PS3 Users - I need Brink friends

(FoFifth) #41

Yeah, it was alot of fun.

I’ll be on tonight if anyone wants to play

(NeutraiIty) #42

Add me I’m good at serving bullet flavoured candies. LZonedL

(Oschino1907) #43

I have a decent base of frineds for Brink and tend to get mostly full matches every night, add me and i will invite you to our groups. We play with anyone and everyone who fits the description in my signature.

(x-Transient-x) #44

Add M82-xVOODOOx

Also, my clan is looking for others to scrimmage against. HMU if interested.

(RoBier93) #45

Add me: RoBier93

Have a mic. GMT+1

(delicious) #46

Hi! Add me Im from Europe and have a microphone:)
PSN: delicious91
Anyone feel free to add me, if you are a regular Brink player

(SladeNoctis) #47

PSN: SladeNoctis

(vweight) #48

sup PSN:vweight
i play alot and make sure to buff when i can. no mic, but still a good player. add me when you can.

(sithhappens) #49

psn darthmadman121:penguin:

(FoFifth) #50

Anyone on right now? I’m logging on in a couple minutes.

(ataliba) #51

join the chat room everyone!

(Oschino1907) #52

Tryin to watch porn and eat lunch, hahahaha j/k I will be on soon after one of those two things!

(Derpington) #53

ID: Keltastic.

Do it! I want to play brink legit and not with a bunch of bots. :confused:

(BallsPartyof2) #54

Big thanks to all of you that got on this weekend like,


and I’m sure a lot more that I can’t list cause I don’t have all the names in front of me yet.
Also, thanks to those that used the chat rooms, they do help and it is the best way to see what rank I’m playing at the moment. Given I have my 1 high rank, I’m working on other setups now.

(Shane_O) #55

I had lots of fun playing Brink with you guys this past weekend. It didn’t go as planned for me, as it turned out I had family and friends over this weekend so I couldn’t play as much as I wanted(the friends and family all wanted to see LA Noire).
Sorry, BallsPartyof2, I didn’t get to play some matches with you this weekend, but thank you for setting up all of the chat rooms!

(Lord_Smut) #56

Hey guys im looking to link up with some people for Brink. I have two characters one level 20 other level 15. Looking to get on tonight please add me if you want Lord_Smut ps3

(JaxDad08) #57

PSN: jaxdad08

40 years old

have mic

Play between 8pm to 11pm PST

My wife and kid use my account to watch Netflix, so please only send a game invite when i am in the game.


It’s easy & fun playing with “BallsParty of 2”,uhhhh that doesn’t sound right does it??? Lololololol

Medic/ Operative
Wireless Astro A-40’s

(BallsPartyof2) #59

LOL, I brought my list today so I’ll have an update and add you new guys and thanks for the request comming in, a group is starting to form.

(BallsPartyof2) #60

K, I got a lot more names to add tonight so thank you gamers.

Tonight I would like to set up some matches with everybody running the same body type and finish the night off with Rank 5 char. All of us Heavies is really fun. See ya tonight guys.