Show Off Your Halloween Skins Here!

(K1X455) #61

(Wolven) #62

I haven’t played Redeye with the Grandeur much, but now might be a good time to start. Looks like a decent loadout for him.

(ImSploosh) #63

@Wo1ven said:

I haven’t played Redeye with the Grandeur much, but now might be a good time to start. Looks like a decent loadout for him.

Got the same one! I also have the original version of that loadout in “What The Dickens” skin (comes with Chopper instead of Drilled).

Side note:
Unfortunately, the Grandeur is absolute shit at the moment. They nerfed it for no reason. What’s worse is the spread on it is so awkward and enormous. Even if you can land headshots consistently, it’s so slow (considering the spread), that you’ll be dead before you can fire a second shot at almost any range. It’s really been bothering me because I loved using the Grandeur before, but in its current state, it’s been nerfed into oblivion. :frowning: i cri errytime

(Sorotia) #64

Still not a single skin and I don’t feel like putting it 20 hours for a loadout I’ll never use.

(Wolven) #65

Just got this from my second Event Case that I grinded 12,000 Shrieks for. Most likely my last Jackal’ s Eve skin, unless I get super lucky and get one from a 2% case. The first 12,000 I grinded gave me a duplicate of a Proxy KE21.

I’ve gotten 8 event skins in total, including the duplicate. 2x from grinding Shrieks. 1x from a 2% Equipment Case, and 5x from buying a Shriek Bundle.

(Ptiloui) #66

@Wo1ven said:
I’ve gotten 8 event skins in total, including the duplicate. 2x from grinding Shrieks. 1x from a 2% Equipment Case, and 5x from buying a Shriek Bundle.

P2W !!! :wink:

Got the T93 Skyhammer and the KE43 Nader from 2% case, and the S41 Thunder from the 12k shrieks case.

(Terminal_6) #67

Yesterday I got this out of standard event equipment cases
And today I got this out of standard event equipment cases

(GatoCommodore) #68

no skin here

(Your worst knifemare.) #69

@GatoCommodore said:
no skin here


(zykeroth) #70

Here’s my cards. Pretty good if I may say so.


and the big prize


@zykeroth That Stoker is amazing. I wanted that card so bad.

Just pulled this today. I got a lot of skins I wanted for my favorite mercs, but none in my preferred loadouts. All useable, though. Don’t feel too bad about how this event turned out for me. :slight_smile:

(Jostabeere) #72

@ImSploosh said:
Too bad it takes about 20-27 hours to obtain one skin, minimum. RIP

Atleast you can obtain them. Without boosters. Which, worked, as, intented. Right?

Skins are pretty lame though imo.

(ImSploosh) #73

@Jostabeere said:

@ImSploosh said:
Too bad it takes about 20-27 hours to obtain one skin, minimum. RIP

Atleast you can obtain them. Without boosters. Which, worked, as, intented. Right?

Skins are pretty lame though imo.

Oh lawd don’t haunt me with those memories!! D:


Two cards for me, one from a guaranteed case and the other one from a 2% case. They are not astonishing to say the least.

My “luck” was good enough to warrant me a gold and two silvers, yet no more event cards.

(Faraleth) #75

Here’s mine:

(Your worst knifemare.) #76

@Faraleth said:
Here’s mine:

Nice Phantom you got there.

(Xenithos) #77

Now that it’s over. Here are mine. I’m actually happy with the Fragger.

(Meerkats) #78

Kawaii desu~ time.

(Sorotia) #79

Good news this event I actually didn’t get a bad loadout, bad news is I didn’t get a single skin.

(AlbinMatt) #80

@Meerkats said:

Kawaii desu~ time.

Weird Pureblood Anime Expert.
Oy c*nt, wanna rip a fat vape?

I love it when loadouts make a storyline for themselves.

@Sorotia said:
Good news this event I actually didn’t get a bad loadout, bad news is I didn’t get a single skin.

“Good news, I don’t have food poisoning, bad news is, I’m starving and malnourished.”