renderNetDemo - professionals needed

(Rex) #1

Hi, at the moment I’m try to work with “renderNetDemo”. But I got a problem, the ground in the rendered demo is red :frowning:

Used this settings:

set com_aviDemoHeight “720”
set com_aviDemoWidth “1280”
set com_aviDemoSamples “16”
set com_aviDemoTics “30”
set r_mode “7”
set r_fullscreen “0”

Is there anyone who can help me out? I would be very pleased if a pro shows up.

(Dthy) #2

Do you get red ground if you try to render other demos? Asking because i found i only got red ground on some demos where i eff’d up the start/end markers.

(Rex) #3

On different ones. Oh, I want to add that I didn’t set any markers neither I cut it. It was so short I just rendered it. Is here the fault?

(JinxterX) #4


Is there anyone who can help me out? [/QUOTE]

Yeh, try r_fullscreen “1” not “0” when rendering.

(INF3RN0) #5

I got that before. Basically you just need to wipe ur configs and re-exec the movie.cfg.

(Breo) #6

You could try this:

exec "specs/highspec.dat"

First command is to reset all binds and settings to default! The second one is to load the default high spec settings.

It’s better to render in windowed mode instead of fullscreen, I got the problem that I saw the fullscreen mode (transparent) on top of my com_avi resolution after rendering :eek:

(Rex) #7

As a troll would know…

@Breo, ok I will try this.

(JinxterX) #8


It’s better to render in windowed mode instead of fullscreen, I got the problem that I saw the fullscreen mode (transparent) on top of my com_avi resolution after rendering :eek:[/QUOTE]

Hey Breo :slight_smile: Yup, I was just picking up on a suggestion from Murka in this thread, it’s always worth experimenting.

@Rex, I’m not a troll, you don’t know me at all, so I forgive your childish ignorance.

(murka) #9

I found offscreen rendering to be very broken so it’s best not to use it. It happens when the output resolution is different from the current game window resolution. If you have 1280x720 and a 1280 wide desktop res, windowed mode will still be smaller due to the game window frames. If the output size fits to your desktop res with lots of room to spare you shouldn’t worry. r_mode(or the custom cvars) should equal whatever res you’re outputting.

Mostly i found offscreen rendering only broken on ATI cards where transparent effects would result everything being flipped vertically behind it and some megatexture glitches. nVidia cards seem to be less buggy but i have experienced a few megatexture glitches that happen rather randomly.

Just experiment. Your mileage may vary.

(Rex) #10

I fixed it :smiley: (cfg restart removed the red ground) Thanks guys! Now I do my benchmark movie :tongue:

My weapon disappears now randomly and why are the taken screenshots so dark? I have to set the ingame gamma really high to get a decent brightness later.

(light_sh4v0r) #11

Yeah, this was rendered (screenshot from a demo, not rendernet but I suppose it’s the same technique) without any editing at all. The game plays fine on the same settings, even the demo played fine iirc.

(Rex) #12

Ok, finished my little comparison movie

(Dthy) #13

Colours look better on renderNetDemo, but i think the colours just depend on how you convert the screenhots into a video and any codec and stuff. Get a newer graphics card! :smiley:

(Rex) #14

Youtube link added watch at 720p :wink:

Soon I will get 2 :cool:

(diytec) #15

Hi there.
I had the same problem a while ago (red grounds outdoor).
Set r_useThreadedRenderer from 2 to 0 in my movie.cfg helped me a lot.

The default value for this command is afaik 0 but
I have changed it in my regular cfg to 2 (multithreading enabled).
So in my case the default value removed the red grounds.

Maybe someone can confirm that or find it helpful. :slight_smile:

(Ashog) #16


You have to rerender/recompress the fraps output, so file size comparison makes no sense.

What deathy said - colors depend on how you render. what about me - i liked fraps colors better tbh.

Also, your hardware wasn’s sufficient for a good fraps render - it was stuttering. One needs really good system to do it w/o stuttering.

(Rex) #17

Thanks for your advice! And I know -.- Soon I will get a proper PC to get it right.

(spng) #18

I’d say: stop now that you’re still in time, rendernetdemo is one of most bugged ETQW commands such as cutnetdemo. Sometimes it doesnt record right player moviments, often it crashes for unknown errors and it has so many bugs at all it would make even gandhi mad

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e: the weapon dissapears when you try to record more than 30fps

(Breo) #19

If you replay the demo’s the crosshair doesn’t move sometimes, but if you render the image files the movements are allright.

(murka) #20

Rendernetdemo with all its bugs is still superior to fraps because it doesn’t require a supercomputer to render and the end result is better.