Post E3 2006 feedback/constructive comments

(Gringo) #101

Brevik the voice of reason and sense :clap:

(nUllSkillZ) #102

I start to think that the healthbar and the names of opponent players in red is used because the playermodels can not be distinguished that good as mentioned in one of the “E3 hand’s on” articles.

I love W:ET for the visual and sound “arts”.
You can clearly distinguish friend or foe and which class it is.

(TheBladeRoden) #103

Instead of health bars the vehicles should start smoking and sparking the more damaged they are.

For player nametags I think friendlies should show up right away but enemies nametags should only show up if you focus on them for awhile.

No healthbars unless you are a medic and it is a friendly.

The crosshairs look like something from a console (is this a hint?)

Players seem to warp into vehicles instead of climbing on (I’ve been a proponent of vehicle entry and exit lag as a means to help balance vechs vs inf, you see)

Players also seem to warp from being dead to running full sprint.

And that stabbing animation too.

What’s with that diamond in the sky?

Why is it when the Strogg get a spawn room it’s “liberated”, but when the GDF get a spawn room it’s “captured”? That’s racist. :stuck_out_tongue: Just like that “finding” vs “looting” deal.

The technician and the Infiltrator look like they have the same model in the spawn screen.

Oh yeah, and the gore deal tool.

(Etnies) #104

Just for those of you who havent seen this review by TosspoT :


(Wils) #105

To answer a few of the more common/recent questions:

Vehicles have multiple cameras, including a third-person one. We’re still debating this. It was interesting to see how few people wanted (or needed) to switch from the default first-person/cockpit views in the playtests we ran at E3.

Vehicles do actually start smoking and sparking (fires break out in various places too) the more damaged they get.

A delay on the name appearing makes sense - we originally set about having it work like that, but I suspect it got lost amongst the various UI changes that were made along the way. I’ll check tomorrow.

Healthbars are useful to everyone, not just the medic - personally, I want to know how much health the guys running in with me have, it often influences how I play.

Crosshairs will almost certainly change and get some options at some point - the actual crosshair is just a simple cross (or circular reticle, depending on the weapon/tool). The bits at the side are bars with health and ammo clip info on them (amongst other things) will most likely become optional. Some of us in the office like them, some don’t (I’m in the group that don’t, for what it’s worth).

The diamond-shaped icon in the sky is on your HUD and marks the next active objective(s). Artwork, positioning and opacity is work-in-progress, as you might expect (UI is always the last thing in the game to get finished/polished, aside from things like the installer :)).

Regarding the spawn capturing, ‘captured’ means you claimed it and get a spawn, ‘liberated’ means you claimed it and disabled the other teams spawn, but don’t get a spawn there yourself. It’s not team-specific (or racist :P).

(kamikazee) #106

Dunno… Health bars are a nice bonus.

Too BF-ish imo. I rather have no signs for the opposing team, marking enemies on the command which are within sight of a cov op is enough to me. Opinions may differ, of course. Or you could go hybrid: only allow the name to pop up after a while if a cov op sees them as well, or make it only work for cov ops.

I love that feature for all friendlies. Nice to see who is wounded and needs some more cover from the others, even if you’re not a medic.

Negative points about his column:[ul]* It’s the first negative column I’ve noticed up to now.

  • Imho, he’s talking like RTCW is the ancestor which cannot be improved
  • He calls BF 2 fun in the point and shoot way… Weapons don’t even shoot accurately in BF2, the work random.[/ul]
    On the other hand, he makes a few good points. A mech warrior could be nearly invincible against a team of slightly lesser skilled players.

Of course, I hope they can bump out these problems. As Bongoboy said that a demo could take a little, I think they have enough time.

(Lanz) #107

Vehicles might be invincible until people in general learns how to deal with them, but this will only be temporary, no problem as long as that rock, paper, scissor balance is in place. To even open his mouth about stuff like game balance after only having played the game for 20 minutes is just fucking silly, and the fact that everyone else probably just runned around like headless chickens on the map doesn’t help either.

(mortis) #108

Everyone at E3 that I spoke with said that the vehicles were all manageable, and that still the most deadly part of the game was artillery spam and being an engineer at a build point. Sounds familiar to me, and manageable. I haven’t heard many people say “Those mechs were just pure ownage”, or “icarus packs just made for a bajillion stroggs spamming us from every high spot”. Instead it was like, “Well, it took us three hard pushes to build the bridge, and then we progressively pushed them back down the tunnel. We encountered some deployables, but soon reached the far side, blah blah…” If the vehicles were overpowering, you’d hear it from the get-go, since usually it takes some time for players to learn how to best take out each kind of vehicle. People told me that shooting out tires is a very effective way for infantry to stop some vehicles. The only thing I heard that was disconcerting is that the Mobile Command Post is very hard to repair, and it’s very deadly to be the engineer trying to do so.

(Zyklon) #109

We don’t need no enemy name tags if our own team has permanent markers voer their heads.

(Rhoades) #110

double post

(Lanz) #111

Speaking of the mobile command post, is it rolling down on a predefined track like the tanks etc in ET?

(Senethro) #112

It must do, mustn’t it? Either that or the map will limit where it can go. Otherwise you would get griefers who would drive it to the bottom of a river.

(Lanz) #113

Yeah my thought exactly, just wanted to know how they solved it in ET:QW.

(Schizma) #114

I thought I read somewhere that someone drives the MCP but it has a very limited path which you can drive on. I dont know though, maybe I am wrong, I hope so, some noob would get in at the beginning then go AFK. It would be best if no one drove it and it just went down a set path.


(Apocalypse) #115

Thanks for the reply. Personally, I still think that names should not ever appear for the enemy (except maybe under 10m in distance).

A good soldier that knows how to use the terrain for cover should not be compromised by some idiot that just scans the horizon looking for something to shoot.

Hopefully this will be considered.

(Joe999) #116

one thing that annoyed me the most in ET: hiding behind the black smoke of the tank and being hit because every so-called “1337” player has tweaked everything of the beautiful graphics away to get an advantage. well, although i didn’t want to, i had to tweak it away myself then :uhoh:

i read once in an interview that shadows n such play a role in QW. is it again possible in QW to tweak away smoke from damaged vehicles or airstrikes and such?

thanks :slight_smile:

(Hakuryu) #117

I actually like the red name identifier, but only for aircraft.

In BF2 the delay is fine on ground troops, but on aircraft it just sucks. It takes way to long before it is shown in BF2, and I think instant is fine for aircraft.

Of course in the E3 vid the ground players seemed to disregard the flying vehicles, but I bet thats because of unskilled pilots… once they get good that instant identify will be helpful to ground troops.

(Ciabs) #118

fine with that.

if you have to let the enemy name appear on screen, at least make it not appear near the enemy model (and thus moving with the enemy, making it easier to spot in woods/whatever), but make it appear somewhere like in the higher part, middle of the screen, so you know who’s that guy your shooting at (after you’ve been tracking him down a bit) but can’t help your aiming with his name.

I agree with a ET-like healthbar, ie: you get to see vehicles healtbars and teammates’, but not enemy infantry healthbars, that just feels wrong, and as said for the enemy name above, if the bar moves with the enemy (not a problem with vehicles for they’re still big enough not to be stealthy) it spoils any sneaking option in the game;

and with class icons too, let them be optional, and only appear for the player’s team, not the enemies’ :slight_smile:

my .02, hope the hints will help you… :smiley:

one final tip, that IMO is a panacea: when in doubt, make it optional :stuck_out_tongue:

(figvam) #119

Well, looks like you’re determined in having 3rd person view for the vehicles. I just hope you’ll make it optional via server cvars.

Vehicles do actually start smoking and sparking (fires break out in various places too) the more damaged they get.
Well, do we even need the healthbars on the enemy vehicles then?

A delay on the name appearing makes sense - we originally set about having it work like that, but I suspect it got lost amongst the various UI changes that were made along the way. I’ll check tomorrow.

I like the suggestion by kamekazee that only covert ops should see the enemy names.

Healthbars are useful to everyone, not just the medic - personally, I want to know how much health the guys running in with me have, it often influences how I play.

What about enemies’ healthbars, will they stay? Maybe make them viewable to covert ops only after some period of time?

(Hakka) #120

one thing that annoyed me the most in ET: hiding behind the black smoke of the tank and being hit because every so-called “1337” player has tweaked everything of the beautiful graphics away to get an advantage. well, although i didn’t want to, i had to tweak it away myself then

You make it sound like tweaking a cvar is cheating; quite frankly, if I didn’t tweak mine, I wouldn’t get over 25 fps on my wonderful craptop for W:ET. Not only that, drawing the gun, blood flash, head bob, etc. can all be very distracting, and you better believe if I have the option to make shooting you in the face easier I’ll take it :slight_smile: I sincerely hope that ET:QW has the option to modify configs, and I’m confident it will.

It seems that vehicles will be pretty balanced, and that’s good, because otherwise it just sounds like a headache ala panzernoob but 100x worse :slight_smile: