Tribes assend is showing us the way

(montheponies) #141

Had a go last night and managed a few kills (mixture of luck and aim), but always as folk landed.

But tbh I’m not quite getting it. I didn’t get any sense of teamwork (even for a pub), perhaps as a result of everyone being so spread out in all three dimensions. The movement mechanic seems to overshadow / dominate everything to the extent that it seems to make the shooting a sort of passenger (more like a phyics puzzle than a fps).

Also, not peculiar to this game, but I don’t really like the microtransaction model, personally would rather pay for a game and have an even playing field (I don’t even like time based unlocks, the game should be the ‘reward’, not some weapon or gimpsuit)…

i’ll give it some more time to see if it clicks, but I’m not certain it will.

(tokamak) #142

Yeah it’s bloody random, nothing is focused.

What I do like is that the game has quite a lot of highlights. Points where just everything works together and you just kick ass.

(light_sh4v0r) #143

Yep, teamwork is mostly absent in pubs. I usually stick to defending, because it takes some luck to get a good flag cap ski going for me.
This should get better when on comms with a few buddies though, when you can organise distractions, routes or flanking etc.
I glad there is no FF btw, I think I would’ve killed more friends than foes by now :slight_smile:

(Kendle) #144

Like: the movement, love the speed, love getting a good run going and steaming in to grab the flag.

Dislike: the shooting, everyone is always miles away from everyone else it seems, I’m shooting at pixels not people and they come into range and go out of range in an instant cos everyone is moving so fast.

I guess I like “intimate” shooters where it’s in your face close quarters action most of the time. Tribes isn’t that.

(Apoc) #145

Iv found just using coms like text and the vsays you can easily co-ordinate a defense, like-ill defend generator, Get a heavy on the flag, someone go flag chaser etc etc. Co-ordinating an attack is much harder with strangers, so usually relies on trying to control their base so your individual cappers can go, then just protect them on the way back.

(ZernoK) #146

Gone, see my last reply for more.

(Humate) #147

Dislike: the shooting, everyone is always miles away from everyone else it seems, I’m shooting at pixels not people and they come into range and go out of range in an instant cos everyone is moving so fast.

Yes, there isnt a balance b/w movement and actual combat. Its a bit like an open world rpg where you are in the middle of nowhere and youre running around trying to find stuff to do. Theres too much time in b/w interactions.

(Gradis) #148

Im loving this so far.

just shooting; moving and worrying whats going on, or any of them by them selves make this well worth playing. god its hard though. nice

(AKAMrSmiley) #149

I posted my thoughts on the game on another thread in the Brink section…

[QUOTE=AKAMrSmiley;383668]Tribes Next is actually populated? Thought that bish died already?

As for ascend I’m in beta and I wouldn’t get your hopes up for ascend… Maybe they can change some stuff around… But as of right now the movement isn’t anywhere near where it needs to be, the part of movement that made Tribes unique and slightly more difficult was the skiing and now the boosting is screwing with that because it is way too floaty, balance between weapons are screwed and the whole pay for loadout **** is ridiculous. When this game goes public, why the hell am I going to have to pay to do an essential part of this game and change my weapon setup? If you’re not going the pay to play you need to stick to making people pay for cosmetics and not functions of the game. Then there are only two weapons per loadout? Sounds dumbed down to me. Disc jumping barely propels you, which makes catching flag carriers who spend time setting up their route hard and not all loadouts even come with a spinfuser / spinfuser-esque weapon like in T2. To try to combat this they’ve put a speed cap in that has apparently reduced the speed to like 3rd of what it was before instead of just adding more propulsion to the disc jumping o.0… Pretty sure Quake Live didn’t reduce rocket jumping to ****, where did they even get that idea? Also they haven’t been listening to their community, not only are former tribes players complaining but even their own Global Agenda fanbase is saying they’re making the game too slow and skill capped. I didn’t even know MMO players knew what a skill cap was…[/QUOTE]

It’s been a couple months since I played, so maybe it has gotten better… I think of it as another dumbed down bastard child of the Tribes IP, much like Brink is to ET. But in my opinion options are so limited in PC FPS gaming it is probably the best thing out currently. I don’t see how changing settings to babysit players and removing key tactical elements is “showing us the way though”. I’ll probably play it if there is a competitive scene since I’m tired of WoW arenas and LoL, but I’m not really happy about it. Tribes community was kind of promised a lot of things much like the ET community was for Brink and again developer words has amounted to ****.

(AKAMrSmiley) #150

Thinking about Tribes 2 though reminded me of the best mod ever, Team Rabbit 2… Hopefully they make a similar game mode for ascend.

(Apoc) #151

It’s been a couple months since I played, so maybe it has gotten better… I think of it as another dumbed down bastard child of the Tribes IP, much like Brink is to ET. But in my opinion options are so limited in PC FPS gaming it is probably the best thing out currently. I don’t see how changing settings to babysit players and removing key tactical elements is “showing us the way though”. I’ll probably play it if there is a competitive scene since I’m tired of WoW arenas and LoL, but I’m not really happy about it. Tribes community was kind of promised a lot of things much like the ET community was for Brink and again developer words has amounted to ****.[/QUOTE]

I think your just dissapointed its not Trives 2 relaunched.
Its a different game. Why is it so horrific for aspects to be changed? I will agree that hitscan weps need to be changed to projectile, but thats all. I obviously agree with all the things like disk jumping needing to be improved, no speed caps etc. But thats all getting implemented, i mean speed caps are gone. It seems they are playing around with the inheritance of disks atm (they need to boost it back up). I mean its a closed beta, there have been about 5 patches since you played it, and there will probably be 5 more before it goes to open, and even more after that. Its still in its testing stage and your naysaying on the basis that they havent coppied and pasted Tribes 2. The metagame is in its infant years, even if they kept diskjumping as it is, it would put more emphasis on intercepting flag carriers. Or a more offensive lineup to make sure the enemies flag was also taken, to give time for chasers to catch up etc etc etc. Essentially chill out, if you want to play Tribes 2, it sounds like you already have it installed, so just boot it up. Otherwise stop putting down a game that requires more skill and co-ordination than every other FPS released in the last few years, even if that isnt quite as high as T2.

(AKAMrSmiley) #152

I think I did mention that things were subject to change, it had been awhile since I played and it is probably the best thing out right now (utterly disappointing to me)… I’m actually not interested entirely in a Tribes 2 remake that is exactly the same… Since I’ve been there and done that in fact I’ve played a lot of different kinds of games other than T2 and I do like change, just not ones that are in rehashed old games, that remove a degree of skill from the former title rather than enhancing what is required to play at top tier. I also hate games with unlocks whether through tedious long term gaming plans or cash donations, I miss games that once bought I have access to everything. It’s kind of like getting a lego set but then I have to buy another set that goes with it to be able to build what is on the cover. As far as me needing to chill out I am fairly chilled, in fact it is pretty cold here (damn winter). I don’t see what is wrong with my assessment though… Should people just not provide insight on what they think of a game unless they’re partaking in a circle jerk with the developers? If you like the game don’t bother with my words, I’m just seeing a whole lot of praise and I thought I’d show some thoughts from a different side. As for the updating I again am still not entirely convinced, although some of the aforementioned problems were there from the start most of my qualms have been introduced in patches. Naysaying can kill the hype, but sometime the hype needs to be killed… and without the criticism there wouldn’t be progression.

(light_sh4v0r) #153

There is in fact a gamemode called rabbit, but there are no servers running it right now.

(Dthy) #154

Haven’t given it a proper go, only had a quick game and enjoyed it thus far (despite getting totally owned…)

(light_sh4v0r) #155

I was wrong, there are rabbit servers, I just played a game :slight_smile:

(Apoc) #156

new keys, updated OP

(Dormamu) #157

[QUOTE=ZernoK;387711]3 New keys.

I got this one, V26E4-BF2E3-2EB04-CE3A8-4087D, thks ZernoK

(Singh400) #158

I’ve got a beta key if anyone wants it:


I’m playing nowhere near as much as Zernok and Apoo. Far too caught up in BF3.

(aviynw) #159

OMGS You gotta try SNIPING!!! Not such a fan of the gameplay style, but sniping is soooo fun!!! Having everyone move so quickly and be so tiny leads to very challenging but very rewarding sniper experience. I hate sniping in most games, but its a totally different experience in tribes. Right now my record is a 1000+ meter kill and an 800+ meter headshot kill (Though headshots from that distance are kind of luck).

You need the sentinel class. Sniping from normal gun range distances while moving is doable but quite difficult. But that too, is super fun. I hardly ever see anyone else sniping.

In terms of other classes I thought the gameplay would be very intense because of the super fast movement speed, but I actually found it less intense than brink-like games. Because of the speed, everyone is usually far a way from each other, which makes it take much longer to get a kill/get killed. There’s much less of that excitement that comes along with knowing you can die at any moment if you don’t get your next shots spot on.

And, if it isn’t clear, I hadn’t played the old tribes much. Played tribes 2 a very tiny bit. Part of the reason I don’t like using guns other than sniper is also probably because I generally like hitscan weapons much more. But even with the ranger class, I don’t like it all too much.

Conclusion: TRY SNIPING.

(aviynw) #160