Problems with friends list

(Aerie) #1

For some weeks i have notice that the friends list is not working correctly since do not shows the friends that join after we are already playing and even sometimes after friend disconnect it stills shows that they are still playing. This is happening most of the times and messages don’t show too when ppl really send it even when they are showing in friends list…

So we have to disconnect or just need change user (some ppl saied u actually do this and then login with same nick np) to update the friends list.
This is happening with other ppl too don’t know how many if is for all or just some players. So anyone knows why this is not working correctly? and if there is a solution?

(the game is old and no updates so probably this can be “normal”, starting to get some problems that can’t be solved or ppl don’t care more to solve it)


(jRAD) #2

The game itself hasn’t changed for a few years, but it’s entirely possible that the online services provider (Demonware/Activision) has made changes that break things for ETQW. We can follow up with them and see what can be done.

(Aerie) #3

Thanks again for still caring for the game.

(Setlec) #4

any possibility to get the game and tools source code released? that would solve quite alot things.

(jRAD) #5

I’d personally love for people to be able to have a go at improving/changing/fixing/whatevering the game, but the ultimate call for source release lies with Zenimax/Bethesda, and their plans for the game, rather than anyone at Splash Damage.

(Setlec) #6

You guys at SD could make a petition for release of the source code at Zenimax, I think that some guys from iD Soft would also agree to petition. The ETQW’s Community is surely bored of searching for a replacement so i guess there will be a lot of players that would reappear if the source code is released.

(Nail) #7

id Software is wholly owned by ZeniMax, ZeniMax will not release source.

The End

(JinxterX) #8

Doom 3 source code was released with approval from ZeniMax, so why not ETQW?

(Nail) #9

good point, why don’t you ask them

(edxot) #10

and tell them to add a black list too, along with the fixed friends one.

(TheG4mer) #11

Why is your star red?

(Khamul) #12

I got 1 problem , sometimes when i send message or invitation it takes 1 second, but sometimes it takes 15 seconds… Anyone can tell me why? :slight_smile:

(edxot) #13

two options:

1 - i rock
2 - i am awesome

you decide

(Nail) #14

hover over stars to see meaning, red isn’t good

(TheG4mer) #15

[QUOTE=edxot;435824]two options:

1 - i rock
2 - i am awesome

you decide[/QUOTE]

I take option 3 - even more red incoming now

(edxot) #16

i thought it was because i was hot

but it seems some people cant kill me in game so they try to kill me here ?

who cares ?

probably i should go public with my reputation stats. so you all could see who keeps giving me this score.

(Ashog) #17

hasn’t Carmack said they will be releasing etqw source at some point soon in the future?

(Setlec) #18

i couldn’t say honestly. i don’t recall anything about etqw source code. i know for a fact that wolfenstein:ET was released.

(Nail) #19

id Tech 4 source, compliments of JC and TTimo

(Ashog) #20

Ok, found in IRC logs a Timestart’s link:

To sum up - ETQW next in line, but not in the near future. There’s need not to trust Carmack’s words as he always releases source as promises eventually (sometimes with some delays but still), but then, he is now owned by Zenimax, so you never know…