Another update, another Merc! Phantom is here- well, he was here a moment ago at least, but in addition to the sneaky assassin, we’ve got an number of other tweaks and additions for you with this update. Read on for all the details!
Meet Phantom
Phantom is somewhere around here, but good luck finding him before he strikes! Willing to do anything to get rid of him, his Commanding Officer volunteered Phantom to take part in an experimental Refractive Armor test program. Returning the favor, Phantom promptly stole the suit and used it to plant incriminating evidence/livestock in his former Commanding Officer’s quarters. Since then he has been a legend in his own mind. Never, ever lend him money, or your mobile phone.
Phantom’s pride and joy, his Refractive Armor, is the piece of technology that justifies his code name. He can activate this specialized suit of camouflage and, in only a few moments, fade from sight. The armor’s power will drain for as long as he’s invisible, although while he is moving the power will drain faster, as well as visually disrupting, making him easier to spot when chasing down the enemy.
Of course, this is armor, not some magic cloak! If Phantom is shot while Refractive Armor is enabled, that damage will instead deplete the Armor’s remaining power, giving him enough time to close the gap and take advantage of his shiny new toy.
Phantom brings an entirely new melee weapon to the field: A razor-sharp Katana, ready and waiting to plunge into the back of an unsuspecting medic. It’s slower and more unwieldy to use, but when it finds its target it hits for massive damage, carving foes up into nice little pieces.
As we all love to see the new shiny selection of Loadout Cards our new Mercs are able to equip, here is a sneaky peek at some of what is to come.
User Interface
[li]Improved server browser performance
[/li][li]Updated the in-game voting UI to make it more obvious when a vote is triggered, and how close the vote is to passing
[/li][li]Updated Coherent UI to the latest version, this should result in improved stability on the Main menu.
[/li][li]Added player rankings to the scoreboard at the end of a Ranked game
[/li][li]Removed 5v5 as an option from ‘Quick Join’ searching screen as the minimum server size is 6v6
[/li][li]Added more obvious notifications when players received a new item
[/li][li]Sped up several lobby and warm-up times
[/li][li]Fixed server filtering box to allow quoted strings
[/li][li]Added functionality where servers will disconnect all players at the end of a match if a new build version is available
[/li][li]Updated the audio when getting a Cobalt Loadout Card from a case
[li]Updated lighting and post-processing on Bridge to make it more consistent across all graphics settings
[/li][li]Fixed broken roof on the train station in Terminal. Now you should get damaged by all bullets and explosives
[/li][li]Updated the audio mix on Terminal and Chapel
[li]Adjusted view kick so the kick speed also scales up with the amount of incoming damage received
[/li][li]Reduced the invulnerability window incapped players have after dying to 366ms (from 800ms) – This exists so gibbing a player is a separate distinct action, rather than just continuing to fire while a body is collapsing to the ground
[/li][li]Revive invulnerability now begins once the player has stood up and can move – This allows players a final chance to ‘gib’ the revived player just before they get-up
[/li][li]Players now spend 0.7s getting up after a revive (from 1s)
[/li][li]Added ‘Human Shield’ XP. Players can now gain XP by taking fire for a nearby teammate who is performing an objective
Stilnotto Stiletto Knife
[li]Secondary attack damage reduced to 85 (from 90)
Notable Bug Fixes
[li]Fix for REVIVR occasionally not reviving an incapped player
[/li][li]Fixed an issue where rebinding keys could cause some functionality not to work whilst incapped
[/li][li]Fixed an issue where players below level five could be invited to ranked matchmaking parties
[/li][li]Fixed an issue where players could not ‘Quick Join’ into servers that were in the ‘Lobby’ state
[/li][li]Fixed the searching timer not displaying for matchmade games when in a party