The Engineer is Front and Center in New Brink Footage

(tokamak) #61

How are you guys deciding which ones are being featured in the video? Somewhere else it was suggested to base it on the in-game performance. Or are you locking into one of the 8 characters from the start (like in L4D but with customisable looks ofc)?

(Rahdo) #62

If you’re playing solo, you’ll see the same guys throughout, to get a sense of continuity in the storytelling. If you’re online, the roles will be filled out by other players.

(needforWeed) #63

What about voices. Does every character get different voice/accent too? That would be so cool :stroggbanana:

(Rahdo) #64

Yup, thats a party of your character customization too… choosing a unique voice

(dommafia) #65

win :slight_smile: (unlockable tapir mating call as a cheer vsay? we will have vsays, right!?)

(.Chris.) #66

Please add Yorkshire accents, I’m availble for voice recordings if needs be, or just record Emmerdale.

(Ragoo) #67

So every voice actor has to do all the text there is? I’m just curious how you do these cutscenes which are completely depended on the players characters :slight_smile:

Also, will you have subtitles for the cutscenes? Because I’m from Germany and such a poor English speaker and I can’t understand half of the dialogue and will miss all the jokes :frowning: and I don’t want to play this game in German because as always the original voice acting will be better :slight_smile:

(kilL_888) #68

german accent would be nice, too :slight_smile: i always laugh when i hear english speaking people imitating german accents.

and well, i saw a spray paint in one of the gameplay videos which said “RAUS” which means “out”. so i figured there must be germans in container city, too.

(DarkangelUK) #69

You need a Scottish accent… a proper Scottish accent, none of those crappy attempts like the demoman in TF2, that’s just awful.

Get Kevin McKidd, he likes games… he did MW2.

(tokamak) #70

The accents were rendered? Awesome. They sounded totally out of this world. Definitely fitting the idea of having an isolated location with different nationalities.

(Rahdo) #71

[QUOTE=Ragoo;202900]So every voice actor has to do all the text there is? I’m just curious how you do these cutscenes which are completely depended on the players characters :slight_smile:

Also, will you have subtitles for the cutscenes? Because I’m from Germany and such a poor English speaker and I can’t understand half of the dialogue and will miss all the jokes :frowning: and I don’t want to play this game in German because as always the original voice acting will be better :)[/QUOTE]
Yup, subtitles are pretty important (in fact, I think they’re required on one of the consoles, I think). So they’ll be there.

The main thing to understand about our cutscenes is, as you saw in the video, they’re pretty short. In fact, shorter than the ones you saw in the G4TV vids (those were early tests). As a general rule, we don’t want them to go more than 30 seconds or so, because that’s how long you usually have to wait on a limbo screen, or an end match tally screen, and so it’s during those moments between the action that we’re sneaking in the cutscenes. So Ed (bongoboy) has to be very good about his writing, having the character say what they mean quickly and to the point. No long soapbox speeches in Brink :slight_smile:

Also, to the accents, we don’t have a final number yet, but we do want to have a wide variety of them, from all over the world, including unique ones (Ed was talking about Samoan the other day, for instance. No guarantees it’ll be in there, it depends on if we can find good actors, but I just mention that to give an idea of the breadth of options we’re hoping to achieve)

(RoryGreen) #72

Great! That will be so good in multiplayer after a match and you can see and hear your awesome custom character speaking in a cut scene! I’m so happy now!

Tapir Army: :stroggtapir::stroggtapir::stroggtapir: :stroggtapir: :stroggtapir::stroggtapir::stroggtapir:!!!

(radiator) #73

[quote=RoryGreen;202945]Great! That will be so good in multiplayer after a match and you can see and hear your awesome custom character speaking in a cut scene! I’m so happy now!

Tapir Army: :stroggtapir::stroggtapir::stroggtapir: :stroggtapir: :stroggtapir::stroggtapir::stroggtapir:!!![/quote]

ahah it’s funny to see how you got stroggified by splash damage awesomeness since i first saw you in the forums. i guess it’s an evidence they’re doing their job right.

wunderbar! :stroggbanana:

(RoryGreen) #74

[QUOTE=radiator;202975]ahah it’s funny to see how you got stroggified by splash damage awesomeness since i first saw you in the forums. i guess it’s an evidence they’re doing their job right.

wunderbar! :stroggbanana:[/QUOTE]

lol, they sure are :smiley:

one for luck: :stroggtapir:

(tokamak) #75

Iu get some ‘fokkin’ South African akcent in there alrite?

(ThunderWank) #76

Please make the guy with the British accent call out “You bloody wanker!” :smiley:
And you need a Canadaland accent eh?

(Pytox) #77

Will we see some footage of the medic sometime? :slight_smile:

(madness) #78

I think we will!
Sometimes between now and Fall 2010.

(Shiv) #79

Fush n chups
naaahhh brooo
oy gee

:slight_smile: if your using samoans please use their way of talking (not just accent :x), its awesome… also… they have good laughs :slight_smile:

(BioSnark) #80

Austrian governator accent please.