I would like to see a gamemode where you can play online with another person on the same team say me and another guy vs two other guys 2 teams with 2 players each with more money at steak.
Open Discussion: Possible Game Updates/Suggestions
Good idea, but i dont know how long does it take? Now 1 match for 2 player need some days to finish, and with 4 player…it will take long time. Even you need to wait 3 player finish them turn.
• with the advertising box after win saying how well a toon does to get outfits…really like to actually have geniune result, not like my last game where it claimed Ivan killed three but how could he he was my only casualty and he died before I killed the last three toons?
• Favlava map the far right from second team exit is very hard to maneuver into especially on an iPod
• Please get rid of high velocity shots and artillery shaking, that dosnt go back to point of origin, so you have to move camera view till you realised where the hell you are. This is so annoying on iPod size screen. I dont mind it if it re
• With the Black box damage total can it be not sensitive to touch just make red ring area only
• Gattling Turret despite a little boost in health is still dying horribly. Like to see energy boosted to two and have more double reaction to movement.
• Bonus credits to winner who defeats/eliminates opponant under five turns
• Random maps hides location name till 2nd turn, so opponant dosnt choose team based on map which first dosnt get chance
• Reduce optimum Damage on snipe rifles and LMG/Hoohah away from farthest range so they encourage medium range interaction and long range annoyance but not so deadly
• Keep track of games won/ lost with friends only
• Like to see toons stats of kills/deaths plus number of games played
• toon experience kept in barrack layout
•Make gus squirt move lights 2 squares but solo med/hvy 1 square. Grouped lights 1 square or light mixed with medium. Two heavies no movement they just take damage
Make Tourney/ world cup games in online inbox a different colour- currently blue and green for challenges (gold or purple?)
Captain allowed a melee weapon! (cant frigging have a knife??)
Easier changing of weapons when replaying or choosing toons for game. Such a pain to go back and lose contact after a game with a opponant you have to make a friend and challenge after heading to barrack to change. Could do similar style for capt abilities for each toon chosen and only list weapons that are owned and available to toon type with random dice button
Like to see award page for medals/cups won in tournaments
Toxic bomb should go through red and yellow cover but not green.
Make all explosive toys blow up when destroyed (UAV, mines, C4, Rocket launcher)
Make megan Spider mines (pies) attach to friendlies only her can freely tip toe through.
Want to see commandoes have better health than medical/snipers. Future toons I hope tinker around on energy/health starting to get similar.
Have surrender or concede come up instead of no replay and straight to winner reminds me of the crashes rad used to have
Any word on heavies or medium upgrades?
Make electric fryer skill 6 and keep energy at 5 This is to stop making it astandard weapon and more as a rare unique specialist weapon, it shouldnt be as common as a hoohah
Is this game created in UK? change city center to city CENTRE
Beehive bomb- reduce 1 point in abilities choosing, energy expense fine, but 5 turns without stacking of other types or another bee drop weakens ability, though 15pt damage is fine.
team spirit- reduce 1 point in ability or make it x2
I just thought I’d bring this up, it’s kinda bugging, not a huge problem though, doesn’t effect gameplay, but just thought I’d bring it up
Yea I had this bug as well, switching to fullscreen and back seemed to make it go away.
If there is any suggestion as for now that I’d like to add to this, it’d be kind of small about-balance change; but I believe the turrets should be buffed. Like say, the damage is so crappy (especially gatling turret which is almost useless, if not totally) and their low HP is so unnerving. I think the turrets (at least gatling, but preferably both) should burn the target’s energy - e.g. the first person getting shot by it wouldn’t be able to do anything else (as it would have no energy, only for the turn in which it’s shot, obviously). Because as for now it is so easy to simply take the damage from the turret and destroy it with little to no punishment. Yeah, I know if you combine it well with soldier power it can serve a minor role, but it is so minor that it is not worth the trouble of planning it through. This would also require to get in a handful angle to take down enemy turrets OR go with more than one soldier to take it down; also to search paths to really avoid them instead of ‘ignoring’ them.
Not sure if it’s been suggested anywhere else but I’ve only read something about giving the turrets 2 energy, somewhere; but I believe burning the enemy’s energy would prove to be more useful and fun.
I don’t think it would imbalance anything, though I must admit I haven’t thought much through it. =P Yet, I think it would work just fine.
Turrets should be given both return fire and support fire and extra energy (two shots). You are not alone:) I think we’d settle for anything at this point (although they did try last update, you can ALMOST play carlito)
I said something similar further up in a number of brainstorming ideas.
I really liky Timmy but the turret due to its fixed position (like carlos launcher) cannot be moved and placed again. With the return fire support fire and extra energy, having it able to be compacted and moved will surely make Tonka Toon toys fun and bring some life.
Any word on Heavy updates or at least fix up Medium Toons?
A thought with weapon points categories
3= Hand to hand combat/improvised small melee weapons / weak missile weapon—All Toon category types can have
4= all Handguns (include Awaga 6 shooter) and small SMGs / small to medium sized melee—common types all toon category types can have (currently smgs not commando or commander which be interest mix to see and maybe balance commandoes more to specialist types-snipe/med?)
5= Standard issue assault rifles & carbines / Medium SMGs / shotguns / Sword size melee weapons— Common Toon category type weapon
6= LMGs / Heavy shotgun / Large Melee weapons / Sniper rifles / heavy SMGs —not so common Specialist Toon type category weapon
7= Heavy LMGs / Heavy Melee Weapons/ heavy snipe rifle- Unique rare specialist toon category weapon
[QUOTE=BIGMAC69;478035]I just thought I’d bring this up, it’s kinda bugging, not a huge problem though, doesn’t effect gameplay, but just thought I’d bring it up
hey dude
if you have a fast (at least faster than mine [45kb/s]) internet, deinstall and reinstall it. the update didnt work 100% on downloading and implementing. should fix this.
Aye, the return fire and support fire abilities for turrets sounds crafty; but without increasing the damage even two shots would be ineffective (especially gatling), and increasing the damage PLUS two shots could be tricky. I like the burning energy idea because it does not change much but at least you can stall the enemy where it was shot for at least 1 turn + support and return fire.
Say, wouldn’t 2 energy be like in total 3 shots, seeing the turret fires once already while in the opponent’s turn? Or would it be 4 shots, were the turret to fire twice (2 energy) in the opponent’s turn?
Also, the turret wouldn’t be able to match head to head fire with other soldiers, anyway. It’d still get whacked very easily (or maybe I’m underestimating the effects it could have). That’s probably because I’m very in with the idea of preventing any movement for someone caught by turret fire, as I deem it more efficient. Even ONE shot with burning energy ability would be enough (annoying enough, that is). I don’t really use nor like engineers that much though.
Yep, this sounds good too, the toon should have the opportunity to remove the turret and place it somewhere else. OR BETTER YET, make it two turrets ! Nah, I’m just kidding. XD
Also still within suggestions, we need a better chat; I see suggestions of a chat were already posted and made through(?) but I really want to talk more than a few one-liners each turn. [strike]I talk a lot.[/strike] Ahem I may have important things to say. I mean it. No, I don’t bug anyone, I swear.
this was just an idea to balance light and heavies with medium. Make Lights and heavies 1 squad point so mediums be regular (stay what it is now for all toons 0 ) so when a light or heavy adds a weapon it is 1 squad point higher. This maybe a problem with weap squad point at moment, but it will counter massive heavies or light squads though not the type category
Gain bonus in experience as well as creds for eliminating under five turns for player vs player
I don’t get exp being so low to wins under five compared to eight plus isn’t skill also resolving mission as quick and painless (to your toons) as possible.
Be able to have another chance to better score in solo (vs AI) now that friends are listed of top three score. Exp and creds once done dont count, just end score of scenario.
I’d like an in-battle information database for both guns and units. I’ve lost a few matches because I wasn’t familiar enough with a unit’s special abilities and couldn’t check while taking my turn.
A grid toggle button would be nice, too. The 3d makes it a bit difficult to judge where the squares are, at times. It’d make counting squares for opponent movement or such much quicker.
sorry but would this not destroy every bit of “thinking” and convert everything to a matter of calculation?
you always might go back to menu and check everything you’d like.
providing the information in-game is a reasonable option and a good idea.
but then not go any further.
starting to show where the enemy might walk in his turn, shoot from what point, do k damage from point xy…
just not too much of pre-planing using the brain should be part of the game
No it wouldn’t. If anything, it would put more focus on planning and strategy. Either way, most information is accessible already and if this game were more popular, it would already be cataloged online, anyway. The grid toggle would just speed up gameplay, and I can’t imagine a single way it’d affect the result of a match.
the only thing I like to see is something for the turrets to see field of fire when setting up-since this crucial being fixed. rest should be left to players understanding.
The most important part I like to see is developers work out a better squad point system. Not taking in heavies health or lights energy, +weapons type and the use of clones to have same abilities we have really unbalanced sides, and abuse of weap types or toon.
Imagine all moves simultaneous! Now that is a challenge to skills.