Tribes assend is showing us the way

(light_sh4v0r) #261

Get over it Basiley, there are no aimbots in TA. And if there are, they suck badly because not once I have thought I died from an impossibly good shot from the same player repeatedly.

(brbrbr) #262

they are in GA.
based on same engine, left unprotected in TA too.
they not in TA, because beta-testing state and dramatifcally more narow[and transparent]set of beta-testers, than usual “from the crowd”, player , who start using it, after this thing released.
and no, “suck badly” not excuse nor explanation for lack of attention during software engineering and development and indicate flaw in strategy, resulted from misunderstanding - who plays games and WHY.

(tokamak) #263

Aimbotting doesn’t work with hitscan weapons.

(BioSnark) #264

Assuming you mean projectile, bots can lead for projectile weapons - or they could when I played Unreal Tournament 2004, potentially to hilarious results.

(light_sh4v0r) #265

The base turrets can hit stuff, so a bot should be able to as well. It’s not as straightforward to code as a regular aimbot though, especially considering they keep changing the projectile inheritance every other patch :tongue:

(Apoc) #266

Recorded a random round the other day, might be useful for anyone wanting to see raider played decently


(light_sh4v0r) #267

Nice leading with the smg, I should unlock that raider sometime :slight_smile:

(tangoliber) #268

Good playing

(light_sh4v0r) #269

Well, I ran into a Promethean yesterday, but he did not respond to me at all so I guess someone hijacked your account DAUK?

(DarkangelUK) #270

That was me, I had sound and graphics issues but was just testing I could get in and play without a crash. If you did say something then I apologize I didn’t even notice, kept jumping back and forward to the menu to tweak etc. All working fine now so should be more ‘active’ next time :slight_smile:

(light_sh4v0r) #271

Ok cool, no worries :slight_smile:
I noticed there is matchmaking now, I joined on you using the friendslist and suddenly found myself by far highest ranked on the server, which normally never happens. Was fun for a short while getting killing sprees within minutes, but I got annoyed after 2 maps with the rest of my team doing absolutely nothing useful whatsoever. Was also fun to see how at the end of the game you opened the console, and the chathistory was entirely empty but for my VSAY commands xD

(DarkangelUK) #272

Tbh I was getting annoyed a few games myself, a few times I was at the base with the enemy flag and there were no defenders, no turrets, everyone lemming dashing at the enemy to get ours back one at a time like a poor marshal arts movie hero taking on a team of ninjas as they line up for him. I had to reinstall the game and lost all my binds, had the bare basics bound just to test the game would run.

(light_sh4v0r) #273

Since the last patch you drop the flag when nitronjumping :frowning: :frowning:

(Anti) #274

Your days of escaping at 250KPH are over! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA :stroggbanana:

(light_sh4v0r) #275

It’s allright though, it makes planning your exit more important which is nice. Just use all 3 in your setup so you don’t accidently use em after the grab :cool:
Do you play regularly Anti?

(RosOne) #276

He does and he tries to keep the fact that he’s insanely good a secret.


(Smooth) #277

Oh hai there.

(Anti) #278

The game is taking over my life! :eek::smiley:

(light_sh4v0r) #279

Nothing wrong with that, I spend a good few hours on it daily :tongue:

(RosOne) #280

Hey Smooooth <3