
(dutchmeat) #41

So what’s your goal here in getting the CPU info ?
The reason I’m asking is that the current method you’re using is extremely easy to intercept and change, so for guid reasons, it won’t be save.

(Dushan) #42

Can you please explain this, because I really don’t follow or understand. How can you change any of that info?

(ailmanki) #43

dutchmeat means malicious players e.g. cheaters, spoofing infos.

(Dushan) #44

I know that is possible to spoof guid, but I dont know who can you intercept and change values in windows registry.
For spoofing we have mysql where we are storing player details. guid is already unique and cannot be changed there. Maybe we should store clients mac address, so there would be much harder for others to spoof guid. Soon I will provide ingame login/logout feature to game/mysql with all of it’s menus. Its basic structure -> like on forums.

Basic idea of CPU info and OpenMP is shared memory multiprocessing programming, so game can understand from what system has (memory, virtual memory, num cpus …) and from what it can take use.
I even put some game loops in parallelism in my latest debug test build.

(Crytiqal) #45

euh, I’m not sure if everyone wants their MAC Address logged in some random mysql database… :confused:

Sorry I havent read anything, but can’t you make an account name + password, and create a launch game shortcut which automatically logs you in with that account?

(Shanks) #46

IMO CPU info should only be displayed in a debugging environment. There’s really no need for it to be displayed in a stable release.

(Dushan) #47

About MAC Address … in NQ/Jaymod (and related mods) when you do !finger it give you MAC Address and nobody mind about that. Don’t think that anybody will mind here also if they leave MAC Address. But sure there will be always those who don’t want to leave that.
But at end you cannot make everybody happy.

True. You have valid point there.

Finally I fully fixed IRC feature in OpenWolf :slight_smile:

And btw. this isnt done by some random python script file.

(Mateos) #48

It just came up to my mind that UltraET has this feature, or at least you can see IRC while playing on the server. Nice work, no spam in chat I hope? Limited message or minimum amount of words to avoid bots to spam? I really go ahead but just curious :slight_smile:

(Dushan) #49

Well the whole IRC chat is happening in the console (I plan to create some menu and move all there - including IRC settings) so you cannot feel or read spam :). All config is client based. You can specify IRC server yourself and connect to any channel you fell (I tested that).
In typing messages you can send only one word per sentence (this is working initial build) but i plan to change that.

(Gir) #50 (website down) have you moved ?

(Destroy666) #51
That’s the new space I guess.

(Dushan) #52

Yes I moved it to new portfolio page on Assembla.

I was playing a bit with forgotten, removed and broken D3D (DirectX 10) support in XreaL renderer engine and managed to compile (rendererD3Dx86.dll and rendererD3Dx64.dll) and get D3D renderer load in game.

At this moment you cannot expect better speed or stability at OpenGL or vanilla ET renderer engine or that it support all of listed features. But it’s start.

(Gir) #53


(Mateos) #54

Does ET at least supports DX11? >.>

(FFSturm) #55

It’s opengl, thus better and more optimized.
You don’t need DX11 libs, just dx9 for post processing (at least it’s needed in some projects, dunno this one at all).

(Mateos) #56

Thanks for the article. Good to see they have taken Stalker to illustrate DX 9 -> 10 :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe it’s Clear Sky…

(Dushan) #57

I have finally fixed QVM (Quake Virtual Machine) in ET :slight_smile:

To be honest, in ET (the quake vm got broken somewhere early in RTCW development) there was already some qvm stuff, but nobody ever took the time to properly create and fix VM and cg/g/ui_syscalls.asm files that are needed for building the qvm’s. Now modders can create .QVM and .DLL files, and game is first checking for .DLL. If there isnt any then its looking for .QVM game files (in VM folder).

I know that there will be always those who will say that this is not needed, and there is too much cons in QVM, but its nice feature to have :slight_smile:

EDIT: Sorry for late edit, after little researching and asking about QVM modules it seems like that it will run on any operating system (platform-independent). (I can even provide link with that information)

(Gir) #58

Are you Still Working on a New Game UI, The Current ET is Ugly and designed to Fit on a 640X480 Screen.

I did experiment with the UI Source for 720HD and looks better and there is more space to put things

I was Hoping for a UI/Console similar to Halflife2

(Mateos) #59

Strange. In 1366x768 it’s fine… And some other 4/3 and 16/9 res also.

(Dushan) #60

Yes I am still working on UI.
I can even provide some concept/WIP picture of new UI what I have in my branch/test build.

This is my latest work considering OpenWolf.
I can compile and link Android C/C++ projects within Visual Studio solution.