
(Dushan) #61

Little update :slight_smile:
I have semi-fixed mod support in OpenWolf :slight_smile:
Mods are now properly loaded in game :), just now my VM rewriting get in place and crash mod :smiley:

I also played little with old vanilla ET renderer and returned it in solution. Managed there to fix some options and make it compatible with XreaL so it dont get in clash with files from there.
Only problem so far there is incompatible shaders between XreaL and vanilla ET renderer, but that can be fixed :slight_smile:
I also played little with broken map loading screen and had little success there, but I still have there this yellow dot or moon (or whatever).

This are several maps with vanilla renderer and parts of XreaL shaders/textures
Because of attachment limit I coudn’t upload more.

, Tremulous - Citadel Map

, ET - Seawall Battery Map

(Dushan) #62

This is my KDevelop solution for OpenWolf project, to make whole project more user friendly on Linux systems for people who dont know how to use make or scons configuration(s).
I will soon update SVN with my latest changes so everybody can try.

(Gir) #63

The Developers at Ioquake have Tweaked and Optimized Quake 3 without the need for a new renderer and they also have a rule to not brake compatibility with Mods

Why not do Similar to Ioquake3?

(Dushan) #64

[QUOTE=Gir;370075]The Developers at Ioquake have Tweaked and Optimized Quake 3 without the need for a new renderer and they also have a rule to not brake compatibility with Mods

Why not do Similar to Ioquake3?[/QUOTE]

Well we can do that without any problems. Just many people expect visual changes along with other engine parts.

One quickly update. I have fully fixed mod support. I tested that with Jaymod, ETPub and NQ.

Jaymod -

Jaymod and ETPub (I even tested some Tremulous map with ETPub) work well and OK.

ETPub -

While NQ give me crash with ClientUserInfoChanged: client hacking IP! clientnum 0, name:

NQ -

(GODhack) #65

Thanks :smiley:
Keep up good work.

(-IronMonkey-) #66

is there a way i can try that with my own mod?
btw really nice

(Dushan) #67

Sure it isnt problem, currently Assembla SVN page is outdated and old, but tonight (am GMT+1 timezone) I will update it with my latest changes along with fixed SV_PURE 1 (mod files are read/extract from “C:\Users%USERNAME%\Application Data\OpenWolf” …) or if not found there then on (%app folder%%mod name%’"

(Indloon) #68

Hey Dushan.
If you can do.
Then are you able to make command called /cheaters like ETpro has,which shows the GUIDS/ETpro GUIDS?
This could be great addon for server&player tracker like Splatterladder.
And also /kd which shows kills&deaths. :smiley: And then its done,able to see BF2 kind signatures around forum then :smiley:
Its mod side,but still^^

(Dushan) #69

I already have something like that as QMM plugin. It work in similar way.
It trace connected player and watch his activity. If player try something (like infamous RCON steal callvote exploit), he automatically get kicked and be written in cheaters.log. It also check for other hacks (Referee hack, Callvote exploit, IP spoof, GUID spoof).
So far under RCON hack testing it was bulletproof ( I tested that numerous of times). At least what Adawolf’ “had” - it do not offer anymore hacks for ET. (but it was all open sourced - before closing website).

This is example of caught player who used Adawolf’s rcon hack.

[Wed Jun 15 22:59:36 2011] — Callvote exploit
GUID: 92FCC058C97BC1B6ED4D234A0850AA0A
Name: Oulianov
Votestring: ;rconpassword adawolfa

We can do that now in directly in system and bypass QMM plugin, and write all logging in MySQL database.
So system can sniff all commands that player is using and post ET<->MySQL<->Client User Info warning if it is using some exploits on his profile details (when its done - similar like on forum).

For K/D ratio you can check other mods who already have that :slight_smile:

(stealth6) #70

I think Genert means something else, like now you can query the server and you get all the players and their XP etc… He wants to add PB guid and K/D to the info you can get from server Query.
Then it would be possible to make signatures / stat sites like BF series where you see total amount played, total kills etc…

For instance:

Atm you can only get detailed info with rcon / serverlog, maybe it’s interesting to add more stats that can be publicly queried.
The PBguid is because people change their names often, so pbguid would be a stable factor.

(Mateos) #71

Xfire were tracking K/D at a certain moment, no longer :confused:

(Indloon) #72

stealth6 written my suggestion up:D
Yap that what I meant.

(Dushan) #73

Well about querying server and getting information from it I believe that they are using “getstatus” or “getinfo” (I think that more status they can query from “getinfo”.
But don’t know, need to investigate about that.

This is my latest work at this moment :slight_smile:
I allowed that game load modules from network. Now you can start game from your server (shared folder) (on your terminal or home computer). Game will load all modules and files from server, without need to have them on your local hard disk drive.

It will create folder on extract few files (cgame_mp_x86.dll, ui_mp_x86.dll …) on “C:\Users%USERNAME%\Application Data\OpenWolf\etmain”. If you are connecting to server from game start on local server, files will be downloaded on “C:\Users%USERNAME%\Application Data\OpenWolf(mod) or (etmain)” folder.

(Indloon) #74

[QUOTE=Dushan;373798]Well about querying server and getting information from it I believe that they are using “getstatus” or “getinfo” (I think that more status they can query from “getinfo”.
But don’t know, need to investigate about that

Yes,I’m using getValue as function.

	function getValue($cvar) {
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($GLOBALS['settings']); $i++) {
			if (strtolower($GLOBALS['settings'][$i]['cvar']) == strtolower($cvar)) {
				return $GLOBALS['settings'][$i]['value'];


   $ff = getValue("g_friendlyfire");
     echo "Friendly Fire is on";
     echo "Friendly Fire is off";
      echo "Friendly Fire is off";

But the connection is made with fpsocket.
But the point is to query GUIDS.
So every player gets like a GUID.
So in main it should look like:

CREATE TABLE `players` (
`Player` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`Score` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`GUID` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

idx | Player | Score | GUID
Genert 60000 09184509184091

(Dushan) #75

OK. Just why you have all this?

Isn’t it better just to have

   $ff = getValue("g_friendlyfire");
   if($ff==1) {
     // If it is true, write FF is on
     echo "Friendly Fire is on";
   } else {
     // If is false, write FF is off
     echo "Friendly Fire is off";

(Indloon) #76

[QUOTE=Dushan;374029]OK. Just why you have all this?

Isn’t it better just to have

   $ff = getValue("g_friendlyfire");
   if($ff==1) {
     // If it is true, write FF is on
     echo "Friendly Fire is on";
   } else {
     // If is false, write FF is off
     echo "Friendly Fire is off";


Yes,but like for requesting TZAC version.
You need to make it as multiple or it doesnt find TZAC in server.

(Dushan) #77

Well after little researching, we can use similar method like PB was able to trace game statistics. Before PB was using “trap_PbStat” for collecting game information (death, kill, tk, hr, addskill, loseskill …).
We can add new table in MySQL and collect all information there, so others can query that information from there.

I have reorganized dedicated console in OpenWolf now it look more better then before.

(Dushan) #78

This is I believe first and only that that you will see loaded QVM module from Q3 game inside Enemy Territory (OpenWolf).

I have manage to successfully start (old) Splash Damage Q3Fortress modification. :slight_smile:
Little pictures

Because of limit how much I can upload files I will split this into 2 posts

(Dushan) #79

Second part of pictures

As you can see. Missing textures :)))

(Dushan) #80

Just to show you that its really loaded QVM module, and not some hoax or something else