Show Off Your Halloween Skins Here!

(Your worst knifemare.) #41

The top one?

(TheFluffyOne) #42

(NinjaToast) #43

kill me

(Your worst knifemare.) #44

@“Ninja Toast” said:
kill me

I’d trade either of them for my shellshock Sawbones.

(K1X455) #45

@Meerkats said:

@Xenithos said:

I’ve already gotten a skin out of an equipment case… pretty sure you’re supposed to buy trinket for the lol and easier smoother time in getting cases.
Before the change, you would have to spend two hours in match per day just to get a single loadout ( pretty close to nolifing ). For peeps like me who have jobs, play other games and do other things in general, the trinket dropped it to a slightly more manageable ~90 mins. So essentially, unless you like Phantom ( prob. contents of locked case ), the event was pay to get anything unless you get blessed by RNG. Though even after you get something, it’s still RNG. Lel.

And you would definitely have to nolife Dirty Bomb to get more than one loadout. It’s like those bullshit T3 event trinkets they had a few years ago where you needed to put in nearly four hours a day or something. I didn’t even try to get that, but people I know who did? They started dreading logging in. Like seriously, who comes up with this stuff? I have never in my life seen the effort and good intentions of an entire studio squandered so thoroughly by a bad marketing division, or whoever it is over there in charge of these events and general pricing sans maybe DICE.

You wanna know what the skins actually remind me of? Duracell batteries.

In those three pictures, there are two Phoenixes and one battery. Can you spot the battery? While the similarities are uncanny, it is possible if you look for the “DURACELL” logo.

It’s just a matter of lighting and colour saturation… I don’t really like the pumpkin color but it’s the closest to orange I can get at the moment.

(CryonicArrow) #46

I got these so far, Ive been having good luck so far with Amiee and Kira two good special editions in a row. To bad I have this stoker in a obsidian.

(emjot) #47

No luck after openning 60 cases :frowning:

(K1X455) #48

@CryonicArrow said:

Love that Stoker

@emjot said:
No luck after openning 60 cases :frowning:

Equipment cases or SE Cases?

(emjot) #49

@K1X455 said:

@CryonicArrow said:

Love that Stoker

@emjot said:
No luck after openning 60 cases :frowning:

Equipment cases or SE Cases?


(K1X455) #50

@emjot Special Edition

(emjot) #51

@K1X455 Uhm, yeah, that’s what I meant. SE ((special edition), 60 cases of Jackal’s Eve Edition :slight_smile: Tried to grind more with trinket, so +10 SE cases and no luck so far.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #52

For once I like the enemy version better(got this from a regular case).

(Wolven) #53

My favoritt Stoker. Nice one!

(ENDgie) #54

5 from shriek bundle and 1 from equipment case.

The game really wants me to play more turtle…

(K1X455) #55

(emjot) #56

100+cases 2 SE which I won’t use anyway :slight_smile:

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #57

@ENDgie said:
5 from shriek bundle and 1 from equipment case.

The game really wants me to play more turtle…

Thunder’s backpack looks like a deformed pumpkin.

(PorkyPerson) #58

Anyone else think these skins are a nightmare with FF? I must have shot a friendly pumpkin proxy like 25 times when he played with one. I don’t even use the default blue/red, but by now skins contain just about every color you could set for friendly.

(KeithTalent) #59

Bought three jackal cases and got three Fraggers. :\

(NinjaToast) #60

Got another dupe

Then… back to back baby!

My event luck is off the charts.