The Engineer is Front and Center in New Brink Footage

(badman) #1

A new story entry has been added:
[drupal=562]The Engineer is Front and Center in New Brink Footage[/drupal]

The latest Brink gameplay video is now available on G4TV’s website, with the Engineer taking center stage as we delve deeper into Container City. Turrets and explosions most definitely included.

If you missed them the other day, here are the videos showing the SMART system and Container City, Part 1.

(DoubleDigit) #2

I see leaning was not left out, good :smiley:
Also, the turret instantly appears? No building or waiting for it to drop required? Or was it like that just for the demo?

(leifhv) #3

That looks amazing! I’m really looking forward to this now!

Keep up the good work SD people!

(kilL_888) #4

[QUOTE=DoubleDigit;202583]I see leaning was not left out, good :smiley:

wasnt really a fan of leaning but its definetely a good things for the ultra pro guys, i guess.

what else can i sy about the video? its amazing. dont find anything that i dislike.

the sounds rock btw. great work.

(caliban) #5

wohoooooooooo looks nice and i saw some leaning action :> cant wait o combine the diffrent movement styles

(tokamak) #6

Awesome. Great to see leaning is still in the game.

Instant class-switching is interesting.

I’m not really fond of the ‘shove (shave?)’ symbols around enemy players, they act like red arrows this way.

(Diablo85) #7

Looks great. About the class switching portals, does that mean that the limbo menu is gone? If so, I am going to miss that.

(tokamak) #8

Yeah I think I will miss that as well. I hope there will be an ‘oversight’ screen though. One that shows clearly what other players are doing and the current state of the map. If only for sentimental value.

(madness) #9

Noticed some enemies were just standing still while Paul shot them. WIP AI or were they actual people playing ? :stuck_out_tongue:

(tokamak) #10

It’s very old footage so probably WIP AI. That or some lobotomised patients were playing.

(radiator) #11

they were the brainwashed zombie tapirs! :eek: :stroggbanana::stroggtapir:

(stealth6) #12

I hope headshots do more damage then body shots, cause in that vid sometimes he emptied a full clip without killing the enemy.

I don’t necessarily find this a bad thing cause the same can happen in ET, but I hope headshots count for more, or maybe it’s just cause it’s on a console?

(DoubleDigit) #13

[QUOTE=stealth6;202620]I hope headshots do more damage then body shots, cause in that vid sometimes he emptied a full clip without killing the enemy.

I don’t necessarily find this a bad thing cause the same can happen in ET, but I hope headshots count for more, or maybe it’s just cause it’s on a console?[/QUOTE]

Hopefully it will not be one headshot, one kill. We don’t need lucky basterds among us. Also, not as dumb as emptying full clips like in Section 8.

(Zarlor) #14

This was some of the best action and movement seen yet! Plus, it looks like it’s balanced for lean. :slight_smile: I really like that slide move to cover I keep seeing. Also, in the other video the guy slid under the barricade so fast I almost missed it. Lastly, the shotty looks and sounds like a monster which is great!

(tokamak) #15

Over emphasis on headshots would nullify the effect of having different body types in the game.

(stealth6) #16

ye I’m definately not looking for a 1 headshot 1 kill, but I also don’t feel like emptying a full clip and then dieing while I have to reload :stuck_out_tongue:


*Headshots on lights should be a kill (no helmet) with 1 shot.
*Headshots on mediums should be a kill (no helmet) with 1 or 2 shot(s).
*Headshots on heavies should not be a kill (helmet) just do normal damage and massive “hud shake” or “recoil” for poor accuracy.

That is a nice “Heavy Perk”, so the Heavy actually does need a lot of DPS to kill not just be sniped!

(tokamak) #18

Who says there are helmets in the game?

(RoryGreen) #19

since when were there helmets? I thought they said clothing was for aesthetic purposes only?

(stealth6) #20

Looking at your suggestion I’d elaborate and say
light 2 headshots with a normal weapon, 1 with a sniper rifle, very susceptible to explosive damage
medium 3 headshots normal, 2 with sniper or 1, less susceptible to explosive damage
heavy 4 headshots normal, 2 headshots sniper, least suscetible to explosive damage