The Phantom Update v47388 - 07/07/2015

(ZGToRRent) #41

I loled when I saw green bridge on bridge.
Best update ever 6.5/10.

(prophett) #42

Can’t kick the 1000 cheaters playing MM - GREAT UPDATE!

Where are the high priority AC fixes?

(Volcano) #43


let em rip

(Szakalot) #44


let em rip[/QUOTE]

pls tell me you are at least moving the mouse this fast!

(shibbyuk) #45

Damn, I should have backed up my .ini files as they’ve all been overwritten :frowning:

I’m enjoying playing with Phantom, but I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve played against him more!

(Volcano) #46
let it rip

(Szakalot) #47

let it rip[/QUOTE]

thats lame, reminds me of prone binds in ET, or akimbo pistols with MG RoF

or your just trying to make a point on how melee is not optimal atm. with the dragging

(Glottis-3D) #48

Phantom is very OP against anything less powerfull than skyhammer.
Proxys and Medics all cannot bodyshot him when he is spamming wall jumps in cloak mode, and get near and just 1shot kills them.

-reduce cloak speed.
-reduce shield duration
-increase cooldown
-reduce HP (optional)
-reduce max DMG so that he doesnt 1shot light mercs with Katana

(Szakalot) #49

Haven’t got a chance to try him out yet, but I think more subtle nerfs are possible:

  • cloak can only be activated when fully regenerated
  • cloak destroyed by damage causes a short slowdown to phantom

(Chris Mullins) #50

[QUOTE=Szakalot;533807]Haven’t got a chance to try him out yet, but I think more subtle nerfs are possible:

  • cloak can only be activated when fully regenerated
  • cloak destroyed by damage causes a short slowdown to phantom[/QUOTE]

The cloak can only be used when fully regen’d, but the regen time depends on how long the cloak was active for.

(Mustang) #51


let em rip[/QUOTE]
Haha, I thought this was video editing at first, but nope!

(Smooth) #52

Regarding the Beyblade mode:

[QUOTE=Smooth;533815]Yes, we did have a turn-speed-limit implemented when using powerful melee attacks but had to remove it at the last minute due it causing some nasty networking issues.

We’ll be reworking the code on this and it should be coming back soon :)[/QUOTE]

Regarding Phantom in general; we spent several weeks playing with him internally everyday (as we do with each new Merc) and tweaked and changed him over that time. Unfortunately our internal playtime is instantly eclipsed within 30mins of releasing any Merc so we’re not going to get things right straight away.

We do have less work-intensive and controversial Mercs we could have released before Phantom, but we decided to get him out as early as possible so we have as much time as we can to get him in to shape. Invisibility is always going to be very hard to balance in any game, and melee especially difficult in a multi-player FPS.

We’re definitely keeping a very close eye on Phantom but we want to wait for things to settle a little before making any drastic changes. It takes a while to learn how to best play against each new Merc (a good example of this is Rhino) and we don’t want to knee-jerk react after a day’s play.

I accept that the current situation isn’t ideal but, given time, we’ll do our best to resolve it :slight_smile:

(Volcano) #53

don’t do that, because the time between patches are far to long leaving him to be broken for much longer than he needs to be. if you had an option for us to test daily builds you would get a broader response (not sure if thats the word i need)

(Exedore) #54

This is something that’s been on our radar for quite some time now, and something I definitely want to happen in the future.

(Volcano) #55

lets go then, kick that bad boy up and lets never have a situation like this again. in other news performance has gone even further down the drain for a lot of people

(Glottis-3D) #56

this is great.

(ragnak) #57

While i think that fragger is stronger than phantom, phatom isnt exactly fun to play against. His cloak is pretty strong and not as easy to spot as i wish it to be, even if you spot him by the time you break his armor he will already have an upper hand.

Giving him armor on his cloak was a mistake, right now he feels like a tank and not assasin and i simply use his cloak for tanking. It was already said that hit detection for meele is waaaaaay too lax. At the very least he needs less armor on his cloak and CD should be higher, right now i have it for almost every duel.

I am also not happy about aim punch changes, was it really needed ?

Also, if sound wouldnt be as bad as it is, it would be possible to hear phantom but right now is nigh impossible 99% of the time. Sooo audio fixes where ?

(Raviolay) #58

Some suggestions for phantom. Firstly I would when phantom is shot in cloaked mode, make his outline pop up so you can track his head. Make him degenerate movement speed steady while taking shots while cloaked. Put a two second delay when pressing cloak to actuality cloaking. Add the same delay when uncloaking. If you fire when cloaked before taking damage, you take 25% sheild/cloaked damage instantly. Along with movement and visibility penaltys for being damaged. Have the cloaked have a quiet audio hum while in motion. Give him throwing knifes and silenced weapons.

(poiuasd) #59

I have to say I hate Phantom. Cloaks and melee characters don’t belong in shooters imo.
The armor needs to be drastically reduced (or even removed completely) and/or make the cloak much more visible when moving.

(Szakalot) #60

Imo best way to balance phantom:

  • make every cloak-in cost full cooldown. Atm. cloaking in is preferable before any single engagement, typically you are in an advantageous position to decloak before even half the timer is up. Once the engagement is done you are ready to cloak in again, so you never ran out of he ability. This would also force better timing for Phantom, rather than always run through danger zones cloaked in, and decloaking when safe

Other possibilities include making the armor shine-up when hit, so its easier to score consecutive hits