strogg weaponry, and other gear.

(mortis) #21


(B0rsuk) #22

Still, the story is probably over the top by ID Software standards.

(Flesh) #23

Toaster is Strogg with a flamethrower ofc

(The Pope) #24

I have a pet excommunicator.

(Flesh) #25

lawl? :suspicious:

Heres an idea, if you can shoot tires from vehicles maybe you can shoot hands off of the Strogg. Leaving them to run around in a frenzy while trying to kick you to death yelling “the Strogg always wins!”.

That is until you shoot one of their legs, than they are really fuked

(kamikazee) #26

No Dr. Pope fan, eh?

(Gringo) #27

No way, the black knight always wins!

(kamikazee) #28

Yeah, he can still bite!