No Ranked Root Servers Per ID/Activision - That Sucks!!

(Strogg) #1

Q: Will the game servers have to be monitored similar to the ranked servers of Battlefield 2142?

A: Kevin: “Yes, servers will basically have to be under a validation process for ranked servers because the issue is that you do not want people going in and hacking your stats, and then having roll back issues for the stat tracking data base guys. It would just be a mess. So yes, there is a comparative system to Battlefield.”

Paul: "Anyone who wants to can run a server, it just would not be an officially ranked stat collecting server.

Anyone can run a server on your LAN or ISP for anyone you like. It does not have to be ranked. So you can have thousands and thousands of servers out there just like Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory now, but if you want to play on a ranked server then it needs to be on one [that has] an agreement with id and Activision to make sure it is kept secure."

Q: Regarding the ranked server system, is that only going to be available for the [official] maps that you have developed, or are user created maps going to be able to see the benefits of the ranking system as well?

A: Kevin: “Right now as far as when the release goes out it would just be our maps, but it is something we are talking about doing but there has not been a decision on it yet. Obviously we want to do what we can do to support the mod community. We just need to figure out exactly how to handle those stats and what impact having a map that has not been added to the database would cause. So right now when the game is released [stats will only be collected on] the officially released maps.”

That really sucks… No moded maps allowed on ranked servers … No Ranked Root Servers :bash:

(Floris) #2

Dont worry, there will be 20 workhorse tapirs working on approving servers to be ranked in the SplashDamage basement non-stop.

(ayatollah) #3

Well this is bad news why? It only means that all the stat-whores will stay away from the unranked servers and we on the unranked servers will have better games, with more teamwork and new mods/maps. Win-win in my estimation. Stat-whores get what they want, the rest of us get what we want!

(Strogg) #4

Good Point :stroggbanana:

(Floris) #5

90% of the players will be statswhores the other 10% of the players will be laughed at for having no stats

(carnage) #6

90% of the players will be statswhores the other 10% of the players will be laughed at for having no stats[/quote]

wont laugh so hard when they find the 10% are probably better since they spend the time playing the game rather than stat farming tatics

(Strogg) #7

IMHO I think ayatollah & carnage are right. People that are into stat whoring will be playing on “Ranked” only just to get their stats.

People who are into Mods/ and into Team Playing will be on the NON-Ranked servers. IMHO people who are into team play will be having more fun than the guys who are playing on those egotistical stat ranked servers.

So we… ( the people that play on NON- Ranked Servers ) can run mods and and have better team play than the ranked server people ( Stat whores ) & the Stat Whore Servers cant run mods! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

(RR2DO2) #8

What exactly do you mean with the term ‘Ranked Root Server’?

  • Arnout

(Strogg) #9

Ranked Server = Running “RANKED” server software. Must sign an agreement with ID/Activision. Servers that gathers stats.

In other words…

Cant run Ranked Server software unless a person has to signs an agreement with ID/Activision.

Non-Ranked Servers dont need to sign agreement with ID/Activision ( Root Servers ) Servers that dont gather stats.

(Ghiacciolo=ITA=) #10

I’m not very informed about the topic, i admit…but: WTF is that “agreement” some ppl are stating the serverver’s admins “must” do whit SD/Activision?
I guess that SD guys want to PREVENT any issues whit stats, by preventing unsecure server to feed stats…not to say:“omg, what a shit happened…let’s correct a gazzilion of hacked stats, than beat on the guy who had sweared to us to make a good server, and instead made an haxxor server!!”

(ayatollah) #11

Well if people laugh at me for being “TEH n00b” for having no stats, thats fine by me. Why should I be worried about what people, who I’ve never met, think about my gaming exploits? And I seriously doubt that 90% will be on ranked servers, especially as it will be easier for people to set up unranked servers and the admin of the server can add whatever map/mod/campaign they want on it. Plus, its the community created by servers bring people back, not the fact that it is ranked/unranked. If people have a good time on a ranked server, they will come back to that server, same goes for unranked. I don’t think that ranked/unranked will be how the servers are divided. It will be like every other game servers will be divided into ones you like and ones you don’t. There will be plenty about for everyones tastes.

So if people feel the need to laugh at someone who has no stats, who does that say more about?!

(RR2DO2) #12

Aha so you have two different terms, basically a ‘Ranked Server’ and an ‘Unranked server’ (which for some reason you call a ‘root server?’) and there is no such thing as a Ranked Root Server.

I wish people would stop making up new names for the same old things :slight_smile:

  • Arnout

(Strogg) #13


Aha so you have two different terms, basically a ‘Ranked Server’ and an ‘Unranked server’ (which for some reason you call a ‘root server?’) and there is no such thing as a Ranked Root Server.

I wish people would stop making up new names for the same old things :slight_smile:

  • Arnout[/quote]

hehehe so? you got the point!!!

(Ifurita) #14

From what I’ve gathered, “root” term applies to certain access rights (root access) that were denied to the admins running ranked servers for BF2, which some didn’t like to give up.

(Brinkman) #15

awesome! im only gonna play on ranked servers if that will keep the mods off of them… all i want is vanilla ET:QW… not these lame ass custom maps… there has not been one ET custom map that i’ve liked…

(ayatollah) #16

Hmm you are strange, there are many, many excellant custom maps out there. Not that they are any better than the originals, but you will be limiting yourself to 12 maps over the next few years.

(Salteh) #17

I assume it would still be possible to have a ranked server and also run custom maps on the server though.
If not that’d be silly :]

So right now when the game is released [stats will only be collected on] the officially released maps.

(murphIV) #18

12 maps at launch but I’m sure the good people at SD will add maps.

(BondyBoy007) #19

from what I’ve read it appears as though it will be silly

(DarkangelUK) #20

I see nothing that says you will only be able to play stock maps on ranked servers forever and ever and ever amen