new screenshots

(Joe999) #1

although they are old for pc-action readers, they might be new to some of you:

just click on the thumbnails. they are the ones that nullskillz mentioned some time ago.

the first screenshot makes me think that instead of human pyramids like in ET, there will be parachute pyramids in QW. btw: does the CO have a smokecan again? :smiley:

(Doeden) #2

They are new to me! Fantastic find, thanks Joe :wink:

(Loffy) #3

The chute has a proper slide (above head)! The attention to detail is incredible! Didn’t know about these screenshots before, thx!

(figvam) #4

Nice screenshots, though they are clearly photoshopped (or “digitally enhanced”) - the first screehshot (in the city) has a different gamma and overall greenish hue compared to its previous incarnations on the other sites.
And, what a BF2142 and Quake4 screenies are doing there? (last two ones)

(Joe999) #5

the non-qw-related shots belong to the article that came with the shots. seems pc-action always modify their shots, they did so as well in the last article that they wrote about qw and prey.

(fattakin) #6

love that street scene one!

(Isabel Lucas) #7

Nice screens but whats happend to the graphcs quality?

Were these guys using low settings or have SD reduced quality as some of these are quite poor eg look at the blur, poor detail on these 2:

Look more as if they’re scanned out of a comic book that screenshot from a game.


(U.K.Visuals) #8

thanks for this screens Joe999, i didnt know them before!

(Wils) #9

Apparently snow is teal in 2065 :slight_smile:

(Black_Forky) #10

Maybe the Strogg should have a blue dye weapon? :smiley:

(BrightSoul) #11

It’s due to the poor JPG compression, I think.

Still, nice shots :clap:

(JamieL) #12

New shots here too…


(Fab) #13

Does anyone know where i can find these unmarked? :angry: :angry: :banghead:

(Loffy) #14

“No one shall be subjected to… cruel… treatment…�.
(The UN’s Declaration of Human Rights, Article 5.)
Come on, hurry up with the release pliz.

(senator) #15

Aaaargh, enough with the screenshot already, there is only so much excitement I can build up, and I won’t be held responsible for anything if pushed over the edge :smiley:

(jah) #16




[random naab comment]crappy gfx, crappy explosions, crappy weapons, crappy physics (straffejumping? cmon, that’s lame), crappy textures.[/random naab comment]

looks oh so pretty :slight_smile: gj! glad to see a new map in the works (well, it’s new for me :slight_smile: )


(SirToastaLot) #17

Those new screenshots look good, is graphic fidelity all that important when you’re playing a smooth-running game online?
Battlefield 2 looked relatively good (last year) but my god did it chug…

(Isabel Lucas) #18

Those new screenshots look good, is graphic fidelity all that important when you’re playing a smooth-running game online?
Battlefield 2 looked relatively good (last year) but my god did it chug…

Yeah but it had the BF2 engine, no mega texture and graphics cards were less advanced than they are now.

Sure not everyone may be able to run ETQW on high but thats what graphic settings are for. Whlst gameplay is the most important factor, to me realistic graphics are important also and provided SD make provision for those whith lower systems, I don’t see why they can’t have cutting edge graphics for those with pcs at the top of the food chain.

I’m also hoping their ping compensation system will be good as I’m sick of shooting someone to have them either kill me by shooting after or die 1 second after I finished firing.

(nUllSkillZ) #19

And BF2 does not have tapirs.
Nor BF2142 will.

There is an interesting statement about netcode in the second developer diary.

(BrokenHeart) #20

New to me, those screens. And very neat! Good one!