Programs That Will Get you Flagged/Banned

(serpentineYelp) #61

I don’t understand process hacker 2 causes temp bans. I’m temp banned for two days because I couldn’t figure out why, even after closing the program, it wouldn’t let me join. So apparently I had to change the directory files name. I should not have to do this to simply play the game. Closing it should be enough, it is not running, but no, that’s not enough. Please fix this, It’s upsetting.

(fortunateWagon) #62

Hey guys, my accont has banned because i use a injector program to run and software to capture gameplays for Youtube in my free time. I only play a few houres of the game and just love it! How can i get my acc back? :frowning:

Please, I never use hack in a game. I’m medical student, and the little free time I have, I use to play DB. I don’t have time to look for ways to hack the game!

(Ghosthree3) #63

Dude what. What the hell did you need to inject. I can’t think of a good excuse for doing that, there’s no way this ban is getting lifted.

(serpentineYelp) #64

I am still waiting for them to white list non invasive, non threatening programs.

(fortunateWagon) #65

Dude what. What the hell did you need to inject. I can’t think of a good excuse for doing that, there’s no way this ban is getting lifted.[/quote]

The injector is to run the software i use to capture gameplay.

(keenGasoline) #66


i usually forgot that im running the ENB injector from fallout new vegas now im permanently ban from the game just wow. so much of the hardwork and grinding

(Ghosthree3) #67

What kind of capture software would require you to do that.

(cacophonousVoid) #68

Players DELETED are currently running a twitch, playing hacked dirty bomb, and apparently are able to get around being banned and reported. Just wanted to let you know.

The twitch channel is DELETED

(Ardez1) #69

[quote=“cacophonousVoid;38954”]Players DELETED are currently running a twitch, playing hacked dirty bomb, and apparently are able to get around being banned and reported. Just wanted to let you know.

The twitch channel is DELETED[/quote]

This forum has a strict no name and shame policy. I have deleted the content that breaks forums rules.

Please report suspicious players directly to Nexon Support.

(splendidAnemone) #70

So im wondering if i can get any official stance on if we can get banned for simply having these software installed, or actively running while playing Dirty Bomb, as it stands right now i regularly use cheatengine on my laptop as it helps with searching for stuff to use in speedrunning as well as setting up autosplits. I would like to set this up on my desktop that i play dirtybomb on but dont want to get banned for simply having it installed.

(BrewskieMcKillgore) #71

I know I’m commenting on a dead thread here, but I recently found out that my mouse has software that allows me to rebind key mappings to individual mouse buttons. Will XIGN detect and ban me for the logitech mouse software that allows me to map Long Jump (Crouch+Jump) to one mouse button? It really saves my pinky from strain…

(astonishingBattlement) #72

You ought look up systemcheat on youtube, it fucking insane.

(astonishingBattlement) #73


(Ardez1) #74

Please do not advertise for hacks on this forum. I have deleted the content from your post.


(Pandaw0w) #75

Now there is a cheat that some use, It’s like an aimbot, and mid-game they fill the chat with “vlads owns me and all”. I have encountered two of them today; “FaZe Temperr” and “Serpentine”. There also seems to be a issue when trying to votekick them, it definetly doesn’t work.

(astonishingBattlement) #76

@Ardez so you delete my post where I can show you guys there is more than what the list Miss Murder didn’t list in to flagged it, and I wasn’t advertise it lol… a vote kick won’t do anything they’ll make a new steam and keep on hacking… if this game wasn’t free it’d be paid.

(statelyEcclair) #77

Hello devs,
my original Account (which I would have made this post with if I knew the login-details (these have been auto-generated by steam, i guess)) has been suspended for 2 days. I found this page now, and only now, through a reddit site discussing stupid bans for no apparent reason.
I use three of the listed programs on a day-to-day base, and had never bought any boosters if I had known of these programs being “evil”.
a) NetLimiter because my internetspeed is not that great and several computers in the network have to share,
b) Sandboxie because I use my pc for work and cannot risk unleashing any kind of malware on it, so I use Sandboxie every day,
c) Process hacker because some programs that I work with sometimes crash horribly and are able to be terminated only by Process Hacker, not that petty excuse for a Task-Manager that Windows uses.

There is absolutely NO WAY of me shutting down or even deleting ANY of these programs for Dirty Bomb.
So, either rework your detection routine (obviously preferred, as it seems to be slightly lacking), or explain to me how I get my 8€ for that booster back.

If you send me a message I will tell you my real account name on steam.

Best regards

(PenguinHorde) #78

i have a macro that knifes pulls out my knife and does a normal hit there is input delay

is this banned? (its mostly for convenience)

(Ghosthree3) #79

Yes it’s against the rules. Whether it will be detected or not I don’t know.

(fuchsiaCape) #80

@groovySound said:
Shouldn’t you inform users of this stuff before they launch the game? Or at least not ban for the first offense? Having to wait two days to play again because your el cheapo anticheat thinks that sandboxie is a hack tool is a terrible policy. Add that to your policy of only doing suspension appeal live chats two days a week and you’re going to alienate a large proportion of your userbase.

Oh man, I didn’t even get a temp ban! I got a full on Permanent Ban!