QWEU Second Part of Quake Wars interview online

(GlobalWar) #1

I have just put the second part of the interview i did with Paul Wedgwood online.

You can read it at www.quake-wars.eu or www.quake-wars.nl

(Nail) #2

cool, thanks

(k0z4k) #3

very nice :]

(nUllSkillZ) #4

Collector’s Edition!!!

(Pytox) #5

Cute little tapir doll in the box? :stuck_out_tongue:
Only time will tell…

(iwound) #6

Thank you. :mrgreen:

(DarkangelUK) #7

It’s always good to have ‘gamers POV’ questions thrown at devs, and none of this standard magazine questions. Nice read indeed :smiley:

(Flesh) #8

Omg bots bots bots, say bots are in, say it, say it, say it!!! :smiley:

(Nail) #9

remember, the English have a very dry sense of humour

(phray) #10

why do you always hurt us?! why do you torture us with more info when we can’t play the game!?!? :frowning:

j/k, nicely done!

(Hakuryu) #11

I hope the collectors edition has something cool like a hardcover book maybe showing the history of SD and the making of Quake Wars. I’m so sick of generic coins, dolls, or cloth maps.

(einer) #12

Ok, i must post in this topik, maybe someone gets the feeling that he must reply on me 8) . Np on that, i won’t take it personal.

I would like em. A strogg doll :lol: , but i thing in my country there won’t be such box.

A shame i don’t see 8’s sniper sway as good for the game :), else this would be the best game ever for me, hehe. I like all this info stuff and interview.
Maybe it could than win the GDC for 2007/8 best game :). Instead of UT3 which will be fun gaming oriented i think. Like Gears of War this year ;).

Ok serious back to topik, i have a question: if there are much covert ops and they are targeting different targets isn’t then still artillerie spam happen? Or miss read i something?
I got the feeling the interviewer would like to know how much artilleri overall, not only on one target:

Q24 - Is there a limit to the amount of turrets/artillery/air strikes a team can call in?

Yes. Although this may be subject to change, we’re currently experimenting with a system that enforces queuing when two Field Ops or Oppressors try to target the same area. This helps reduce spam, while allowing them still to target alternative locations immediately.

But still in development it don’t mather if he would say 1 or 3 or 20… so nevermind.

(SniperSteve) #13

This does become more and more exciting as time goes on. I will have to get the collectors eddtion for myself, and the ‘standard’ version fro my bro, who I also wish to convert over to the dark side. ((we have cookies!!)) (he is an rpg newb)

(cheesecake) #14

Good interview can’t wait till QW comes out!

(Sauron|EFG) #15

we worked with id Software to create a completely new approach to meet our goal of having everyone on the battlefield seeing exactly the same thing at the same time

So things will be delayed to simulate equal ping for all players, but what will happen if I join a server where everyone else has a 50 ms ping and I have 200 ms? Will the “virtual ping” jump to 200 to compensate? (Or will it be equal to maxping for everyone from the start?)

(SniperSteve) #16

Yeah, It sounds to me like it could cause some issues, but, I assume that is something they tested very early on.

(Flesh) #17

Now that Ive read it again, I ask myself was that parachute question really necessary? Instead they could have asked something about cov op disguise system :wink:

And that Mission/Tasks help system sounds real nice, like some kind of noob repelant on pub servers - if they are going to be cannon fodder they might as well die trying to do something useful for the team :smiley:
But seriously, its important to help people learn how to play especialy since QW is pretty complicated as far as mp fps go.

Only thing I didnt like was the fact that the driver is going to control the main gun in the vehicle (maybe I got it wrong?). It doesnt seem to promote team play and it looks like passangers are going to be bored to death.

Another good question is: should QW have rambo medics?

(darki) #18

yes :expressionless:

(Rahabib) #19

So things will be delayed to simulate equal ping for all players, but what will happen if I join a server where everyone else has a 50 ms ping and I have 200 ms? Will the “virtual ping” jump to 200 to compensate? (Or will it be equal to maxping for everyone from the start?)

not sure but I hope if thats the case, server admins can limit the ping at least.

(BrightSoul) #20

I had that impression too but, on a second thought, it probably means the driver will be able to gain/give control of the main gun at any time, not just when another player enters the vehicle.