The discussion about Strogg spawn hosts is an interesting example of a discussion I’d like to write up:
- As GDF, how do you ensure that your people can’t be turned into spawn hosts? Having to expend ammo/grenades on gibbing your own guys raises some issues. This may also mean that as GDF, you don’t have to worry about gibbing opposing bodies - assuming Strogg can’t revive their own.
Also, defensively (and depending on how many respawns a single host can support) when (if at all) does it make sense to push a medic out to destroy it?
- As Strogg, this raises 2 interesting questions.
a. Offensively, the lack of a revive capability means that you can’t push a medic train and therefore Strogg offensive strategy may be quite different from what you can do as GDF. How do you adjust for this.
b. If, as stated in the related thread, which bodies do you turn into spawn hosts, which classes do you push through them, and when. Ideally, you’d think that you’d convert a body in cover and out of site, and you’d be pretty selective about who spawns there - the class that can best gain from the brief tactical advantage that spawn provides.
In reality, on a pub, a Technician would create a spawn host, and some random noob is going to pop out of there, be disoriented, and immediately get gunned down – wasting the tactical advantage provided by that spawn.