The Phantom Update v47388 - 07/07/2015

(spookify) #21

Any update on the notes? More bug fixes or anything?

(Exedore) #22

No, we’ve been working on the next update.

(spookify) #23


(spookify) #24

Back to Back Jacks!!??!!

Im a Brewer Face so Back to Back to Back Jacks!

(Exedore) #25

Uh, not really… in general, we’re always working on the next update. By the time you’ve seen the notes the update is pretty much locked down, and any other urgent fixes are being targeted for the next update.

(spookify) #26

Roger that. Thanks for the posts always good to hear from you and cant wait to test this update out! :stroggbanana:

(shibbyuk) #27

Still at the point where the “ToDo” list grows faster than it shrinks? Or is that just me :rolleyes:

(Szakalot) #28

that doesn’t have to be bad at all : )

(FishStix) #29

Still hoping for spec mode improvements and spec mode bug fixes… some really annoying issues remain :frowning:

edit: I’m assuming ya’ll are aware of most of the big spec bugs but let me know if I can help…

(LiNkzr) #30

Kira laser still not fixed :frowning: but neat little patch i must say.

(S0und_) #31

How can i search for “EU - O” and for a Map at the SAME time?

(BomBaKlaK) #32


(davidemo89) #33

I still have to try it. In beta it was the wors one xD

(spookify) #34

-Added player rankings to the scoreboard at the end of a Ranked game

***This only shows a picture of the image rank and if you mouse over it, it does NOT show the text. Please show the text of the rank so people arent guessing what the little picture means.

(Kl3ppy) #35

Nerf Phantom, increase the cooldown and make him more visible. It is a joke that you should “hear” him to notice him. The normal footstep sound is not working probably and I should hear him where he is? Thats a joke. The game was ok until the update today.

(Nail) #36

looks like everyone needs a Vassili in team, lol
Steam forums are hugely toxic about Phantom

(S0und_) #37

Is there an option to turn off crosshair pulsing, since i have this since the last patch.

(BomBaKlaK) #38


10 chars

(Shiv) #39

This is the least fun I have ever had in this game.

(spookify) #40

Playing with him is fun. Most fun I have had in the game in a long time.

Still havent played against a good Phantom…