nobody is denying their right to ban anyone with the colour blue in his nickname. Still, the flaws of baseless hackusations, arbitrary rules about things like spawnkilling, the pubnub definition of teamplay and other such things need to be pointed out for education and, more importantly, entertainment.

(Ashog) #51

The Maridia Mirror press release:

"While the authorities are busy with redistributing the blame for what has happened on the infamous UBC server just about a week ago, the common people are still asking themselves the following question (to no avail so far):

Have the discussed server administrators got any rules against teabagging?

Correct and responsible answer to this question is direly important! It totally changes the whole perspective of the debate. We dare to claim that if the teabagging of the admins of that server is in fact forbidden, the whole conversation totally loses its meaning (e.g. user tanzverbot wasted whole two minutes of his life for nothing while writing his meaningless report in the previous section), because it would deny the basic sexual rights of players coming to that server. For centuries, a liberal attitude and sympathy of admins towards the teabagging and teambagging fellows has been a detrimental feature and a vital sign of the most progressive servers in the history, attracting countless millions of non-mainstream players to those killing and teabagging grounds. In this respect, we suggest for the public to concentrate on this particular aspect of the problem of the above server and its administrators since it is the most obvious and direct route towards understanding and resolving the current crisis situation."

(Proteas) #52

+1000 :infiltrator:

:stroggbanana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKrvCVAD2xA:stroggbanana:

(Ads913) #53

[QUOTE=zman;216373]This is the answer to the whole issue if someone is hacking or cheating just ask OCB


That comment really sums it up for me.
Z Man these guys are are in my clan and thats a little lack of class on your behalf.
I can speak for them.

(oliveoil) #54

:open_mouth: TRAIIITORRR

so back on topic

The title of this thread is UBC fail… clan members are all individuals… a clan tag doesn’t define a person, I love being in and running OCB with Ads and Moomin. The people in a clan can give the clan a bad name or a good name, but in my opinion the clan can’t give the individuals a bad name. Being in a clan gives you the oportunity to get to know people on another level other than how well they shoot… In some cases a clan can become like your online family, and with family you might not always agree with decisions made but you will naturally stick up for them.

In my opinion Seraphic doesn’t hack, but it is UBC server and is their decision my opinion doesn’t matter.

[QUOTE=zman;216373]This is the answer to the whole issue if someone is hacking or cheating just ask OCB

The admiin on the MCE server knew Ads it had nothing to do with his OCB tags but was an informed decision on trusting his knowledge of Ads and trusting his judgement.

I have played with UBC Zman more than I have played with almost any other person in game and I know he is fair minded and laid back, same with UBC Moosea I play a lot with her too . I guess what I am objecting to is the consencus that a clan tag can tarnish an individual when apart from the stubborness of the decision and not turning it around and not even knowing now if they think he hacks or is just too good… the only problem I see is the clan member Blue who whether joking or not was just unecessarily offensive and immature in his posts…

In the words of Apples :smiley: peace

(]UBC[ McNite) #55

Just a note on this…

]UBC[ server policy
As for our server policy, which is: ZERO TOLERANCE and “we kick xp-whores and morons”. You can read this in the server loading pic, and on banners on the server.
As Abercrab said: seraph had been banned earlier for abusive play and making teams uneven. That was the reason for his ban on that evening conducted by Moosea.
We do believe in even teams and even games. Its just more fun for everyone. If one or a few players stand out by dominating the whole game, they might get asked nicely to leave and never come back, which was the case with seraph as well. It was me who told him to never come back when he was back with a different nick a night later.
We also have ZERO TOLERANCE for disrespecting admin decisions. If you come back after having told not to, every ref on our server is free to ban you.
The average skill level on our server is medium. Comp gamers will probably dominate the usual server crowd. That s why they are not welcome on our server.
We have always run our server this way, if you do not like it: don’t play on it. End of discussion on this.

As for suspected cheating:
Just to make sure ppl want to tell me I don’t know what a hack looks like:
This was the first real big upset in the UK ET community about cheating, someone I recorded on our server back then. A pity the demo was lost.

As with the cheating policy: nowadays its hard to spot aimbots, since the programming of those got better and better. Times where players were snapping their crosshair wildly on enemies heads are over. You can even set the percentage of how many headshots and accuracy in a good bot, and get a spectator warning with some, at least that s what I read and heard. Demos, even server demos, pb screenshots…all that won’t help. What you can look for is: questionable player behaviour.

The player behavior of seraph does indicate on several occasions player behaviour that does not make sense for a player, eg. switching the crosshair off a visible player he was shooting at but didn’t kill yet, then shooting at a wall 2x, and shortly after a player appears in that doorway. This suggests there is a “move crosshair on player closest to your crosshair” aimbot working.
There was another occasion where he shot into 2 boxes behind which were 2 players he didn’t see (but know they were there), his crosshair made quite a move for that. Any player aiming by himself would ve pointed his crosshair between the boxes where those players would ve gotten through in case.

There were some other things, but those were the most obvious to me that make me state: suspected “got a little help from your friends”. And that is enough for me to get a player off our servers.
I could post the demo, but as you can guess, that ll lead to “oh noes its obvious he s so skilled”, so its no use.

Funny detail: the NC bot for ET, of which I got my hands on a copy around 2004, was reported to feature a trojan by my kaspersky in like 2008. I guess that counts as cross selling :smiley:

Salty banter
Everybody is free to take part in discussions anywhere on the internet. We have a salty style, on the server and on the forum.
If you feel offended by it: don’t take part in it. Everybody is free to not read on our forum.
If you think something crossed a line: discuss it with the forum admin.
We all read what Blue wrote, and had a good laugh about it. In fact I think its quite ridiculous when ppl start complaining over and over again about not being welcome on our server… its a fact, live with it, and play on another server.

Telling your momma
Apoc: great work for taking the discussion somewhere else. I guess you run to your momma/brother/teddybear on other occasions as well. How mature.

(.Chris.) #56

Just post it, nothing to lose, stating you have the proof that would prove all his defenders wrong but then chose to not to post it suggests there is nothing to show after all.

(Ashy) #57

Doesn’t offline mode get boring for you after a while?

And you were the one speaking about being mature?

(INF3RN0) #58

Ah yes, the old “If you can kill the admins consistently, your not welcome” motto. I hope you enjoy ruining the game for the people who don’t actually suck at what they are playing…

And then your f12 button broke, so let’s all take your word eh…

Because QW is such a popular game that game hackers are working every day to produce new undetectable hacks for all the people who wouldn’t bother buying them…

Try this. Have someone demo you from spec, while you demo yourself. Then compare. You might come to notice that there is usually a very significant delay and laggy movements in pub spec demos. Also this game does have a thing called radar :rolleyes:… why not ask someone to demo themselves so you can see in real time what they are. It’s just to easy for people to think that they set the peak of capability in FPS, when really someone like Seraph is average compared to people that play for a living. Your playing QW… the group of people with more ability to play than you is going to seem a lot more rare, but ignorance seems to get the better of you.

(Tanzverbot) #59

So in other words, you have absolutely nothing to back up your bullshit. WHAT A BIG SURPRISE :smiley:

(Ads913) #60

This is like a Greek or to some a french tragic drama.This is my final post on the subject as this has been done to the death.

I dont get it anymore as ubc stance on things change each day.
As far as i see it you guys have lost an opportunity and thats is a great shame.
Mcnite run your forum and site anyway you like .People will make their own minds on things.
I think your comments pretty sums things up regarding your forums pretty well.If you allow that type
of Salty discussion and expose your users to such sick comments i am sure your regulars will flock in large numbers.

For your information i have not spoke to Apoc\Serp once during UBCGate.I have spoke to Aleborg of Sgs and take it from me he’s not a happy bunny.It was him who brought it to my attention.

The thing that disturbs me is you guys just dont get it.
Maybe try swapping roles, try it you may be enlightened!
To add to this simulation heres a video for blue to explain what people think of him.

Adsy out
My job is done