Feel free to agree, disagree, or point out kudos or fualts.
this is my opinion
Here is a small, but growing list of suggestions I think could make RAD Soldiers better:
[li]Quarterly bonus days!!! Great idea[/li][li]Multiplayer game variants, meh. whatevs. would be cool.[/li][li]the unanymously desired, Chat Feature (Either/or Live Chat like WordsWF, Turn-based Chat like Draw Something!) meh. I just wanna play. maybe an inbox or something? or not, idc.[/li][li]Upgradable/Levelable Weapons noty[/li]-Weapon feature: Dual Wielding noty -maybe a new dual weilding class? only pistols or smg?
-Weapon or Feature: Riot Shield noty -u mean hatlacker?
[li]Customizable Character/Recruit features OR slowly introduce new unitsI[/I][/li][li]Update in Map Graphics - Distinguishable colors/ layouts (Brighter (red/blue/white) line for Bomb Zone) cool idea, but I’m happy with it now[/li][li]Quest/Storyline!!! (something to build the characters - not challenges) YES! Awesome idea. maybe exp only missions??[/li][li]Levelable “Skills” - eg. Agility, Strength, Stamina, Defense, Etc (Speed-accuracy, melee-throwing distance, Engergy, Shield/HP, Etc) I don’t like this because it would make things unfair for some players. [/li][li]Normal/Harcore Challenge Difficulty (ie Same enemy soldiers and predictive move patterns / Different enemy soldiers and route pattern on map replay)… Its a thought and a good one, like almost all of these[/li][li]Teleport Ability -like the sniper’s grenade?[/li][li]Dome/Aura Shield Ability (ex. 1-2 turns, 2-3 sq.) -again, hatlacker, or commander shield drop kinda does that already[/li][li]Detailed Stats and High Scores scoreboards!ranking![/li][li]Long Future, Large Scale maps/battles?.. coooooooolllllllll, great idea! oh oh what about team battles?[/li]-Jan 3-
[li]Increased level cap ~ credit to Bruce-Wayne good idea, could be at +5 per expansion? with new expansion/storyline?? [/li][li]Enhancing the idea of C4 drone with a robot gunman. Just a thought. new class?[/li][li]Energy Renewal crates (like HP crates) cool [/li][li]Captain enhancement, customization, etc… cool[/li][li]Tiered PvP (fixing imbalanced match-ups) ~ Crozzton cool[/li][li]Game Abandonment Penalties for PvP ~ Sandman77 [/li]-Reminding player of game (push notif.)
-Deleting “standstill” games
[li]Tournaments[/li][li]Selling players and weapons back to the shop ~ Bwade pleeeease!!![/li][li]Enhanced friends list (Profile etc) [/li][li]Screen shots, video slip recording, sharing ~ credit unkown[/li][li]Past Games/Game History[/li][/ol][/QUOTE]
this is just what I thinkn:wink: