
(INF3RN0) #21

Also about the rail, i don’t know if anyone else knew it but if you rapid fire the blaster like 3 shots, then switch to rail and no scope, its 100% accurate. [/QUOTE]

Are you sure your not just at point blank range or standing still? I found that if you stand still no scope is fairly accurate with both sniper and rail, but it’s been quite a while since I played regularly and even used them at all. I just seem to remember rail no scopes in particular as making their own decisions as to where it will go most of the time (I think that the weapon swap no scope sniper trick also works with rail as well).

(Dthy) #22

It works for me even when moving, and at a distance (not proper sniping distance though). Just rapid fire blaster (usually 3 shots) then quick switch to railgun and its always hit for me.

(Aristotle) #23

as long as the blaster shots hit and are on target, the rail will always hit. I’ve been telling people that for ages, learned it from Lance.

(Apoc) #24

Also about the rail, i don’t know if anyone else knew it but if you rapid fire the blaster like 3 shots, then switch to rail and no scope, its 100% accurate. (If thats in the vid, sorry! im to lazy to download :P)[/quote]

Is that true? iv never heard of it, i just scope again, got so used to it i just do it naturally

You should watch the demo :slight_smile: 78 kills with a railgun closerange.

(INF3RN0) #25

Funny I decided to look at some old auto-recorded demos and the first one had a no scoped shot in the first few minutes lol. This method tends to work fairly well as long as you shoot and stop your movement at the same instant http://www.xfire.com/video/27a755/ . I’ll probably link a quick scope demo with the sniper later to keep things on topic :wink:.

(AnthonyDa) #26

INFERNO, read your MP ?

(INF3RN0) #27

MP? More pie? Message please? If that’s what you mean you might have your serious glasses on :tongue:.

(INF3RN0) #28

This is a good reference for what the sniper can do with trained fingerlings :eek: http://www.xfire.com/video/87208/ . I am sure most have seen it already, but you will understand why I personally choose not to use the weapon swap bug :wink: (I also noticed it actually doubles your base clip rofl).

(Apoc) #29

Yea i can do that, feels a bit unfair tho.

(Apoc) #30

it doesnt double your base clip btw, some of the shots dont fire

(INF3RN0) #31

Only issue with the sniper rifle really. Somehow people don’t seem to understand that the whole quick zoom shoot is completely legit… I also don’t understand why people have a problem with adding the unscoping as well since you can do it almost automatically with the rail (cool down is preserved as long as you don’t use the weapon swap bug).

(INF3RN0) #32

It actually will count some consecutive shots as only using one bullet, but it only happens when timed perfectly. Was testing it out with some people a while back and had to try it quite a few times to be sure.

(AnthonyDa) #33

Private message, send me an answer to the last one i sent to you (couple of days ago) :o

(INF3RN0) #34

Oh lololol. “PM”. I just didn’t respond because I didn’t have what you wanted :wink: (thought it was a forwarded pm for all the testers). I’ll let some admins know I guess.

(Szakalot) #35

I find it extremely unlikely. Demos please :slight_smile:

Additionally, the problem with the sniperrifle/pistol fast switch bug is that can be macro’ed, as demonstrated (?) by Murka.

(ispellcorrectly) #36

[QUOTE=r3fleX;222479]lol i dont really know what you mean by a script. With Sniper Rifle you simple scope but then shoot+unscope at almost the same time and do these 3 things very quickly. Then to repeat it for rapid fire, i have the mouse wheel down bound to pistol and up to sniper rifle and just after i have shot+unscope roll down and then up on mouse wheel. (so basically scope --> shoot + unscope —> change to pistol then back to rifle —> repeat ) Hope this clears it up :slight_smile:

lol nice 78kill railgun demo bro :stuck_out_tongue: :oppressor::infiltrator:[/QUOTE]

I know exactly how to do this, but to do it every single time perfectly,(I am not talking about the rail gun, I have not seen the video), I am sure I can come up with a script for it, but if it is already done, then why bother.

I am sorry I didn’t explain myself properly, my controls are set to default.

(Apoc) #37

Never been a fan of scripts, doesnt feel like your playing yourself

(murka) #38

And i can tell from experience, scripts aren’t faster than human, just more reliable(yet not 100%).

(ispellcorrectly) #39

I forget who it was but somebody said it was Dthwsh that discovered close combat sniping…

I just started doing it as I am an aggressive player… so I took that as an insult lol no offense but I don’t idol players, then start copying them… lool

(Dthy) #40

Has my name become popular or something? xD I just copied copied nkm’s indoor style and now people think i am nkm!!! o_O. It could of been ChillaX who said that, he hates it when i snipe indoors :stuck_out_tongue: