
(Mateos) #101

Warbell looks a bit too shiny, but I guess you already know this :slight_smile:

(Dushan) #102

Ye I know about that bug for some time. In my latest revision it is fixed.

This is my latest work at this moment.

I am sorry for low resolution, but I had problems with CamStudio and compression codec.
This is best what I could do at this moment.

(Indloon) #103

Wow,impressive manipulation:)

I really like this effect,but only thing what must remade is water,it looks like their is oil.

You should take a look of GLSL usage of OpenGL.


If you can do it and add to Openwolf,I will give you high-five:)

E:then theres a something on what to make a mod…

(Mateos) #104

Good to know :slight_smile: Looks very nice, the water effect in out out of it :slight_smile:

(Shownie) #105

Wow, that is really good Dushan! That little effect makes it very cool, I like it a lot :slight_smile:


(Eonfge) #106

wrong thead

Cool project though. Hope that tr3B doesn’t mind using some of your game code changes in our project.

(Dragonji) #107


BTW, is it possible to play on mods like ETPub for example?

(Dushan) #108

Well, no at least for now, I have broken mod compatibility and increased version number, so its incompatible.

This pictures represent my experimental feature inside OpenWolf :slight_smile:
I have successfully load map from source a.k.a. “.MAP” format instead of compiled maps “.BSP” inside idTech3 engine :).

Problem is because I have used IDTech4 approach to that and broke screen rendering a.k.a “LoadWorldMap” inside renderer and inside engine and with that pointing to entry point. (I still need to check how IDSoftware did that in Doom3). Also on screenshots you can see that “.cm” and “.proc” files are now read properly :), so now I can use same collision detection as in Doom3.

Map is loaded, and for now you cannot do anything, you can load map (from source), and look at loading screen picture. :slight_smile:

Also I will provide pastebin link with console dump :slight_smile:

I can provide experimental build of this if anybody is interested :slight_smile:

P.S. code isnt commited yet on GitHub for this :slight_smile:

(Dushan) #109

One update :slight_smile:

I have added description for all console commands. :slight_smile:
User should type “/cvarlist” and to see all available commands with full description

(Dushan) #110

I have fixed compiling on Linux, soon I will provide testing build for all platforms :slight_smile:

Working autoupdate server for Linux :slight_smile:

Working dedicated server for Linux :slight_smile:

(Runeforce) #111

[QUOTE=Dushan;405521]I have fixed compiling on Linux, soon I will provide testing build for all platforms :slight_smile:

Working autoupdate server for Linux :slight_smile:

Working dedicated server for Linux :slight_smile:


That’s AWESOME, Dushan. You are DA BOMB!!!

(rorgoroth) #112

Dushan, I love you :wink:

Also thanks for the github - I haven’t got anywhere with it since you posted since I’ve been rather busy and the few times I tried pulling it it’s been going at 50 KiB/s max and give up to go do other stuff. I may leave it to dl over night tonight to get the bulk via a shallow clone. Anyway, nice work :cool: !

(Dushan) #113

Ye, I know, there was problem with size of textures what I uploaded there on main repo. Few days ago I have separated that into different repo, just I have slow and small upload (50KB/s) and it will take some time until I re-upload them. It was mistake to commit code on main repo.
I believe that you will not have problems with download code now.

I still did not commit changes to cmake and to code on GitHub. I will commit it soon so others can compile OpenWolf on their own platform (just to fix compiling ET game logic and legacy renderer (OpenGL 1.x) - rest is compiling and working fine. How I know, code is ~ MacOS friendly, just don’t know how much. Linux and FreeBSD is supported also :slight_smile:

(Dushan) #114

Now when Torque 3D engine is free and open source -> :slight_smile:
There is possibility that I will transfer my OpenWolf on that engine :slight_smile:

Just would like to see pulse of community and what others say :slight_smile:

(Runeforce) #115

I’m sure the Torque community would idolize you for that move (or at least I would :slight_smile: )

(Dushan) #116

I have forked it and experimented little with it :slight_smile:

I will post several screenshots with it, hope that you guys like it =]

(Dushan) #117

One more photo

(Mateos) #118

I say Yes Sir.

If you need testers… My body is ready.

(poVoq) #119

Those Torque screens look nice, but I don’t exactly get what you are planning to do.
Are you trying to get Wolf:ET gameplay and assets to run on Torque3D? Or what exactly do you consider “your OpenWolf”?

(Dragonji) #120

[QUOTE=poVoq;406283]Those Torque screens look nice, but I don’t exactly get what you are planning to do.
Are you trying to get Wolf:ET gameplay and assets to run on Torque3D? Or what exactly do you consider “your OpenWolf”?[/QUOTE]
I’m wondering about the same thing. I thought OpenWolf is a project that aims to be a W:ET remake but now it looks like it’s just another engine.