My comments on the ET QW demo

(}_50Æ{_|ñeا†yl) #1

Simply awesome. I mean, this is a fantastic game, far more inovative than most. I could seriosuly have played it for the whole night, no problem, but I dragged myself away to provde an assesment.

Here ares oemthigns I wish would change.

  1. Kind of a nitpick, but when you die, your pack back ovften clipst rough the ground.

  2. In the demo map, in the side entrance to the tunnel (closest to the GD F base) the application of the knife to the wall yields a wierd flashing effect.

  3. When the strogg flyier shoots it’s plasma, the glow doesn’t seem to be properly attached to the shots… This becomes mroe evident as they approach you.

(ArmouredFist) #2

but i am still downloading it as i write pray for me that it will run please
my birth day is comeing up maybe mum will buy me a new pc :open_mouth:

(ayatollah) #3

I…love…it. It brings a tear to my eye. This is the game I had hoped for, and more, and we only have one map!

Thank you SD, thank you!

(P4nth3r) #4

Well I think it’s no better then BF2142 and I think BF2142 sux.
The maps are too big, most of the time you can’t see what you are shooting at, only a name with a color.
The whole Wolfenstein: ET feeling isn’t there.
Splashdamage should never had left the WW2 gerne, Q4 & BF2142 are for little kids.

I can go on, but I leave it with this, I’m gonna get flamed anyway.

Greetz Panther

(kamikazee) #5

It’s not my intent to flame you, but this game was never meant to be W:ET, it’s a successor to W:ET and I think it did it right.

Maps are big, but objectives are still relatively close to each other. I don’t know what map you’ve been playing, but if you can’t see what you’re shooting at, I think you are just too far behind on the objective rush.

Except for some 30.000-60.000 people who were in the beta, most players are new to this game. So please keep in mind that strategies are not always laid out and people might just be too clueless now.
I might be wrong, but I think you aren’t giving this game enough time.

Of course, it is up to you if you don’t want to play this game nor mod it. It does cost money.

(P4nth3r) #6

Well it ET:QW is suppost to be better then W:ET then in my eyes they failed.
Bigger isn’t always better.
Al the vehicles and big maps make it too much like BF2142.
I enjoyed the gun fights in ET, just humanoid to humanoid. ^^
Now it will be a struggle who get’s in the vehicles or otherwise get some big guns to destroy them. =/

If they wanted to improve W:ET then they should have just have to make a few new campaigns, more weapons and classes and better graphics and you’re done.
Now they just changed the W:ET gameplay feel too much for me to enjoy.
I’m sorry but no way in hell i’ll be playing this game even if I got it for free. =(
I rather go back to RTCWdemo which game play is better then this game.

Greetz Panther

(cheesecake) #7

you just need to get used to the new game think of it like a new pair of shoes. Its just not like your old ones even though they look alot better they just arent as comforatble but after a we while you brake them and you find out that they are SOO much better. The same thing for quake wars start the game up get a feal for the new game try out all the gun and play if for a little bit longer remember that its not the same game and after a while you will get used to your new game.

Sorry I wont do another shoe analogy again.

(Joe999) #8

will you buy it?

(Loffy) #9

Did you play only GDF and only during warmup? The things with ETQW is the face paced multiplayer magic with two assymetric teams.

(kamikazee) #10

@P4nth3r: Allow me to pick your post apart, you seem to make a lot of statements in one go.

You seem to reject the idea of vehicles completely, instead of looking at how ET:QW did it.

For starters, the big maps are barely a problem with the speed the players are running.
Secondly, vehicles are not that dominant as they may seem from the BF series, ET:QW at least allows you to destroy them with regular gunfire.

And to end: you can disable vehicles completely. (Except for the MCP of course, which is an objective.)

And what would the game be then other than some mod or expansion pack compared to the original? I think mods have done this as well over the past few years, and some are of high quality standards.

Somehow, ET players seem to be able to grasp the gameplay concepts easier than players from other games, so I would comment the ET gameplay is still there.

It’s waiting for you to be discovered. :wink:

(P4nth3r) #11

ZZZZ, i’m not gonna respond to all the positive babble about ET:QW.

I emptied 3 clips of machine gun and all my pistol clips on a vehicle and it still had 15% of his health left. So goodbye destoying vehicle with normal weapons.
It’s not that I am against vehicles, I love to play Desert Combat.

Yeah, the running speed another issue and everytime I DO run into a guy at medium or close range the fight is over in 1 second. (Boring)

I haven’t seen 1 decent mod that made a few new campaigns, much more weapons and classes, still staying true to the wolfenstein world.

Oh well, bla bla, I don’t like this game, I will never buy it, never play it again and I hope that RTCW2 don’t disapoint me like this game.

Greetz Way2Evil

(InGameAdsSuck) #12

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass, P4nth3r.

I wasn’t in the betas. I started playing the demo when it came out, and was totally UNimpressed. Kinda disappointed really, after waiting so long.

On day two I was thinking, “Well, ok. It’s not that bad really.”

By day three I finally came around and was really feeling the gameplay and seeing the ET style of play shine through, and having lots of fun. cheesecake’s shoe analogy is a good one.

I think P4nth3r got 0wned so he’s taking his ball and going home.

(kamikazee) #13

I think there’s no need to go from over-positive to a “kthxbye” mentality either…

But agreed, you need to give the game some time before you get used to it’s “quirks”.

(Joe999) #14

so you don’t even consider to support the devs who created the game that you’ve been playing and enjoying for free for years now? instead you come to their forum and bash their new one? :roll:

(carnage) #15

The maps are too big, most of the time you can’t see what you are shooting at, only a name with a color.

i never though this, i don’t think any of the objectives are further away from the GDF spawn than the bridge is on fuel dump and with vehicles and faster moving its not really a problem

the comparison of BF2 vehicles to QW ones is unfair. In BF2 unless your an AT guy your pretty much screwed. QW you got play smart trying to disable the vehicles rather than outright destroy them. Even the tough ones like tanks and walkers still take a beating from grenades and don’t forget you can even attach HE charges to them if you get close enough

I wouldn’t say that QW is as fun as W:ET was in its prime but QW is still yet to peak a lot of players on the demo are still very new to the game some to the franchise and its going to take some time before teams can start coordinating better instead of randomly bumping around the map trying out tanks and stuff. Even as a experienced W:ET player i found it very confusing at first with so much going on and not recognizing anyhting

(amazinglarry) #16

Hmm… my only real problem with the game is that stupid server launcher bug :smiley: Well that, and after I play Strogg for too long, when I come back to the GDF side I feel the machine gun shoots in bursts. I don’t know if that’s really the case or not but if it’s shooting in a constant fluid stream it should at least sound or feel like it. It throws off my aim completely somehow.

(obsidian) #17

I’ve been playing this game since beta 1 and I’m still loving it even though I’ve only played 2 maps. I’ve only played W:ET casually, but I can already see the similarities between the two games.

It does take some time to get used to as was W:ET, since there is so much going on and the current range of players on the demo are pretty noobish. Someone I play ETQW with commented today, “so many people attempted the ol bf2 prone right in front of me trick”. But I think it’s easier to pick up than W:ET was what with all the on screen objectives and such.

You may want to spectate or play against the bots for a few rounds to get an idea of the objectives and some of the tactics that you need to counter against certain threats like vehicles. Everything has a strength and weakness so it’s a bit like a very complicated game of rock, paper, scissors.

(zenith-ply) #18

Fwiw I had a run w. the demo the other night. a64 3500+ (e6 venice), asus eax 1950 pro (all stock atm) on 8.30 asus cats etc. running just fine. Good job on the bots. Think I caught one spinning and another failing to negotiate a stair rail by vibrating around, either way keep up the good work. Thx.

(P4nth3r) #19

Ahhh, the flaming starts. I feel the nice warmth already. ^^
Bring it on.

First of all, Quake bores the shit out of me, the best part of Quake4 was when you get turned in a Strogg and the only thing you could do was watch there (say anough)

I’ll probably give this game another try when I’m really really bored in about a year or something.

And don’t talk to me about now supporting SD, I’ve modded my ass of, could my own servers and played loads of competitions in W:ET.
I think I supported them enough.

Greetz Panther aka Way2Evil

(Joe999) #20

so basically because SD created an awesome game that attracts a lot of people who play it in a community, you are supporting it by playing it as well (for free). your attitude sucks.