
(ispellcorrectly) #41

no, your far from nkm… besides it was nto chillax it was soom other dude…

he said, I like how Dthwsh popularised close sniping

(Dthy) #42

Hmm, i have no idea who it could be, only other person i can think of is Sl4y3rz. I haven’t really popularised it imo, just made it more well known and that its possible. I think i’ve shown earlier how far from nkm i am xD

(ispellcorrectly) #43

yep :stuck_out_tongue:

and it was slayerz, did you pay him to say that?

(Dthy) #44

Lool, Nah i didn’t pay him, i kinda headshotted him 5 times indoors and called me nkm xD

(ispellcorrectly) #45

hmm more fool him ? :stuck_out_tongue:

(murka) #46

Can you two plz rent a room in a cheap motel?

(Ashog) #47

[quote=ispellcorrectly;222593]I forget who it was but somebody said it was Dthwsh that discovered close combat sniping…

I just started doing it as I am an aggressive player… so I took that as an insult lol no offense but I don’t idol players, then start copying them… lool[/quote]

Aggressive means care not about obj? Oh yes.

(ispellcorrectly) #48

it means, instead of going for the objective, I tend to cover for the objective.

Sometimes I will go for the objective and cover myself in an aggressive way… but you wouldn’t know what I mean unless I showed you… :frowning:

(Aristotle) #49

You too are flattering yourselves way too much. This was very well known before I even knew who either of you were. The only thing is the majority of the players who knew about it and used it were former comp players and pub stars who left this game long ago. With the influx of the new players who bought the game for 2 or 3 bucks in the bargain bin it just seems like it’s just now becoming popular and well known. Neither of you had anything to do with either, stop flattering yourselves.

(ispellcorrectly) #50

Did I say it had something to do with me?! lool

in the beginning I never could snipe

(Aristotle) #51

[QUOTE=ispellcorrectly;222627]Did I say it had something to do with me?! lool

Why would you take that as an insult if you didn’t think you were the first to do it? There is no reason to be insulted from that. Chances are, just about everything you do in this game somebody has done before you, so in essence you are copying other players.

(INF3RN0) #52

Meh quickscoping has been around long before QW, but all the most capable players are long gone from the QW scene. Very few people can actually put the sniper to use in comp matches. I am almost surprised by how few people use it regularly.

(Dthy) #53

Lol, i never said i discovered it or anything. I only found out about my “popularizing” today, no-one ever said anything about it to me before hand

(ispellcorrectly) #54

personally, I think you are taking this a bit too personally, I explained why I found it insulting, and I feel I have the right to be, where I stated so… get off your high horse!

(ispellcorrectly) #55

I have been practising this, I was wrong, it is possible :slight_smile: sorry about that, I was too stubborn to look past my nose, but still there could be a script made to assign to a button, say scroll button in to change from weapon 3 to 2 to 3 again

(Azuvector) #56

Yeah, scoping in quickly to snipe someone up close with perfect accuracy is a trick that’s been around for ages. :slight_smile:
The cooldown-skip bug’s been fixed in the next release of QWTA, although I’m kinda struggling a bit with getting it completed enough to release right now, due to lack of time to work on it. Maybe I’ll release another small patch to at least fix the major issues… >.>

(nan0) #57

To do it with a rail, all you do, when indoor (as there isnt enough time to scope up and aim), is line up with your target, and just before you fire, tap scope, it will zoom in a little but you will have fired very quickly after. This makes the shot have 100% accuracy like if you were scoped normally[/QUOTE]

Don’t seem to get this properly. If I scope right before I fire, it will fire first, and then scope in with no gain in accuracy. If I wait like half a second between scoping and firing it works, but that kinda defeats the purpose since it isn’t as quick as necessary.

(ispellcorrectly) #58

scope - fire - change weapon

(Apoc) #59

watch the demo i posted in the opening post, thats the sort of speed and timing neccessarry

(ispellcorrectly) #60

but requires a lot of practice, I pulled my first “proper” quickscope move last night, I didn’t even know he was there and was pure instinct, luckily it was a clan mate who was on TS, so I could take the piss :smiley: