Open Discussion: Possible Game Updates/Suggestions

(Anonymous--Rex) #101

I think the weapons just need a few tweaks to be sufficiently balanced. Mediums could just have some other buff to make them slightly better - a little more energy or maybe cheaper attack costs would work. I’d be hesitant to change the point system before trying something like this.

Also, it’d be nice to have the weapon name listed when you click an enemy unit.

(g00n) #102

Credits should be more for getting job done quickly so the more turns you have to do the less coin for your booty :slight_smile: doing this will encourage quick games and stop those who like to stay out of range or not act in turn.

Exp is good the longer you play but dosnt cater for games that a player destroys enemy efficiently (eg: my idea on turn five or less bonus)

Another idea is working out delay in between turns that reduce exp/creds but this nave too much :stuck_out_tongue:

(g00n) #103

I was thinking about damage and angle of the toon you are attacking.
frontal, frontal angled left and right normal damage.
Side and side angle left and right damage is reduced a little
Back and Back angle left and right Slight increase in damage

If this is to complex to code, just a simple double damage (execution blow) in the rear one square behind. Will add some flavour on positioning and give a bonus to those who can sneak or out flank opponants

(tinker) #104

[QUOTE=g00n;483961]I was thinking about damage and angle of the toon you are attacking.
frontal, frontal angled left and right normal damage.
Side and side angle left and right damage is reduced a little
Back and Back angle left and right Slight increase in damage

If this is to complex to code, just a simple double damage (execution blow) in the rear one square behind. Will add some flavour on positioning and give a bonus to those who can sneak or out flank opponants[/QUOTE]

but then ppl also want to be able to turn the characters around without moving them
and putting a target behind cover with the back facing the cover seems a bit overpowered then I think, no damage from back, little reduced from side and normal from the (nearly unreachable) front.

there IS something like that on turrets, as far as I experienced, they do not attack targets coming from the back

but it would open massive new options for new abilities and/or weapons (turning the char by 90/180°)
I’d love that + a way to choose with a sniper, where to shoot ( like left shoulder / right shoulder or central to turn (with little less damage) or not turn (normal damage) the foe.

(g00n) #105

I was experimenting with minimax gun since last update of damage and extra squad point and energy. Really like to see energy go 6 otherwise another weapon on the scrap heap

(g00n) #106

Like to see commando/engineers have fifty health points more than snipe/meds

(g00n) #107

currently I find UAVs totally useless to discover ghosting just a remote bomb/blocker. Like to see it unveil enemy hidden automatically if they sneak or distributed in range. But to stop abuse with undo button it shows up at end of turn when player finishes move. like the sensor capt has it usually to late to use.

(Cariad42) #108

This would be a simple solution to the frustration of capping out and then becoming bored, because of the lack of progression. Also why does it take 9 months to bring out a new campaign pack? I love the game, but it needs to be kept fresh or it will lack long term appeal.

(Solara) #109
  1. Low hanging fruit, add title/insignia to players based on levels. Draw a parallel between the NCO titles given to in-game characters/soldiers, give commissioned officer titles to players based on their level.

  2. Leveling reward system improvement. There is currently a max limit, once reached, the player no longer have reward (coin/RAD BUX/abilities) incentives to keep up the game hours. Recommend adding a small daily reward to the game, the reward amount should be based on the level of the player (the higher the level, the higher the rewards), this also gives incentives for players to buy Exp Boosts. The reward will be given only if players sign in, increasing player play time and visits.

  3. Create a multi-player ranking system. The demand is already there, some players are doing it themselves, see forum threads. This could be the next big game improvement/upgrade. Consider a monthly (based on current auto-forfeit limits of 4 days) elimination-style (avoids cheating via multiple accounts) tournament, where the players advance via winning multi-player matches. This tournament could be used to promote new maps and characters, where players would want to buy the maps and characters to practice and gain an edge in the tournament. Of course, rewards are needed (besides bragging rights) to motivate the players in this tournament.

  4. Longer-term improvements, consider massive multi-player cooperative “wars”, where players choose factions to join and factions gain/lose territories on a grid/map via multi-player games against someone from the opposing factions. The map could be designed to add a even higher strategic depth to this game via choke points. Introduce cheap, single-use armor/weapon boosts, but keep the boost levels low (no more than 5%) to maintain the game’s strategic integrity. Rewards are to be given periodically based on the amount of territories each factions hold or if possible the number of wins each player “contributed” to their faction. This will add another motivation for players to engage in multi-player gaming and increases/enforces player community involvement. The players will also want to improve their character/weapons line-up since their wins/loses will have a bigger impact. The more involved a player is, the more they will invest (time and/or money) into this game.


(g00n) #110

World cup done ingame rather than using forums (use for chat or player feedback)

A newsletter is sent to all players by game (one next to adding friends)
It will have a deadline to accept at bottom, rules of how to join, what to do eg 26/20 squad points, if cloning allowed, more strict in returning move on time than 4 days (maybe 1 day, miss game automatically given to opponant if time up). Such events should be for those who can afford to play number in squad. Give a link to forum to official talking on cup.
At bottom of newsletter is a sign up button, once player accepts they must be ready to play when devs send special challenge (colour of challenge would be say yellow). This challenge can be 1-5 at a time depending on how many enter.
Every game has a random map that does not show in request so both player choose teams without knowing what map is played. Starting is random as well. When games are finished or if an opponant dosnt do move in time, all the credits are totalled up per player.
Each player plays once to the list Devs have until completed. When the top ten high scores are chosen, they will have an extra round between them.
In this round The scoring is restarted. The top four of 10 go again with score restarted. The highest in last round will be the Champion (get gold cup/medal with date of world cup on a official World cup list-website?) Silver cup/medal for second place with date, third is bronze and fourth get copper or merit award.

All drawn points will get an extra game to play to fight for rank place.

Special prizes given to the top four, top ten could get something depending on devs. otherwise rest are only on
Website/forum post of all those played with scores and ranks, next round score of top ten, and the final four.

I also like to see seriously some line of fire areas on maps sorted, I feel some maps especially old town and favala have areas where the toon is lower than hieght but still can be fired upon a few squares away despite being hidden in real life (only those above can shoot at below them, not 2 or squares away). Partial cover (yellow and red should also limit depending on angles.

(Jaaaba) #111

Feel free to agree, disagree, or point out kudos or fualts.

this is my opinion
Here is a small, but growing list of suggestions I think could make RAD Soldiers better:

[li]Quarterly bonus days!!! Great idea[/li][li]Multiplayer game variants, meh. whatevs. would be cool.[/li][li]the unanymously desired, Chat Feature (Either/or Live Chat like WordsWF, Turn-based Chat like Draw Something!) meh. I just wanna play. maybe an inbox or something? or not, idc.[/li][li]Upgradable/Levelable Weapons noty[/li]-Weapon feature: Dual Wielding noty -maybe a new dual weilding class? only pistols or smg?
-Weapon or Feature: Riot Shield noty -u mean hatlacker?
[li]Customizable Character/Recruit features OR slowly introduce new unitsI[/I][/li][li]Update in Map Graphics - Distinguishable colors/ layouts (Brighter (red/blue/white) line for Bomb Zone) cool idea, but I’m happy with it now[/li][li]Quest/Storyline!!! (something to build the characters - not challenges) YES! Awesome idea. maybe exp only missions??[/li][li]Levelable “Skills” - eg. Agility, Strength, Stamina, Defense, Etc (Speed-accuracy, melee-throwing distance, Engergy, Shield/HP, Etc) I don’t like this because it would make things unfair for some players. [/li][li]Normal/Harcore Challenge Difficulty (ie Same enemy soldiers and predictive move patterns / Different enemy soldiers and route pattern on map replay)… Its a thought and a good one, like almost all of these[/li][li]Teleport Ability -like the sniper’s grenade?[/li][li]Dome/Aura Shield Ability (ex. 1-2 turns, 2-3 sq.) -again, hatlacker, or commander shield drop kinda does that already[/li][li]Detailed Stats and High Scores scoreboards!ranking![/li][li]Long Future, Large Scale maps/battles?.. coooooooolllllllll, great idea! oh oh what about team battles?[/li]-Jan 3-
[li]Increased level cap ~ credit to Bruce-Wayne good idea, could be at +5 per expansion? with new expansion/storyline?? [/li][li]Enhancing the idea of C4 drone with a robot gunman. Just a thought. new class?[/li][li]Energy Renewal crates (like HP crates) cool [/li][li]Captain enhancement, customization, etc… cool[/li][li]Tiered PvP (fixing imbalanced match-ups) ~ Crozzton cool[/li][li]Game Abandonment Penalties for PvP ~ Sandman77 [/li]-Reminding player of game (push notif.)
-Deleting “standstill” games
[li]Tournaments[/li][li]Selling players and weapons back to the shop ~ Bwade pleeeease!!![/li][li]Enhanced friends list (Profile etc) [/li][li]Screen shots, video slip recording, sharing ~ credit unkown[/li][li]Past Games/Game History[/li][/ol][/QUOTE]

this is just what I thinkn:wink:

(g00n) #112

Thinking about cover, make yellow (or new colour eg. blue) like green but able toon to fire through-duck and fire without moving. Gas type weapons and bees should attack those in red and yellow cover, all concuss and explosives absorbed as normal.

(from an early post but little more detail)
Gus squirter should only move Heavies and Mediums one square if single out. If grouped with other heavies or mediums they will take damage and not move. When squirting lights they do two squares, but if grouped with other lights one square. If grouped with a heavy/med the heavy/med will not move but light move 1 square.

(saeedkhani) #113

Add playing via blutooth /

(g00n) #114

I been playing with carlos lately experimenting with rocket remote launcher. I really find this toy fun, but like the mg it is very weak. There are suggestions before this post on ways to improve it, Im adding another.
Because it is fixed when set up, not like UAV and portable shield (which are more useful) you dont get an idea of Field of fire. Rocket launcher is much harder having similar artillery call but so much shorter range. So I like to see field of fire range and target spots pop up on setting up (same time as graphics of it unfolding), enough time to change mind if not exactly position you want.

(g00n) #115

seriously want to have a feature for friends only, that tracks number of games, who won or lost. Having such a feature gives more meaning in the long run of continuous playing challengesw hich have become humdrum affairs.

Piling up bootie coin, seriously need more ways to spend ingame stuff, it has been awhile since new stuff introduced.

(g00n) #116

Im finding I really use redo button to try to get ultimate turn moves all the time. Though good to get an idea of alternatives ways, it really loses the quick initiative and thinking. Be nice to have it switched off (choice) so both players will enjoy the mistakes and learn better :stuck_out_tongue:

When health hits yellow I like to see energy level reduced, either halved like stun or 25% less to emphasise wounded toon -so making them more vulnerable till they med up to green.

(g00n) #117

engineers should be able to fix UAV as well

another ability “flea bomb” It similar to bee bomb range but it dosnt let toons hit do actions (shooting or retailiating)but toon can move. They spend 2 turns scratching and jerking as fleas attack all over body. Lots of scratching cringing sounds :slight_smile:

(g00n) #118

After playing all melee team against a heavy range team, Im wondering if the square around the enemy toon should be counted as close combat and so any range weapon should not be able to shoot the attacker especially large weapons as they try to protect themselves from charge or surprise attack, this could work more with hitting from behind or sides than front

(g00n) #119

Any word on Heavies going to 16 energy?

Like to see if on website a satellite view of all battle maps (there is an old thread that said something about this) This helpful in movies or for players to see whole map without building obstructions.

All throwing should be about 4 squares 5-6 seems to far with weaponry ranges

Daves grenade is more powerful than an artillery barrage. What I like to see it do something similar to Archers crossbow but has push one square one square around target as well. Energy 4 and 2 grenade ability.

Juans fire bomb… why is this the only ability that dosnt stop damage (other than bee bomb)? If concussion grenade and toxic can be cured why dosnt this do with fire? .The other two should be the same only can heal health

(g00n) #120
  • ghosting not triggering spider mines (megs) when sniper moves over them. Like to see this work (bug?) and make sniper come out of ghosting.
  • Cover should go up to compensate the increase in damage. Yellow cover 75% Red cover 50%