The Engineer is Front and Center in New Brink Footage

(tokamak) #21

[QUOTE=stealth6;202660]Looking at your suggestion I’d elaborate and say
light 2 headshots with a normal weapon, 1 with a sniper rifle, very susceptible to explosive damage
medium 3 headshots normal, 2 with sniper or 1, less susceptible to explosive damage
heavy 4 headshots normal, 2 headshots sniper, least suscetible to explosive damage[/QUOTE]

I’d elaborate and say, let’s don’t say anything until you’ve seen/played more of the game.

(SockDog) #22

Game looks stunning, once learnt those levels are going to be a blast to run through.

Don’t be shy with the environmental animation and interaction it would really bring the levels to life.

(stealth6) #23

well if we all thought like this there woud be no point in having a discussion board.

(Rahdo) #24

[QUOTE=DoubleDigit;202583]I see leaning was not left out, good :smiley:
Also, the turret instantly appears? No building or waiting for it to drop required? Or was it like that just for the demo?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, in the real game it takes a bit of time to build them, not instant like in the demo. It’s actually cool, because while you’re building it, you can still strafe around, so if you come under fire, you can try to dodge a bit, and you can even hide around corners if you’re cleverl… :slight_smile:

(Rahdo) #25

Fear not! We cut those several months ago. It was actually a pretty nice system for melee, but in the end we went with the more traditional approach, and so the (X) prompts were no longer necessary…

(Rahdo) #26

I’m still a fan of the limbo menu, myself, so I suspect it will live on in some form :smiley:

(Rahdo) #27

AI set to a lower difficulty level. At the tougher levels, they tend to strafe a lot more making them tougher targets to hit, emulating pro players behavior.

(Rahdo) #28

Headshots count for more, definitely, and limb shots count for less. The times you saw paul really have to burn through ammo was shooting at big body type guys (more hitpoints), and he was using a submachine gun instead of a full assault rifle. but if he’s been aiming more carefully, headshots would have made shorter work of them.

(DoubleDigit) #29

I for one would like to see grenade headshots for a change.

(Rahdo) #30

correct. we actually do have helmets in some outfits, but they provide no extra protection (and we’ll have to be careful to communicate that to players that they’re just for looks)

(shagileo) #31

I just witnessed awesomeness … thank you SD

(Senyin) #32

That was awesome!

It looked reasonably fast paced (skinny guy I assume) which is goooood!
And just the atmosfere, the models, sounds…I love it!

(zXSwordXz) #33

From the vid’s, you can cook a grenade and have it explode in someone face. However, frag grenade contain shrapnel which will hit the entire body. It all depend on their hit point and how SD code it. Don’t have a problem either way.

(tokamak) #34

So there’s no shove system any more? Or are just the buttons gone?

I for one would like to see grenade headshots for a change.

Or giving the player a mild concussion effect by hitting his head with a nade. Just like in COD singleplayer.

(DoubleDigit) #35

No no no, the action should stop, all cameras pointed at the unfortunate guy and slow motion while a Vader like voice announces: Grenade Headshot shot shot shot shot! (echo echo echo echo)

P.S. Stop confusing reality with games.

(zXSwordXz) #36

Well you try to code the hit detection for a nade…or maybe explain the logic to SD. Unless you’re talking about literally hitting someone in the head with a nade prior to exploding…think educated for once when making suggestion.:rolleyes:

(Rahdo) #37

Just a button shift. The experiment you see in the video (which we’ve since abandoned) was that you’ve got an interact button. You use it to repair things, you use it to heal teammates, and you use it to smack the enemy (‘interact with them’), because really, what else would an interaction with an enemy be? But in the end, we dropped that and instead went with a devoted standard melee strike button.

The notion of having to knock someone down, and then finish them off before they get back up (or before they shoot you from the ground) is still in the game though (including the nut shot you can very briefly see at the end of the g4tv adam sessler preview video :slight_smile: )

(tokamak) #38

That really sounds awesome. It sometimes looks as if fallen players are able to shoot back, am I seeing things or is this correct?

(aimology) #39

2 headshots all body types. different for others i.e head and limbs on heavy, light, meduim. Hitting headshots takes skill. If someone gets awarded because they “spammed” o well. The better aimer will still be superior in the long run. Sniper rifle headshots should be instant on all but a heavy and just limited on how many you can have per team. If the game is fast paced this will take skill. 2 shots other wise. There is a reason why sniper rifles are strong and why headshots do massive damage in all games that actually care about awarded someone with superior aim. There needs to be a higher “learning curve” in a game for once. Its been so long since a game actually took some skill. Call of duty vanilla any noob could spam a gun and the body damage was intense. When promode came out and they added 22 dmg to body and 85 to head it finally separated the good players from the bad. Gaming needs this. People even the casually gamers… Will want to get better.

(dohfOs) #40

Another new Brink Video preview! Can’t get enough of 'em can we? -

…although, it’s very similiar to what we’ve allready seen.