Oh yeah baby!
Can someone clue me in on the tapirs, so I too would be hip to them?
Or is that one of those long cold journeys that each man must take on his own?
Oh yeah baby!
Can someone clue me in on the tapirs, so I too would be hip to them?
Or is that one of those long cold journeys that each man must take on his own?
once again, tapirs replaced multi-hued mini-equines as forum muses
originally taken from my post in several forums about SD’s new game being MLP:CE (My Little Pony:Combat Edition)
I had completely forgotten about the My Little Pony game.
P.S. blue-green snow covered terrain reminds me of a tropical raspberry paradise.
MLP:CE, eh?
Have you pitched it to EA?
The MLP BF2. Sounds about right for their target audience.
I’ll stick with Tapirs, they sound better over here…
Although that said the Aardvark is better still.
It looks like something out of the Quake universe and even the name sound hard.
You can kind of imagine the Strogg having one on a lead.
i’m not so sure about that pony stuff, the contrast pony/gdf is a bit too high imo. maybe the ponys should get horns n such, or the gdf should get flowers
The Empire strikes back - again.
we had to remove the screenshots from our page because their not approved for online use yet. :moo:
send them the pony pic with my regards and tell them to approve that
and then you might want to ask them how serious they want to get into totally pissing their fanbase off. i mean, do they at least want us to buy the game when it comes out? :uhoh:
i think it’s time to ask id a question in general. anyone got an email address of todd hollenshead?
Not sure why PC-Action can show them.
They only do what they think it’s the best for the game.
They don’t think about the wish of the fans for more info.
Problem is that activision isn’t giving much information or publishing screenshots.
Would be nice if there would be a time based info (may be monthly) about the game.
I think it’s as follows.
Activision is paying id.
id is paying SD.
So activision is the boss.
ETQW is an id game, Activision are publishing it. id have final say on everything, as with everything they do.
obviously activision has someone who monitors the fan-websites, question is: looking for what?
@planetquakewars: you could link to that pc-action article on the web, if you’re still in the mood for that :uhoh:
just check the PCAction link again! the pics are removed from their page too…
lol, i just checked the date. the article and images on pc-action were from 21.08.2006, the whole mess started yesterday when i created the thread here on the forum. guess pc-action will blame me now soz, pals!
ps @ activision: don’t forget to tell google to flush their online cache
oliver gubba (oliver@step-3.com) monitors the fan-websites…
for fan-websites no fun anymore :bump: