strogg weaponry, and other gear.

(signofzeta) #1

Strogg have their weapons stuck to their right arm right? Now, how do they switch their weapons? Can strogg attach a “hand” to the right arm, in case they need to do a two handed job?

In Quake 2, and Quake 4, I always thought that once the weapon is on there, it is stuck there for good.

I’m not talking about in game, but strogg in general.

(Dr_Tenma) #2

What 2-handed job would you ever need to do? They probably use machines to automate everything that needs to be done outside of combat. To control vehicles and other things, they probably plug their brain right into it since they’re heavily mechanical.

I also kind of thought of this as a rationale of why Stroggs can’t drive human vehicles. 1 armed man can’t drive a manual transmission car or handle both the throttle and steering on an aircraft. Obviously humans won’t have the necessary parts to “jack-in” a Strogg vehicle. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Nail) #3


methinks someone needs a different hobby

(Flesh) #4

I wonder how QW would look like if SD had singofzeta workiing with them from the begining :smiley:

(jo90) #5

sorry wrong thread very strange :?

(Senethro) #6

If you’d watched all the videos you would actually have seen this.

They unplug and re-plug them into the same arm socket.

(Gringo) #7

Do they have the 2 pronged or 3 pronged sockets?

(RoXxOrS) #8

would a conventional lamp fit into these sockets?

(kamikazee) #9

Do we really need a Lightor class?

(Senethro) #10

Do we really need a Lightor class?[/quote]


Edit: If he had a heating element he would be a Radiator.

(mortis) #11

The class with the light bulbs would be called the “Illuminator”, of course…

In fact, I have several strogg in my office, I have a Refrigerator, an Elevator and a Toaster.

(Senethro) #12

New joke pls :stuck_out_tongue:

If he had a wireless internet connection and spammed forums all day he’d be a Signofzetor.

(mortis) #13

No, he’s a Spamminator. It’s a highly specialized class.

(kamikazee) #14

Aye, I would play that class unless they got a Sailor.

(B0rsuk) #15

I understand Refrigerator and Elevator, but why Toaster ?

(signofzeta) #16

I’m saying that, does it have to be weapons or tools that can be plugged into the socket? Why can’t be a “hand” plugged into that socket, or how other people say, a lightbulb, or something else?

I’m sure strogg have other uses for two hands, then in in Quake 4, why did the strogg leave both arms for the tactical transfers, if they could just saw off the right arm, and made it into a socket, that any weapon can fit into?

(murka) #17

or maybe 2 handed 2 socketed strogg, some mg or rocketlaunchers for the socets

(mortis) #18

I understand Refrigerator and Elevator, but why Toaster ?[/quote]

It’s just a silly-sounding word that ends in the “er”-“or” sound (it’s an unstressed syllable, so both “or” and “er” are pronouced with a schwa sound - aka “uhr” that would rhyme with blur, stir, etc.). Yes, it should be “Toastor” to fit in with the strogg name game perfectly.

(signofzeta) #19

If strogg could attach a “hand” to their socket, then they wouldn’t need a hand for the left arm. Instead, it could be a socket, and strogg could dualwield blasters, and lightning pistols. For two handed weapon, the would only need to attach a “hand” to the left socket, and a weapon to the right socket. For akimbo, they only need to attach a blaster to each socket, or even attach spikes to each socket.

What about Haxor? A strogg that hacks?

(kamikazee) #20

So if we give him a pen in one hand (or socket) and a pencil in the other, it would be an Illustrator?

I think we’d better end the Stroggos madness…