I spent a fair amount of time playing BC2 with my fellow geezers (many are old school BF2 players who moved into COD). It can be satisfying and fun, especially playing squad rush with fixed teams (we have a GzR vs GzR league with 6-8 4 man teams and have matches 2/week). I still enjoy those matches, and they work very well with 4 man teams so it’s easier to have more teams in a mid-sized clan like we have.
But is it as good as ETQW? No way. It’s the same thing over and over, your objective mode is Rush and anyone can arm or disarm an M-com. They have done some things better than they have in the past, including more team based XP awards. The vehicles are all very well done as well. The sound is quite awesome. Graphics I supose are great too but because of my machine specs I’m playing with everything on low and getting maybe 25-30 FPS.
When it comes to the gameplay though, no one does it like Splash Damage.
I switched to Windows 7 and hadn’t bothered to re-install ETQW until Friday. Have been playing again and re-familiarizing myself with the mechanics of the game. One thing i can tell you is I’m susceptible to rotator cuff tendenitas brought on by gaming, and the pace of ETQW is far more likely to cause me issues than BC2 is. That’s OK, I just have to take more breaks
I have high hopes for Brink and can hardly wait. I really like what SD is doing to try and encourage team based play. They also seem to be listening a lot more to feedback than they did on ETQW, activly asking questions and soliciting feedback in a number of instances.
So, I’ll probably be playing more ETQW in the next few weeks than BC2.