Nirvana Showdown thread

(Apples) #101

I personnaly enjoy almost all of the custom maps except the one that are REALLY flawed (siwa etc) or full of bug, I just prefer chris’s one cuz its smaller and more oriented toward competition, less confusing and smaller!

I wont even say one line of shit toward a thing I dont pay for, that you created on your spare time, and with a set of skills that I would be incapable of obtain whatsoever :wink:

Gj guyz and keep up the good work!

(iwound) #102

yes agreed, he maybe ugly but he gives good feedback. we cant all be diplomatic. but he says what needs to be said to make a map better. because hes an expert at knowing what he wants. Its constructive.

the best insult i had was watching someone play castle attack say.
“whoever made this they should strap a bullet proof jacket on him and shoot him in the head”

lol theres no pleasing everyone. but we never complain when someone says its great and we dont agree. ie BSG it sucks and i can say that. :cool:

(AnthonyDa) #103

Don’t forget the video Vio !

BTW, MoP said he will upload new teamjungle with the map hole fixed tonight. New major version for later.

(Violator) #104

Lol yeah that gate thing is a common prob in spec mode (the gate is actually the prefab used in valley etc.) not much I can do about it tbh. Good news on teamjungle.

Castle attack was always good fun in W:ET, looking forward to the QW version - don’t forget to put that slime in the tunnels :).

(.Chris.) #105

Need a team name for the regular nirvana players, any ideas?

(AnthonyDa) #106

-Everybody loves Scrupus
-WAT (opposite of TAW)
-Nice knowing
-Regulars (best imo)

(iwound) #107
  • The Big Knobs
  • Tea Bag Kings
  • It’s Ashogs Fault
  • Happy Slappers
  • Nirvana [Simply this]

(timestart) #108

Who Are TAW?

(Ashog) #109

haha, nice ideas everyone :slight_smile:

i liked the

It’s Ashogs Fault
Nice knowing (btw where does this phrase come from?)

I suggest also a modified name like
Children of the Scrup :slight_smile:

Btw I like estate and viomine no matter what, among most other maps. But IMHO the last viomine version with pit and high strogg spawn outside was a step back. I’s return to previous beta and just triple the laser build points.

(AnthonyDa) #110

Nice intro DON…ho wait.

(Donnovan) #111

It was released AnthonyDa. Everyone can see it here:

(.Chris.) #112

Have we got a working server and TV server yet?

I been too tired with work this week to chase the details, could do with something before tomorrow evening really to make some news items and so.

Needs to be ET:QW Pro and with Team jungle, Radar, Free city Pro version and Maridia.

Also now would be good time to say if you can’t make it.

(Scrupus) #113

I can probably host the match server, I don’t think TAW have resources for it this weekend (just spoke with susefreak).

Have a training server setup already so it’s more or less ready:

But only have a few hours on Saturday to finish it, is there any special config needs?

Could perhaps host the TV server too, have a working setup but it’s not delayed and no streaming or fancy stuff. TAW can maybe provide it in their NA network.

One good thing, is that we finally got about 500Mbs of heavy web traffic moved away from the nirvana server network this week, so hopefully it should be more room for gaming packets now :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #114

And what about delay the event one more week, so things can be done more calmly? It’s not the kind of thing we want to be free with urgence!

(light_sh4v0r) #115

What time are we starting? I can be there from about 20:00 GMT if you need me.

(.Chris.) #116

[QUOTE=chr1s;207963]Date & Time:

Sunday 14th February, 6pm GMT onwards.


We now have two TV servers ready to go.

TV Servers

Orrie’s TV server (EU):

SuseFreak’s TV server (EU):

Just need main server setting up for them to do their thing.

(AnthonyDa) #117

Probably basics for a match, like pause, spectlock & so on.

(.Chris.) #118

Yeah need them turned on and if possible, limit on deployables, 2 of each type of deployable, for weapons, 2 of each heavy weapon and 2 snipers, basically the standard EU 6v6 config adapted to 8v8. Given the maps chosen I think the restrictions are fair and will reduce amount of spam significantly.

EDIT, team name for regulars will be ‘Nirvana’, nice and simple.

EDIT 2: Need vent server donatiing for Nirvana team, any offers? I hope you all have mics and aren’t shy!

(f34n0r) #119

fliers will be available?

(.Chris.) #120

Yes, fliers are allowed apart from on Maridia, dont want people using the anansi on there.