Quakewars has ingame advertising?!

(Gringo) #41

Im not gonna stand for that…so im going to sit down. Tbh I think u seriously underestimate what SD will do! I cant really see them makin this game and then just walking away from it! I aint happy about in game advertising but sure, such is the nature of the world these days!

(kamikazee) #42

I respect your point of view, but this two sentences only make a weak threat by themselves. That is, until you can prove how much money id/SD/AtVi lost.
I would advise you to just leave those two lines out in the future, and your call will sound a lot more serious. :wink:

Extra? Maybe not.

What I do know from experience on these forums is that I can’t complain about the mod support they have given in the past. For that, I still applaud them seeing what has been done in terms of mods, which would have been a lot harder if it weren’t for their help.

(amazinglarry) #43

Right… IF being the keyword here.

I like that word… it applies here as much as IF I win the lottery, because almost every single server out there is hosted by an individual or clan members/friends.

(Jimbo99) #44

I respect your point of view, but this two sentences only make a weak threat by themselves. That is, until you can prove how much money id/SD/AtVi lost.
I would advise you to just leave those two lines out in the future, and your call will sound a lot more serious. :wink:

Extra? Maybe not.

What I do know from experience on these forums is that I can’t complain about the mod support they have given in the past. For that, I still applaud them seeing what has been done in terms of mods, which would have been a lot harder if it weren’t for their help.[/quote]

It isn’t a threat. I don’t purchase nor play games with ads and I always advise friends and customers to not purchase nor play them. Generally I’m listened to.

There will be no mods on a ranked server. You can’t track rankings like that. Ranked servers generally mean few if any new maps and few if any changes to the way the game plays. Playing on a ranked server is like playing in a chess tournament that is part of a bigger ladder tracking system. You can’t have every event with its own rules nor can you have every tournament with their own rules. Everyone withing the ladder system must have the exact same rules and those rules can NEVER change, otherwise you have to start over.

Do you follow?

(kamikazee) #45

I know what the ranked servers do, yes.
But I for one will mostly be on the unranked ones, where all the shiny stuff can be found. Not to mention that unranked servers can in fact use their own ranking by parsing the server log files, just like W:ET has done for years now.

(Surgeon) #46

"Massive Incorporated have called for a one minute silence today, after three of their employee’s were killed on the battlefield, erecting a new Coca-Cola advert.
Two of the employee’s managed to fend off the inhuman attackers for a few minutes with their step ladder, whilst the third blinded a Strogg Technician with some billboard paste.
Unfortunately they were all eventually overwhelmed and used as forward spawn points.

In related news, GDF Commanders have denied accusations that their forces are behind the recent acts of vandalism on the ‘Stroggification is for Life, not just for Christmas’ advertising hoardings"

(figvam) #47

Since there is nothing in the announcement stating otherwise, I’m assuming the ads will show on all servers, including unranked ones.

And the most disturbing thing is that this essentially creates a free content network for SD/ATVi to show their ads and grab the money when the players on the unranked servers generate ad revenue by looking at the banners, but they’ll give nothing back to the people carrying the real burden of running the servers - paying for bandwidth, hardware, etc. I see no justification for this unless SD officially admits the game is an adware.

(Nail) #48

I remember reading somewhere that there’s different levels of server software

(M8DNanite) #49

Surgeon :smiley:
:evil: :evil: :evil:

(blinded) #50

What is wrong with advertising in games? Most of the advertisements will probably be too small to actually disturb your gameplay and I say most because there has been no official “statement” by anyone yet on how big they will be and how frequent, yet some people have decided to boycott the game anyway. Fine, refuse to buy the game, but I doubt SD or iD will even consider removing the ads because a few guys cried on their forums. You would need a big public backing for them to reconsider.

No one expects you to pay attention to the ads. You aren’t being forced to look at them, much like most advertisements. Without these ads, ranked servers probably wouldn’t be able to function as SD or iD will need A LOT of backing in order to host the various databases plus to hire staff to do bug fixes and patches which will certainly not be covered by a small $10 fee which will most likely make less people buy the game as the starting price is even more because a bunch of sooks didn’t want to see some ads.

If anything, you should be praising iD and SD for thinking of an alternative to making you pay each month for the ranked servers.

(Gringo) #51

The problem isnt ‘noticing’ advertising but actually ‘not noticing’ them. Example, you might be walking through a shop one and day and have a sudden urge to buy some piece of shit. The reason why, u went on a 10 man killin spree with ur knife in QWs and u ended it looking at an advertisement but not realizing that u are. Ur brain then equates this feeling of euphoria to the product. Of course I may be wrong about this and have just made up this connection but I dont think so and advise people not to either :smiley:

Seriously tho, I understand the reasons why ad’s are going to be in place in order to support servers and that. I hope to have my own server and it would be nice to be able to remove ad’s on it.

Just to finish may I add, all those in advertising and marketing, please kill yourselves!

(blinded) #52

The problem isnt ‘noticing’ advertising but actually ‘not noticing’ them. Example, you might be walking through a shop one and day and have a sudden urge to buy some piece of shit. The reason why, u went on a 10 man killin spree with ur knife in QWs and u ended it looking at an advertisement but not realizing that u are. Ur brain then equates this feeling of euphoria to the product. Of course I may be wrong about this and have just made up this connection but I dont think so and advise people not to either :smiley: [/quote]
How about you don’t be an impulsive 'tard and don’t buy it? People see ads all the time already and it isn’t that big of an issue. Ads already exist in most games anyway - take for instance how the game always has a slip in it’s cover about the manufacturers other games. This is just a new addition to gaming lately and people are jumping on the bandwagon rather than being smart and just ignoring the ads.

(Gringo) #53

Ur brain obviously lacks the ability to join mine on a level above that of foolishness and therefore u overlooked what I was referring to! I was making reference to subliminal advertising. This is by no means the same as a slip that comes with a game. An advertising slip can be thrown away, subliminal advertising continually bombards a person without them knowing it ala subtle in game ad’s that are not highly noticeable!

Btw, im not too bothered about in game ads. If I had the choice I would not ave em but it dont make that much of a difference!

(Sauron|EFG) #54

The advertisers do.

If no one looks at the ads then they won’t generate much money for SD/id/ACTV, and if their support for ETQW really depends on the money generated by ads then we have to look at the ads for that very reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

(blinded) #55

Various forms of subliminal messages have been tested and most pretty much fail.

(Xipher) #56


The advertisers do.

If no one looks at the ads then they won’t generate much money for SD/id/ACTV, and if their support for ETQW really depends on the money generated by ads then we have to look at the ads for that very reason. :P[/quote]

Actually they generate money by being there in the HOPES you see them. It’s just like billboards, you don’t have to look at them at all, but some one is getting paid non the less.

As for the fact you pay for the game you are only paying for it once but they do have reoccurring costs, even if they don’t include the ranked server/stats crap. The one thing that will ALWAYS cost them money if they keep it running is the master server to keep the in game browser working. Bandwidth isn’t free, you gotta pay for it, and I would rather have an in game browser then having to use IRC for pickup games all the time.

(ayatollah) #57

I am blinded by your scientific proof of this, oh wait you don’t have any. If you don’t think subliminal messages work have a good chat with Derren Brown, or similar person. Subliminal advertising does not work on everyone but there are a huge amount of people that can be manipulated by it.

This is not to say that id/SD/Atvi will resort to subliminal advertising, it would be suspect if they did. Just in reference to Gringo’s point, the subconscious is a strong thing, and whether you know want to obey it or not you have no choice.

(squadjot) #58

commercials and advertisements on loadscreens, limboscreens and other other interface is OK…
but commercials on ingame -buildings, -vehicles is unecesary, and would ruin the look and feel.

(Smilie) #59

i would say the other way around :\ i wouldnt want ads taking up my huds and limbo menus

an ad on a building is more natural who says they dont have ads on buildings in 2065 ? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Gringo) #60

Dont trust this guy, he’s from Antrim. Burn him!!! I would agree tho that I’d prefer ads not to be in limbo menu’s as such!