
(attack) #1

hi im new to the game(buyed it on amzon halt week ago). here some questions.why i can only see 2 full servers?and is there any competition ongoing.i have on one server always jumping ping like 100-150.a good config also would help me :D.
im looking forward to recieving your answer soon

(Kl3ppy) #2

Well, no. 2-4 Server are left and no competition at all. There is a thread with cfg in it, just search for it :wink:

(HEFO) #3

I greet you,does anyone ARE servers that are running this game online?

(Khamul) #4

I remember draft cup, a lot amazing matches :stuck_out_tongue: . Mutkis !

(Rex) #5

I don’t think anyone ARE servers online.

(Gvardman) #6

I am servers online <3

(light_sh4v0r) #7

I am mostly useless. But I can be servers online if I want to.

(Dthy) #8

I can servers be if onlined needed.

(Gradis) #9

im server down

(ASD) #10

I am server happy new year

(jopjop) #11

oh ive missed this <3

(YumYum) #12

what is this

(j4b) #13

its not a bug :>

(Kl3ppy) #14

what server this?

(Dope) #15

wtf is goin on over here?

(.N.E.R.D.) #16

12 Euro 80 bitte

(Kl3ppy) #17

nich lieber 2mak fuffzig?

(Dthy) #18

Un Chien et Merde.

(Donatien) #19

Couldn’t resist to log in to say that you don’t see people playing because you are 4-5 years late to the party, as i missed this golden thread.

(Ecano) #20

I reinstalled and played yesterday a bit. And I would like to highlight the heroic attitude of people that is still engage with this awesome game.

For the Makron! :cool: