
(Dushan) #81

I have managed to fix and replace 90% (if not more) missing textures and shaders in Quake3 (Q3) and Tremulous maps.
Because of attachment gap I cannot post more photos so I will brake this into several posts.

Quake3 “charon3dm666” map

(Dushan) #82

Second part of pictures

Quake3 tourney 1 and 2 maps

(Dushan) #83

Third part of pictures

Q3 yurich map

(Dushan) #84

Fourth part

Tremulous nexus6 map

(Dushan) #85

And fifth and final part

In next few days I will check Urban Terror and RTCW maps and what/how many textures&shaders are missing there.

Tremulous temple map

(Dushan) #86

This is my last “stable” build of OpenWolf
I don’t have anymore FTP account so I used MegaUpload service.

I have uploaded files without textures (at this moment I cannot upload >1,2 GB textures), but I will upload it soon on SVN.
NOTE: On some maps on my Radeon 4850 I have problem with light (like map Goldrush, while on map Goldrush_GA it’s all OK) - weird really.
EDIT: Extract all your files inside your ET folder and start openwolf_x(arch).exe
EDIT #2: Set sv_pure to 0

OpenWolf x86 build

OpenWolf x64 build - was builded without Ruby support and SSL (had problems with libraries for x64 solution)

(Dushan) #87

It took me literally hours and hours to make pure LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) more Windows friendly. :slight_smile:
But, all LLVM dependence files are statically builded and result of that was that executable file is more then 26 MB big (on my debug build ofc).

I can soon provide full bug-free LLVM files and VM solution :slight_smile:

(Mateos) #88

Looked on Wikipedia what LLVM is exactly, seems to be a pretty great feature :slight_smile:

(etwolfmod) #89

is llvm better than gcc compiler?

(Indloon) #90

Personally I think GCC is better than LLVM because of performence benchmark.

(RazorKiller) #91

I found some problems while testing your game, game is not responding on quit if your internet stream is active “s_inetradio 1”. Great feature, may I ask will you continue to develop it?
Also about LLVM can you at least tell us who dont know what for what are you using it?

(Dushan) #92

Technically it depends for what are you using LLVM. LLVM-GCC is a modified version of GCC, which uses LLVM as its backend instead of GCC’s own. Their have their own advantages and disadvantages of course. GCC produce slightly faster code while LLVM gave significantly better compile times.

We are not changing here GCC compiler, but to create an alternative to .so/.dll/.dylib. Like QVM, LLVM is also platform independent and it is executing bytecode instructions via an interpreter, so we can use same files (qagame, ui and cgame) on all game supported operating systems.

Now reason why I don’t like Linux is because of if something is working for example on LLVM (or GCC some version) version 2.7 it’s not working on version 2.9 (or incompatible file …) - stuff like that., and my compiled files was on 2.7 and 2.8 version.
When I try to compile on 2.9 I got some pretty sweet error :slight_smile:

Problem is because I don’t know what is this, and if anybody else don’t compile and test I don’t know is this fully working.

About internet radio shoutcast … I know about that bug it have problem with freeing BASS_Free(), you need to move it to other place.
For now there is specified only one internet radio address, but we will change that in future

(etwolfmod) #93

i cant get wolfet to compile on linux either. It gives a x86dga not found error with scons.

(Dushan) #94

you need to install development library (I believe more library is missing) - try “sudo apt-get install libxxf86dga-dev libxxf86vm-dev”

(Dushan) #95

One update :slight_smile:
I have ported whole Tremulous game inside OpenWolf (as standalone and mod). Now I can support ET client and Tremulous on same engine :slight_smile:

In this revision Tremulous GPP (rev. 2260) is loaded, but because of different fonts menu is not shown (also menudef.h isn’t updated) But I have loaded both x86 and x86-64 modules in windows build.

I can even write some kind of “bridge” so you can connect from OpenWolf client to Tremulous server.

And btw. because of problem with space on Assembla, I have left that and moved to hosting on another place.

(Dushan) #96

And I successfully loaded Tremulous as mod/standalone in game :slight_smile:

menus and fonts are still broken but it can fixed :slight_smile:

Months ago I also loaded some QVM file from Q3 game. I could recheck all that and present engine with support for whole idTech3 world in it:)

(Dushan) #97

This is Proof of Concept (PoC) :slight_smile: of working Tremulous
I cannot upload more photos, so I will brake this into two posts.

In first post there are 5 photos of loaded and “working” Tremulous.

(Dushan) #98

This is second post where in Tremulous I loaded ET map “Warbell” and UT4 map “Casa”.

EDIT: And btw. I don’t have problems with broken loading screen in Tremulous.
It’s only broken for ET and related mods.

(aaa4) #99

dushan, seriously, where are you going with this ? who needs this ???

(Dushan) #100

Well, for several weeks I was experimenting with different IDTech3 engines and looking how much there are compatible (some are more, some are less) and trying to make it more friendly to each other. So far successfully I have loaded Q3 and Tremulous inside my engine without major problems (there are still some bugs, but in general it’s working).
Idea what I had and wanted is to provide client who have build-in support for other IDTech3 related engines.

At this moment I cannot provide that you can connect to Tremulous or Q3 listed servers and play there.
For that, Q3 and Tremulous server/client need to be compatible, so you can join from one game to another :).
Technically I can update original ioQuake3 and Tremulous and make it compatible with OpenWolf, so you can really join from one game to another (at least from OpenWolf to Q3/Tremulous servers).

At end, think about this and Q3 stuff like “it is for my amusement”, don’t be too hard on me, and take this stuff with caution :).
This isn’t related for ET anyway.
I don’t expect that everybody will like it.