The Engineer is Front and Center in New Brink Footage

(Diablo85) #41

[QUOTE=dohfOs;202722]Another new Brink Video preview! Can’t get enough of 'em can we? -

…although, it’s very similiar to what we’ve allready seen.[/QUOTE]

Seems to indeed be much of the footage we have already seen rehashed, but some of the scenes I didn’t see yet. Nice find :).

(knippon) #42

How difficult is it going to be to destroy the turrets?

(DoubleDigit) #43

I you can’t spot making fun from serious talk, forget it. What’s with the attitude? Have you ever programmed anything to give this ‘I know everything’ attitude?.

The code for the splash damage of a grenade, can be done easily by computing the distances from the point the grenade explodes to every hit box a character has. Apply to those distances a linear or exponential drop in damage, or (faster) even have a table with damage per distance intervals. If you really want some ‘real’ life like shrapnel coded, you can spawn a number of projectiles that do damage on their own and give them the same origin and unique trajectories. How many projectiles? As many as you can live with without bringing the system to it’s knees. But I doubt a modern PC can have problems with even 1000 projectiles spawn. The only problem might be if these projectiles are given random vectors to follow, this way only the server will do the calculations but you’re forcing this data to be transmitted over the network. If the spread is not random, a server can give the client the position of the nade and it’s orientation when it blows. From here the client can do his own trajectories. Even so, you’d still have to antilag everything and because the client computes this, cheating may be an issue in the future. So you only do the splash damage and just graphically spawn projectiles.

But then again, I wasn’t serious about grenade headshots.

(darthmob) #44

[QUOTE=DoubleDigit;202707]No no no, the action should stop, all cameras pointed at the unfortunate guy and slow motion while a Vader like voice announces: Grenade Headshot shot shot shot shot! (echo echo echo echo)[/QUOTE]Pure awesome! :smiley:


[QUOTE=stealth6;202660]Looking at your suggestion I’d elaborate and say
light 2 headshots with a normal weapon, 1 with a sniper rifle, very susceptible to explosive damage
medium 3 headshots normal, 2 with sniper or 1, less susceptible to explosive damage
heavy 4 headshots normal, 2 headshots sniper, least suscetible to explosive damage[/QUOTE]

Yes! I totally agree. Good suggestion!

As for me referencing helmets*, that was purely to possibly explain “why”. *No idea if helmets were in or made a difference to damage taken.

But headshots should take you out, especially snipers (makes heavies learn the art of “QEC Dancing”) Kind of like this : :stroggbanana:

(dohfOs) #46

3rd and final part of the Brink Video Preview “Objective Perspective” -

i like what i see, except for the granade launcher. seems like a boosted noobtube from cod4, and that’s horrible news. way to fast reload and way to many charges. hope it’ll either be edited and nerfed or editable (a gun like that just completely ruins the gameplay and the spam is inevitable. guess the good news is that this video is just made for showing off, and i’m guessing it’s just as old as the previously released ones were.

please tell me you’re gonna change it? :<

edit: nvm. somehow i managed to miss the other thread, sorry.

(murka) #47

I noticed something interesting about nades. At one clip he cooked one for 3sec then threw at an enemy. At some other clip he barely cooked it and threw it at a pack of enemies. At both times the nade exploded as it was near the enemies, but the time elapsed couldn’t be the same.
So, are we seeing explode-on-contact grenades just like in F.E.A.R.?

(tokamak) #48

He shot that grenade mid-air.

(murka) #49

You’re right, but that’s as bad as explode-on-contact grenades IMO. What if you throw grenade at enemy as he’s shooting at you. It will explode because the enemy is shooting at it. That’s not a very pleasant experience.

(dommafia) #50

the lighting in the game is so freaking sexy.

3rd video is out 3rd video is out btw

the sound in the game is also as sexy as the lighting :slight_smile:

(dommafia) #51

3rd video is out btw

(tokamak) #52

Indeed. So don’t.

(system) #53

Yeah, so be careful using nades under heavy fire. It may come costly. :mad:

(DarkangelUK) #54

I like the idea of shooting nades. What i hated in ETQW was the fact you couldn’t shoot mines to set them off and could only trip them or blow them with a nade… “grenade sponges” was the term used i think. An explosive is an explosive, and being hit by a bullet is def gonna make it blow.

(tokamak) #55

Never watched myth busters did you?

Agreed that mines in QW could’ve done with some bullet vulnerability for game play purposes though.

(murka) #56

No, mines in ET:QW were nice. Proxies were useless as you run near them and away behind a corner. It explodes and you take no damage. Tripmines… Well placed ones must be destroyed, but most can be countered by jumping over/running under.

If exploding nades exist in this game, make it at least shootable for the thrower. Otherwise it would be overpowered.

Of course i can’t give my final opinion unless i playtest it. As i’ve seen, a>b>c>a gameplay is hard to understand at first, but later you know what to do in every situation.

(DarkangelUK) #57

Well my idea of mines were to punish people that didn’t pay attention, but those that did pay attention and discovered very poorly placed mines had no respite for their care, and had to use a nade or risk some damage dashing through them any way.

(tokamak) #58

Yeah, mines both came at the cost of being careful ánd soaking up a grenade.

Not saying they should be ultra-vulnerable to bullets, maybe 10-15 shots to make them explode would suffice.

(RoryGreen) #59

Thanks for confirming that. In the game there will have to be something in the character creation section saying that these things don’t make a difference in gameplay.

I have a question, in the beginning and end scenes, are the characters which we see the characters of people’s own creation or are they exactly the same no matter who is in the game?

(Rahdo) #60

If you’re playing solo, you’ll see the same guys in the opening and closing cutscenes. If you’re online, the guys in the cutscenes will actually be the characters of the people you’ll be playing with… :slight_smile: