Why are you people disapointed? What was it exactly that you expected…i think you allowed the hype to take over you and NOTHING EVER lives up to the hype.
Personally i love the game and even being a bf2 player i think it took everything that was wrong with bf2 and fixed it in addition to adding some amazing stuff from the first ET.
Yes there’s bugs and as so many people keep saying its a beta…stop judging unfinished products.
Finally if you don’t like it don’t buy it…but i urge you to keep playing as i guarantee you haven’t even tried everything that is possible nor have you really explored the gameplay aside from grabbing a rocket launcher and blowing a few people up…there is ALOT more to it than that.
ETQW even in this public beta phase is a GREAT game. It only needs some polishing. The gameplay and graphics are really good. keep up the good work guys, I have about 20 hours in it already and just made corporal! Can’t wait to get home and play more.
The vehicles on the GDF side could be a little smoother and the tank has a clipping issue when going up a steep hill.
I noticed a bug when gunning in the tormentor, suddenly my normal shotgun crosshair appears around the gunners hyperblaster crosshair, the weapon reload bar changes to plasma bomb and it does nothing. It happend to me on several flights.
oh, for me this game so foogging does! i didn’t expect it to be that awesome. the gameplay, the depth, the graphics, i like everything. i’ve been waiting for so long to find a game that’s better than ET, i think i found it. me is in luv!
oh, for me this game so foogging does! i didn’t expect it to be that awesome. the gameplay, the depth, the graphics, i like everything. i’ve been waiting for so long to find a game that’s better than ET, i think i found it. me is in luv! :)[/quote]
My sentimonies exactly. I too have been waiting for something to exceed the level of ET’s genius and i think this does it tbh!
OK for the record. It’s not really a failure, it just needs more work. I just hope Splashdamage is going to take more time to polished up a lot more before release time. If another year is what it’s going to take, then so be it.
I want this game finished like everyone else, but I can see it needs more work in certain aspects of it, which is going to take time. Take your time SD, the fans will be there for you in the end.
Again, the art work is really well done, cheers to the art team!
He has a right to provide feedback. That’s the role of the open beta.
To the OP, the graphics in the full version will be a ton better.
Now, I can’t comment on the OPs suggestionsbecasue I haven’t played yet, but I really like the objective and logical approach to assessing the game.
Now, Alkaline, some of your comlpaisnts sound like they’re valid, but the full game will improve all aspects of the graphics, including lighting, textures, models, etc.
I think that not having any objects to convey a state of war is a problem. I ageee and I thnk that that should be adressed.
Also, graphics is not the only factor governing a game’s sucess. From what I have heard and seen ET : QW has awesome gameplay…
And I just odn’t see hw you’ve deermnind that ETQW didn’t live up by the hype by only considering the graphics.
for me, they should cut graphics. who cares about them?
or i got another idea in options there should be additional detail level below ‘‘low’’. it would disable all that fancy golwing shaders and give me back my fps. i like too se this :
this is how it should look. which do not mean that maxdetails aren’t astonishing
After having spent some marathon sessions playing, i have to admit i am really liking the game very much. its defintely got me keep coming back for more and more for sure and im very happy that my faith in pre-ordering the game before i played it didnt let me down
If you remember way back when W:ET first came out with the fuel dump test map you would see there is a lot of difference between that compared to its release. Speaking of which i soooo miss the “thanks a lot pal” and “medic” vsays from that test, they rocked, oooh and the nades too, i was sad when they were taken out
I think that Graphics arent so bad even If I prefer maps with more foliage.
I’m waiting to see the other maps (as I bough the game 2 months ago so,) but I do want to express some disapointement.
First I understand that this game as a Qwake/Unreal style … what could I expect! I was realy anthousiast about this game, as I decided one year ago to NEVER encourage EA again after waht they did to modders…
Anyway, Few days ago I dowload this beta to find myself in the middle
of a big frigging hyperactive rabbits party, with people warping around
shooting like if there was no amo and aiming problems.
What can I say… I know that this game belongs to qwake fans first! I’m usualy NOT part of the forum rats who are trying to influence games designers to ‘‘adapt to there gameplay’’… Just want to say that there is a problem for some players to find a game that is not 100% arcade and that
makes you wait 5 minute till a round finish (Like AArmy).
Personnaly I think that the only interesting avenue right now is with mods… Project Reality and Point of Existence for BF2 and hopefully
a Modern warfare mod for this game.
But I do understand that this style as its fans … I dont want this post to be
advocating for a change from what the dev consider the QW style…
unfortunately google vid quality is very blocky recently, but you’ll get the point. we played in team with several phases and sequential fallback to the sewer controls so that the strogg couldn’t get in there anymore, was great gameplay for a pub.
it’s more suited for ET fans, than for quake fans, but i bet quakers have their fun with it as well. and AA sucks especially as it’s waste of precious gameplay time to get killed and then having to wait 5 minutes until you can play again for a few seconds.
The ET style is one which tries to find a balance between Arcade styles of Quake and realism of AA, nobody wants to wait donkeys toward the end of a round but neither does it aim for a fragfest either. I know sometimes the game may seem to be a chaotic mess but if you take time to get into the game you will find that the chaos is quite organised. There will many mini battles in different locations that all focus towards their specific objective. Whilst it would appear that there are people spread everywhere shooting all over the place, you will actually notice that there are many smaller groups battling and on the grand scale of things it does appear mad. Just try to ignore the mess and focus on a single objective and you will see that the game is quite controlled and complex.
Right now I completely disagree. Aside from the obvious (of course) of objective based teamplay with different classes, I feel this plays very much like Quake. Maybe it’s just the engine but I feel at times my weapons are wildly inaccurate while at the same time I’m killed in the most ridiculous fashions.
Granted, it’s Beta and that’s why we’re testing it. The only problem is it’s tough to put in a bug that says “Plays like Quake and not ET.”
I’ve been playing the RtCW and ET games since their first tests/demos so I have way too many hours logged into these games and I just feel in my personal opinion that QW isn’t quite ET yet. I have full confidence in SD that they’ll nail it in the end though. (no pun intended, Strogg)
it’s really funny how all this fanboys here acting; like little kids. to just insult the poeple for telling their opinions which you, fanboy, cannot here is really the weakest argument. say GO! is a bad attitude. so let’s not pretend, the beta is a lowdown. simple and plain a dissapointment in all aspects. gameplay! but what about the phun? i felt bored not only through the bad ambiente this game has to offer but also the weak gameplay. unbalanced and unfinished. what about the promises sd made to us? did they lie or is it just me who thinks this has to be a bad dream, wake up and everything will be fine? i did wake up but you fanboy not, so dream on your dreams. mines are shattered and i have to live with it. this game is a big blown hype bubble and nothing more. after so many years of anticipation i feel stupid and i know it was my own fault; doom3 comes to mind. so the situation remains the same; id, where are your days gone…
but fart is right imo, no reason to insult anybody, ever. even if he say things you dislike, or is insulting you. (which alkaline didn’t do, i mean insult)
for me it’s pure ET style. (i wouldn’t mind reducing a rifle/lacerator spread to somewhere in the middle of ET spread and actual spread)