[QUOTE=Paul;475338]We’ll only play 1 single map at the group stage and you can play against all opponents at the same time. This should hopefully save some time and make sure it’ll run okay.
So you’re people saying we should just go for Favela and Old Town as well if we’re going to do it this way?[/QUOTE]
What they’re saying is it doesn’t matter what maps you pick if people are playing the map twice (going first and second)
If only matters if you are playing a map once, in that case, keep Favella out since whoever goes first has an extremely high chance of winning.
Old Town is a stalemate whether you go first or second it doesn’t matter. Whoever chooses to try and cap middle first will lose.
I know Lapa and Construction are paid maps but is their any reason people are against it? It’s like 3$ and both of those maps are better than Favella and Old Town. Also, since they’ve never been in a cup before it’ll be fresh with new strats.